I do not have the statistics in front of me but last year there were a lot of mispelled words, and pencils were involved in a lot of them!
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They showed me a barage of pics when they got home. Wow what a beautiful king. That is the type of fish to put on the wall. Real short but too wide to fit in the cooler the normal way. A true monarch of a male king salmon and I'm sure the captains from viking and bericia will agree. Even though only 32lb it was a near perfect fish.
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Fished virtually all week with lots of kings hitting the deck caught anywhere from 70 fow to 300 fow.
On Saturday the 300 wire pulling a spinny and twinkie rig took off and didnt slow until the line counter read 950' after a 30 minute battle Ramona put this 32lb 10oz in the cooler and also on the loc derby board just enough to make 20th place but good enough for a daily big fish.
All fish were caught on Owner 3/0 trebles.
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Would you consider a trade on my 1998' 265 pro hunter with slight water damage? Its in the water now!
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Its the same where I live in th ev pine creek valley. When I grab the fly gear and head "up the crick" everyone is from new york, maryland, jersey, etc..
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I've been fishing lake o for 25 years anf I'm from pennsylvania. When I talk to somebody at the marina I just assume they are from PA, because most of them are. In our marina (arneys) most of the boats that actually get used are from other pennsylvanians and the ones that never leave the slips are usually very local. Granted there are quite a few new yorkers with boats that fish but most of the ski/tube/leisure boats that have ny registration only run memorial weekend, 4th of july, and labor day weekend.
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You don't need special eyelets but after a few years it wikl wear your tips out. It comes in 7 strand and 19. Its essential for salmon fishing in the summer months.
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I agree they are ball park what I would consider trophy.
I set the taxidermy bar high f or myself because I could be in a situation where id have to chose between 500 worth of neat shiny new fishing gear or a fish I could put on the wall to look at.
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We run 4 dipseys 2 riggers and sometimes 2 coppers. The only time we pull anything is if we suspect a big fish we pull one of the riggers so we have more space for netting. Otherwise we let them all just keep fishing.
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Trophy sized and taxidermy sized could be 2 different things.
Taxidermy sizes for me would be:
King: 40
Brown: 18
Steelhead: 20 (caught 1 @ 21lbs a few years ago that I wanna have replicated)
Laker: mehh...
Coho: 15
Atlantic: 18
Sheephead: all are trophies
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Here ya go. The boat owner is have trouble with his photobucket app so he asked me to post these.
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Id say it depends what else you plan to hunt with it. Killing turkeys doesn't require much but if you waterfowl also id take that into consideration over turkeys.
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Make sure you pack some j plugs. Later on in that week there may be kings heading for the chute.
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Nick maybe ronny will let ya take one of his blue guys for a ride. They are like the opposite of bananas.
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I'm not sure a lot of details but my gang (Half Wired) is putting together an impressive box full out there. Chad told me the cooler is FULL.
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Well we have had ours awhile they must be the original ones. 3/0 size have caughts loads of fish without a bend.
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