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gander lander

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Everything posted by gander lander

  1. Nick, in light of fathers day, do you think jeremy will let the old man wrestle with one today? [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  2. Andy are you posting now? tomorrow is a whole new day. looks like it was a nice evening! [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  3. yea, im definetely interested in helping. thats my weekend off too. let me know how i can help and i will also talk to chad tomorrow when i take feed up for the pheasants.. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  4. yea, i missed pretty much the whole spring. but kayci from warrens kept hounding me to get up and fish cause it was rockin but never had the minute. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  5. nick maybe try takin a look the other direction over where we slayed them the last few days of fall derby last year if ya still have those waypoints. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  6. Oh man, doubles and triples on 30 pounders all day long would sure be messy! probably get pretty pricey on gear too! [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  7. Nick, Kelly wanted me to ask if you and your wife are gonna be up anytime between july 7th and the 15th. aside from one weekend a month thats the only stretch of time im gonna get at the helm this season. Cant believe i missed the big migration bite this year! same as last year the cut bait ruled the day! were gonna bring spence along to play with tavian. New job has really put the screws to my great lakes trolling. i think 10 days will give me a good opportunity to get back in the swing of things rather than a day here and there. something how that works. last year i lived at arneys and this year minimal trips.
  8. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):6/9_6/10 Time on Water: Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: too many to count Total Boated: near 80 Species Breakdown:Kings! and a few Steelies Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Breaking it down Why Knot: had 25 on saturday between morning and evening. and 11 sunday. (only morning) Half Wired: 21 on saturday between morning and evening trips and 24 sunday morning only. Of 81 fish 15kings scaled 20# plus. biggest 26lb. Fish came on anything that was trolled. mostly a wire bite for half wired 250-300' on 2 1/2 setting. biggest taker by far accounting for more than 75% of the strikes was eerie deerie cutbait trolled behind twinkie twinkie meat rigs in greens and purples. also diehard spoons and spooks of all colors. Fishing was by far the best its been in early june for years! grand passage. all fish on sunday were released except one that was a bleeder.
  9. Now I'm hungry for prime rib. Thanks [ Post made via iPod ]
  10. Both broke right at the release. Think they were being weakened by putting the same leads out everytime. We were just glad we didn't lose near as much stuff as Ruff Rider. Haha [ Post made via iPod ]
  11. I figured the hook size would confirm. Not to Many guys rig their flies with hooks like that. We like them cause they are virtually indestructible. [ Post made via iPod ]
  12. I tied that rig just the other day. Siggs pulse gd with a 4/0 owner treble. Musts been hooked good. [ Post made via iPod ]
  13. That looks painful! [ Post made via iPod ]
  14. I figured by the screen we had all week the kings would be in very soon. [ Post made via iPod ]
  15. Another high 20s fish I guess. [ Post made via iPod ]
  16. That is about their 10th good rip today [ Post made via iPod ]
  17. Can't even believe it. I come home and the half wired boat is whacking big boys like it's going out of style! [ Post made via iPod ]
  18. here ya go guys, no more teasing. *request PM for image..... thanks for keeping it "family friendly"
  19. fishing is just as good or better than years past. evening bite has been best for majors. lots of steelies around and cohos should be in attendance now or very soon. good luck, dont be afraid to take a peak deep.
  20. I know I know guys sorry. Maybe a frontal to come later hah. Nick she gets sick very easily on water [ Post made via iPod ]
  21. Filling the boat is always painful. This year we had a couple lakers we killed and they were much better than browns! [ Post made via iPod ]
  22. Nick, you runnin bells and spin n glo's on the wire? I didn't think Brandon was a laker guy! Only a friendly jab. I think I recall him accusing me of running bells a little earlier this year [ Post made via iPod ]
  23. last weekend my wife and i went up for a long weekend not really planning on doing much fishing but we did get the chance to get on the water for a few hours over the course of a couple days. we fished pretty well together as she fought and landed 5 for 5. a coho, an atlantic, and 3 kings. but the wire line was epic. she got the fight of her life unfortunately she was afraid to hold the fish for a picture so i had to. it was mid 20s i had it on the scale for a second but didnt get a reading as it started gushing blood all over the deck. Stu, Half Wired
  24. I saw between north and west at 15-20 mph. Gonna get bumpy! [ Post made via iPod ]
  25. You know it! That bigger king we had was very very dark. [ Post made via iPod ]
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