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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. I once was fishing in 60 ft of water on Seneca Lake for perch in the Fall with ultralight rods with one rod in a holder and had doubles of perch on the other rod I had in my hand and got up quickly from my seat and my knee knocked the other rod out of the holder and into the water where it sank to the bottom. A few months later while jerking copper for lake trout in Spring in the same area (and having forgotten about the rod) I caught onto what I thought was a tree limb or something and pulled up my rod that had my name engraved on the reel. I took it apart when I got home and cleaned it real good and I still have it today. Thankfully it was before the Zebra mussels arrived on the scene.
  2. Might want to do a search on here for the info. or contact Rob (Legacy) on here he put a lot of work into a detailed chart of the specs relating to line spooling and did a great job of it.
  3. vegetable or olive oil will work and shouldn't degrade the o ring. A little bit goes a long way
  4. I think I might be double checking the calibration of my temp device with that 37 degree reading
  5. Robin you have a PM
  6. Both of us speaking from the heart.
  7. I don't know when I've enjoyed a thread as much. You guys have the true spirit! i spent 22 years out there in my 13 ft. Whaler and your descriptions sure bring back some fond memories of life out in the shipping lanes chasing steelies etc. Despite what some folks may think small boats can "do it all" (and in some cases maybe even more) Best of luck out there. Hey Low Baller as far as the water temp thing goes before I got my X4D I used the Fishawk TD and still use it for other things (one is for sale on here right now)....a lot better than nothing. I attached to a downrigger and recorded the temps down to 100 or so feet and then reviewed and set lines accordingly...gives you 5 ft interval temps anyway and a lot cheaper than the X series.
  8. Best of luck Charlie P. Truly hope things improve for you. I'm sure a lot of folks on here have had serious back issues (including me) and fully sympathize with your situation. Your comment regarding enjoying things while healthy is not something to be taken for granted. Life is full of "ups and downs" but health issues can really bring things into perspective. We sometimes get caught up in the moment and place too much emphasis in our "toys" etc. but in the final analysis we are all "renters" not owners as we can't take the stuff with us and the memories we have of our "adventures" and times out there with our friends and family are what really count....something never to be taken for granted.
  9. I'd give this a try. The 200 khz cone angle is VERY narrow and if reduced by the CHIRP could explain the problem. The 83 khz setting has a much wider cone angle and should show your weight under normal trolling speeds
  10. The 49 L (or M for mariner) is basically a salt water reel formerly used for deep water jigging in the ocean and subsequently used for freshwater Seth Green rigs. It is a very large (and heavy) reel which has a pretty smooth drag but needs support on the rod with a rod clamp. When used in usual rod holders it tends to flop over unless a notch is put in the holder to hold the bottom of the reel seat. The Penn 309 generally replaced the use of the 49 for most anglers using the Seth Green in the mid eighties. It is a much lighter reel (lighter frame etc.) with a louder drag clicker but not as smooth generally. The more modern or recent 309's have replaced the steel spool with a black plastic spool but are otherwise the same as the old ones although long term tension of wire placed directly on the reel spool is a question mark so it may be wise to put on a short amount of mono first to cushion it. Here are pics of each:
  11. They can also be run from just a reel such as the A and S automatic ( and hand lined) and the old timers used a wooden hand line receptacle and rolled up dacron line or braid 9some even used leadcore) that had bead chains integrated in it at intervals and the leaders were coiled up on the floor in the boat or wrapped up on small wooden blocks or heavy duty cardboard. There were also large circular wheel types that could be mounted to the bench seat of the old boats and the leaders rolled up on the wheel as the lures were taken off the leaders (it is what I started with.....and no I didn't fish with Seth Green). The technique was developed it the late 1800's right here on the Finger lakes by the namesake Seth Green ....also the guy that started the first fish hatchery in NYS at Caledonia, NY. back then.
  12. nickihoyboy you have a PM
  13. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Scotty-Trolling-Snaps-Stainless-Steel-Small-2-Per-Pack/36593815?wmlspartner=wmtlabs&adid=22222222222024784080&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=e&wl1=o&wl2=c&wl3=10363812469&wl4=pla-4578778763113124&wl5=&wl6=&wl7=& wl10=Walmart&wl12=36593815_10001022516&wl14=Scotty cable snaps&veh=sem&msclkid=f726c3d0286b1e8c4c8e9eaeb711b462 or: https://www.jannsnetcraft.com/net-making/gang-line-clips-trotlines-stainless-steel.aspx
  14. Duolock snaps?
  15. Sk8man

    Sold / Closed 2002 Parker 2510

    Parker's are very much a top of the line beautiful boat and it is what I would be in if I weren't such a Whaler nut
  16. Here is an example of a couple of slightly different setups (and there are others)
  17. Oops wrong mess Guess they only exist in memory for the rigs Stan
  18. Here is a crude representation (drawn with a mouse) of the basic system. There are many variations possible.
  19. For those folks not familiar with the cartridge/weapon or wondering how it compares with the .308 here is a pretty good article https://thebiggamehuntingblog.com/65-creedmoor-vs-308-winchester/
  20. Good luck with it garrymny ....hope it all works out well and safely
  21. Yeah my favorite car of all time the 57 Chevy Bel Aire black with silver trim 283 or 327 engine
  22. Yep they also made a flasher than I still have down cellar someplace
  23. I think Gill-T has a plausible explanation or possibly a submerged band of algae traveling in the underwater current or at the upper region of the thermocline.
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