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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Nice going Matt. Looks like the learning curve just got shorter
  2. Heading there tomorrow so I'll try to give a report on things.
  3. Nice going and report Brian. That smoked salmon can be very additive bud. Once got sick because I couldn't stay away from it and ate a whole side of a salmon during the course of one day Luckily I have a bit more self control now
  4. It may sound strange but I think most of the above is true and accurate. Cayuga has in my memory always been a more eutrophic (nutrient rich) lake than say Skaneateles or even Seneca (until recently anyway). The greenish cast to the color in summer months was even there in various shades seventy years ago when my folks rented a cottage each year at the north end. There has always been various levels or concentrations of algae present but what has changed is the concentrations which can be "pooled" by wind and currents and often locate in any bays or places along the shoreline or even out deeper where the currents may not be running as strong because of the depth and lack of structure. The things that bulletbob mentioned as things affecting the lake (and all the lakes I believe) are very real and they have disturbed the natural balance and equilibrium within these bodies of water. in many of the Finger Lakes. Recent over runs of sewage treatment plants cannot be dismissed as significant factors either.on Seneca and Cayuga or the numbers of people especially older cottages existing before the current regs emptying raw sewage into the lakes secretly against codes etc. are also part of the problem. The higher ambient temps. of the summer months amplify things and increase the concentrations, but the increased sunlight combined with it also serves to increase photosynthesis and the things microorganisms use to grow including the plankton/zooplankton that baitfish feed on and I think this may be part of the problem on Seneca....not enough predators combined with increased algae and microorganisms expanding the baitfish population. Not all of the coloration in the water is for example blue/green algae it can be these other necessary organisms concentrated in areas and within the thermocline. Just my take on it. The big question for me is: Will these lakes naturally "reset" at some point in this process? ( and return some degree of balance to this out of control situation as it seems beyond the control of humans at present).
  5. WTG Jeremy and company. Nice work!
  6. Adding lead to the environment is not a great idea in any case but at least I don't think the ducks and birds would chow down on them by accident
  7. We wanted to check out the new dock at the public launch and do some king fishing so we were on the water about 5;30 AM My buddy John who is an excellent walleye and perch guy had never fished for the kings so we got after them. First of all the new dock seems like a massive improvement over the old piece of crap that was there and appears to be made out of Trex or something like it rather than wood. I forgot to snap a pic of it unfortunately. We went 5 for 5 all kings. started in 127 and first fish came about 20 minutes into it and off a downrigger set at 70 in 139 ft of water carbon 14 (which took three of the 5 kings. and 4 came on riggers in about the 70 down 2.4 mph. Two kings came in 288 ft and 308 ft. respectively the first on Rigger/carbon 14 and second on flasher fly (green and glow Pro Trol E-chip with home made green fly) and it was our only wire hit. He weighed 19 lbs. One of the others was low to mid twenties and another one that weighed 18 lbs. We caught two "skippy" kings out in the 300 plus range today and they looked healthy as heck. They both hit the Carbon 14 Magnum spoon on the rigger. We released the mid twenties one and he took off great right after the pic and also the two skippies all unharmed. The two teens were spent so a pal fishing solo out there wanted them and we gave them to him. John didn't like holding the fish for fear of getting his shirt dirty so I did the honors while my buddy fisherdude took the pic Thanks Brian.
  8. Two skippys today at Sodus...they were out in 306 ft of water Looked very healthy.
  9. I'll be there tomorrow as well Thanks for the report pappy.
  10. Jeremy is a real good example of what LOU is really all about.....loving a sport, putting your heart into it, sharing with others, and being a good sport. Kids are the future of America and the future of the sport of fishing as well and early positive exposure to it is the key.
  11. I thought about not responding to this suggestion but after thinking about it I decided to pipe in I know a lot of folks like to 'cheap out" on things and I may be guilty on occasion myself with some things but not this one. Fishing line of any kind is probably the most important part of a set-up and it has to be strong enough and long enough for the job. Stranded wire is no exception to this and when using the standard 30 lb test wire the full 1,000 ft is the norm for many good reasons such as achieving the desired depth with minimal line out and less water resistance than monofilament, leadcore or braided copper and getting down to where the fish are. Most of us are glad to have the 1,000 ft. capacity without getting into the backing which is primarily on there for possible hang-ups on the bottom as much as anything. Seldom does an unruly king spool the 1,000 ft of wire and the backing serves its purpose tucked away until needed. Using less wire especially 333 ft subjects the connection of the wire to backing connection to undue wear (unnecessary potential failure point) because most of us frequently exceed the 333 ft. length with our dipsy set-ups getting down to where the fish are. Depending on the particular diver used some may not get past 100 ft. with that 333ft.setup so if fishing for Chinooks or lakers in the summer months you may be missing out on a lot of fish.A thousand foot of wire is usually less than $50.00 and it lasts a long time when properly taken care of. The practice outlined may not be saving as much as you expect if you have just one failure with the usual equipment attached.
  12. For folks interested in info on these chemicals: http://www.glfc.org/lampricide.php https://umesc.usgs.gov/documents/publications/2003/dawson_a_2003.html
  13. Might have better stability of transducer if use a suction cup (I think they have them at Lowes)
  14. Most impeller driven speed indicators differ slightly and it can be especially pronounced at the extreme low end and high end of the range of operation
  15. Good advice Murphy.....you wouldn't be sorry. In addition to the latest info has some nice tackle there too some of which is hard to find in other of the places around here.
  16. Hope it wasn't because too many idiots were creating wakes. we saw some of them the other day both in channel and in the bay itself A couple even went full tilt back to the ramp passing us to get in before us when we were going 5 mph. Takes all kinds I guess.
  17. Good report....nothing like family life and entertaining in-laws eh Bob?
  18. We are looking forward to it and hope to see some LOU folks there.....kinda like the LOU-all a few years ago. The South Seneca Sportsman's Club is a real nice venue too.
  19. Guess that new boat is getting a good workout Bill
  20. Good going .....sure doesn't get any better than that
  21. Great pic of the lighthouse and you were hanging with the right folks they know their stuff
  22. Nice report Keith and sounds as though you guys had a great time of it......kings rock!
  23. Problem comes when you are solo and the hook is in your hand or wrist. I once had Rapala hook in my shoulder fishing solo without a shirt on. Asked a guy at launch to take needle nosed pliers and bring the hook back through skin so barb exposed and then cut the barb. He said " I think I'm going to be sick" so I loaded my boat on trailer and went to E/R. I said to nurse "this is a little embarrassing" and she said. Oh this is nothing....we had a guy in here about a half hour ago that had a treble hook embedded in his butt and we had to cut his pants off to remove it" I left feeling a bit better.
  24. I use Church walleye boards for 300 or less without problems as long as it isn't real rough water just running spoons or sticks without attractors from them.
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