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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Mike is exactly right. I would only add that the velocity of the wind from any direction can become critical. At about 10 mph the lakes will develop white caps from the north and south direction and the waves will build as you go further from either direction so if you are in a small boat it can become real important because it can be deceptive the closer to land you are in the prevailing wind condition. Keuka Lake is a bit of an oddity as it is kind of like fishing three different lakes because of the three branches orientation. On the west branch a strong west wind can become like a north or south is on the other two branches. The larger Finger Lakes are nothing to mess around with in a small boat if the wind is strong regardless of direction. The exception might be hunkering down in a carefully selected cove or bay in which the wind is blocked by land form elements such as steep banks and/or significantly elevated treeline which exist on some of the lakes.
  2. And sometimes it is because he is breathing (and not even hard breathing)
  3. Another potential disaster is all the boats that watch them from boats that travel in the dark full blast after fireworks. It happens every year on Canandaigua and I've seen it x 10 at Alexandria Bay.
  4. baitballin you seem to be on the right track and your comments above should be taken as a mature response to the situation and you deserve respect for doing that. Sometimes the emotions get in the way of things with some issues on LOU and most of us have regretted our exact wording and things said while emotions were running high....a lot of it relates to human nature. You also hit on something that is often overlooked and that is the intention conveyed in written wording and how it is perceived by a diverse audience. Whether email message, forum comments, or even written lettersw to people they have serious limitations from a communication standpoint. During actual face-to-face conversations you have the benefit of assessing someone's facial expressions, their tone of voice, and even their physical behavior. It is a reason that humor of various types can easily be misunderstood online for example. The important thing is that misunderstandings and /or misrepresentation of actual intentions are straightened out to the best of one's ability....that is the hallmark of personal maturity. We all need to maintain a recognition of the limitations of written responses, learn from our mistakes along the way, and try to be tolerant of others when issues get blown out of perspective. We are all learning here regardless of age, experience, or level of expertise and we share a common goal of making our sport better through our efforts.
  5. I hope you are right about 2021 but it may be quite optimistic given the numbers seen of adults already in the fishery. Also it will depend on any further planned treatments and the subsequent success/failure of them;one treatment isn't going to do it.
  6. I was messing with ya I knew it was a typo
  7. Might be a bit pricey for many folks
  8. The water is generally less than 15 ft. until a few miles from the park south (near Canoga). When we camp at the park I launch out of Dean's Cove which is also on the west side of the lake down a few miles south from the park. There is a good launch ramp there and you park in the elevated lot above and there is a payment kiosk both at the top parking area and down near the ramp itself. I believe the fee is $7.00 (I have an Empire pass) so I am assuming the $7.00 fee amount).
  9. Yeah and someone doing it doesn't have to exercise or workout any more either
  10. x2 on Whaler1 and Gamblers statements.
  11. The only time the lampreys are vulnerable is in the amocoete (larval) stage so treatment timing is crucial to reducing their numbers. The timing and weather conditions can also relate to long term effectiveness as flooding on breeder streams allows the spawning adults to get over barriers as well. It takes several years after treatment to see major results or treatment impact in reducing their numbers as there are always various year class adults in the lake
  12. Brian gave you some real good advice. Something I would add is that long coppers take a long time to reel in even with the right gear ratio reels.This can be significant if you have inexperienced or young folks reeling them in. Additionally it can be hard on the fish if you intend to release them. You can also get increased depth on shorter dedicated coppers such as 200's and 300's by adding snap weights to them shortening the distance in reeling them in. You can get an estimate of how much weight does what to them by attaching a Fishhawk TD setup at a given speed say 2.0 mph. Notice that I said "estimate" because that is just what it is as is running them clean because there are a lot of factors that govern how deep or shallow they actually run (e.g. variations in boat speed, underwater currents. what you have as a lure, use of attractors before the lure etc. and the TD itself) but it does give a better idea than just guessing.
  13. Looks like a great "immediately get started trout and salmon fishing" kit
  14. Goodness begets goodness Brian. They know you are a standup guy and hell of a fisherman as do the rest of us that know you.
  15. I agree Ray that the lampreys are a big problem on Seneca. Previous high water conditions in the areas where they spawn allowing them to spawn and get back out into the lake in years past are a part of the current situation. Many of these lampreys are good sized and they can live for 15 or more years so past problems are part of what is plaguing us now. You are also right about the treatment conditions having great impact as time goes on. The TFM needs to be applied at the right time and under the right weather/wind conditions and they aren't always "optimal" by any stretch of the imagination. It is reminiscent of the mid to late seventies when you could fish most of the day without seeing or catching a trout. There are however some other negative things at work in the lake too and it is my hunch that it is a combination of problems that has led to the current state of affairs. The lake (as with Keuka) has been undergoing composition changes that have degraded the water. As you mention farm run-off into the lake (manure/methane, phosphorus, and other chemicals some of which are 'bio-limiting" factors for photosynthesis and weed growth, some which affect the PH level of the water too. It has always been surprising to me that the DEC hasn't required berms of some sort at the edges of farmland and vineyards at the lake edges to reduce run-off. Another disturbing thing is the run-off of lawn pesticides and fertilizers from the highly increased residential development along the lake now. The algae blooms are probably a result of all these nutrients washing into the lake and congregating in certain areas. It has been rumored that the electric plant at Dresden may be cycling massive amounts of lake water without filter screens and if true that may be having an impact on fish numbers as well. The supposedly inadvertent dumping of raw sewage into the lake via the Keuka Outlet certainly hasn't helped lake quality either. Then...we get around to the Zebra, Quagga mussels and waterfleas which have further compounded matters by their filtering activity and zooplankton predation. We always look for a "silver bullet" or single simple answer to problems, but some situations such as these are more complicated and more difficult to fully identify even before figuring out any potential solutions. In the case of the zebras there is a potential chemical solution but it is not possible or feasible . because of the size of these bodies of water and related costs among other things. The out of balance alewife population occurring now doesn't help matters short terms either. Just my take on it....I'm not a scientist either
  16. The problems with Keuka seem to be a little more complicated than just laker imbalance and tanking of the alewife population. Both Keuka and Seneca have complex problems. The overpopulation of lake trout in Keuka sure didn't help things but the nature and character of the lake is changing. It is becoming much more nutrient rich with some of the wrong things. Same is true of Seneca. Keuka has for many years had a problem with chemicals from the vineyards and people's lawns washing into the lake and creating problems. The steep banks in most areas along the periphery of the lake don't help either. The introduction of Zebra and Quagga mussels into the lake more than likely sped up and increased the extent of the problems with increased water clarity out to greater depths. The type of grasses present has also changed with the increase of sunlight and photosynthesis penetrating deeper and the combination of increased sunlight substituting the the slimy green grass stuff replacing much of the native grass beds. To compound things the water fleas eat a lot of the zooplankton and phytoplankton that the small baitfish feed on and they don't survive well in that environment. The lake trout have out-competed the rainbows, browns and Atlantics because they are hardier and more diverse in their feeding habits (witness the predaton of perch and panfish now taking place). Two of the streams I used to fish for rainbows (Guyanoga and Cold Brook) are now in much different shape ( absence of previous "holes" in Cold brook, and presence of manure etc. in Guyanoga) these days so spawning there has probably taken a hit too. In short, the issue of walleye vs. trout/salmon may be a moot issue until some of these other things are properly addressed (if that is realistically possible).
  17. Don't look familiar but the red beads suggest they may be made by Red Eye Spoons which I believe has been under multiple ownerships over the years.
  18. Free ranging sliders 6-8 ft in length, good quality solid ring ball bearing swivel with medium length orange, red, or pink spoon run in the prop wash. Periodically abruptly increase boat speed, when changing out lures pop the downrigger and let the spoon flutter Cohos or steelies will love it.
  19. This thread is a good example of how unintentional sparks can turn into wildfires
  20. Nice going Steve. Good to see some active fish coming out of there.
  21. No experience with it so no guidance offered but you have my sympathy Keith...it sucks.
  22. Sweet Mike! You're hanging with the right guys man. Nice work. I hope to get up there soon been too busy with the perch.
  23. x2 on Nick https://www.reelstoriesfishingcharters.com/
  24. The take away from all this is that there is no single "optimal" setting. The setting you use for each one depends on where the fish seem to be located, the approximate depth you wish to achieve in relation to where the fish are how many dipsies you intend to run, and just how your boat is set up to run what you intend to put out there. It also matters what you are running behind the dipsies. Like most of the things encountered in trolling it can be as complicated as you wish to make it The most important thing is to keep effective separation of the dipsies when running more than one per side.
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