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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Hey cdgn looks like ours were "siblings" Hope we aren't creating more congestion than is already on the lake by showing them
  2. Sweet! Nice going.
  3. marinerak87 - I guess I should apologize for being too quick with the wording of my first post because now that I look at it it does appear to question your judgement and that was really not my intent. I was trying to illustrate a) that pics can be deceiving, and b) there is a way to estimate average weight based on length but these examples provided basically show that length is not the only variable. Some pics allow the belly to flop down while others can be compressed by the holding method and may influence judgment about weight estimates. Estimating chinook salmon another variable comes into the process the thickness of the back area combined with in the girth and going by just the length and overall appearance can be quite deceiving. During derbies I have seen 28 lb Chinooks estimated as possible 35 to 40 pound fish when rushed to the weigh station. The bottom line is only a certified scale weight will make an accurate final determination. To underscore the above examples of variability of weight with girth I offer this example of a Canandaigua brown of known length and certified weight (derby winner) that shows compression of the belly by holding, distance from the fish when pic taken, and that total length can be deceptive in coming up with a weight estimate. The length is 32 inches while the weight was 16.18 lbs.
  4. Geez I wasn't trying to dispute your comment.....just trying to give folks a way to judge approximate weight on one. part of why mine looks slimmer is the way I'm holding it too which is part of my point also about estimating from photos. I wasn't trying to be some damned expert or smart azz I was trying to offer a way to estimate that possibly some other folks may not be aware of. I obviously know that girth is a factor in weight as is length and that the combination of them can vary length is merely a way to estimate and as I said it was an average.
  5. Sk8man

    Fish hawk 4x

    I haven't fiddled with mine as far as this stuff but can you reset it back to factory defaults?
  6. At 27 inches the average brown is thought to be about 7 lbs 13 ounces according to the chart in the DEC syllabus. I know they can vary upward from that but I don't believe it is a 10 lb brown. Pics (especially digital photos) can be quite deceptive. The chart offers a closer approximation but is not exact either...it is an average. Here is a pic of one that is exactly 10 lbs 1 oz. from last year on Canandaigua which was about 30 inches. Note that the pics of them look pretty similaranandaigua
  7. There is a reason that the size limit is 15 inches on Honeoye vs. 18 on most other lakes. There are quite a few in there but they usually run small with just the occasional one in the mid twenty inch range and big ones are quite rare for most folks. There are many largemouth bass in there and they readily respond to most things put into the water so they can be a pain and especially crossing spawning beds and shallower areas around the periphery of the lake and this is real prevalent toward and into evening. All the things mentioned above can be used but again you may have some throwbacks. The lake is very shallow approx 30 ft maximum so a lot of flat area to troll through looking for them and especially if you aren't very familiar with the lake. Oneida might be a better choice for more structural or holding options or possibly even Owasco but again familiarity with the lake is a big plus.
  8. Nice brown about 8lbs or so.
  9. On their diet is duckling and frog or other surface dwellers so it probably isn't "accidental" that they do that
  10. If talking Lake O only - 20 lb good quality fluoro leader 25 ft long for spoons on riggers in king season possibly 10-12 lb. in Spring for browns), flasher fly no leader attractor direct to wire, no snubber, 50 lb Big Game for flies (I tie my own provides a minimum amt. of stretch ). Really no wrong way to do it (e.g. length of leader etc.) mainly personal preferences....
  11. I sent Trevor the address of this posting because I believe that when people are doing the right thing they need to be aware that others fully appreciate it.
  12. Trevor and the folks there are top notch. great products great service....the way all American servicing should be
  13. Man...they are really going at it.... I added some contrast to the pics to see if maybe they will show a little more detail. Thanks for posting them Nick
  14. Good salt water bait though Nick
  15. Good "old school" rod holders. mr 580 is right on target with his info. Safety lines are a real good idea.
  16. Hey Stan don't be intimidated by Brian's success. Remember you have actually won the NLTD in the recent past (unlike the rest of us poor slobs that just keep on trying) Plus.....Brian posts pics of all those lures at the back of his boat to scare people (along with the plastic Lake Trout stationed above them
  17. The information on that page on the website is a good example of an "apples and oranges" comparison. Each of those units is an example of special purpose use and it depends on what purpose or particular fishing YOU have in mind for starters. Before looking any further you need to decide what YOUR needs are and not just ask for an easy answer to a complex decision. Then do some research based on those needs including reading reviews etc. and then pose questions here about comparisons of particular units based on your needs. It is virtually impossible to answer your original question accurately the way it is posed above.
  18. Good thinking.
  19. I have seen them doing that with a perch (dorsal spines extended) stuck in their throat on Seneca.
  20. Note that original post from 2014 Seagers in Canandaigua is reliable. Talk with either Doug or Bob at the Parrish Street location. They have some older OMC parts Jeff is an excellent mechanic. 21 Parrish Street Canandaigua 585-394-1372 (Service Department)
  21. Even with new motors or cars etc. you have a 50/50 chance much of the time, but again if they are taken good care of and properly maintained (winterized, new pump and impellers etc.) I've had two outboard mechanics tell me that the Opti's are great engines and they don't see many in for repair and these are guys I know and trust their judgment and information and one of them is with a mainly Honda outboard dealership but that deals with fixing/maintaining all brands of outboards.
  22. I saw those Reel Rage spoons at the Watkins show and they looked great! Super paint jobs in a large array of colors....nice work!
  23. The difference is this is New York State and I don't think the emperor and his cronies care one way or another about fish and game it is all about $$$$ but liberal downstate mentality about sanctions for offenders.
  24. I may be mistaken but I think all Empire passes expire at the end of March. Nice going Brian What is that plastic laker doing on top of your lures?
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