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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. I usually have the best luck for bows on the Fingers with leads 50 or less Matt but experimenting is always a good idea. Stickbaits may be run back that far and I use a large split shot about 3-4 ft up from the lure to keep it down a bit.
  2. I generally use one 20 ft long for sticks and spoons. If using attractors I hook directly to main line without leader.If you keep them the same length it helps with determining the set back distance from the weight.
  3. Wonderful job on the video Pete. You beautifully articulated the emotional side of fishing as well as the technical aspects and very creatively used interesting transitions along the way. You certainly have found your creative niche and provided us not only with entertainment but useful information in your videos on everything from tree identification, jigging for lakers and this particular "gem". One of the perhaps unsaid aspects of your videos that bears mentioning is the quality of your voice....it is unusually well suited to instruction and video presentation. Thanks for sharing the video with us. Les
  4. Matt a couple of considerations: the fleas later on and the species targeted. I use 30 lb. Bloodrun Sea Flee line to help with the fleas on my rigger rods and then leader off of it with 20 lb, fluoro on Lake O and 12 lb fluoro on the Fingers. If targeting browns during the Spring I sometimes use 8 lb fluoro on the Fingers.... just can't horse the fish with it. For many many years I just used 12 lb Big Game on Lake O and the Fingers but the fleas changed all that. The 30 lb seems like rope but it helps with the flea stuff so I leave it on year round and just change leaders. I also use a small high quality solid ring ball bearing swivel at the terminus of leaders and a #8 Spro barrel swivel to connect between the 30 lb and the leader. # 8's and 10's will go through most rod tips and eyelets OK..
  5. Last I knew he was just on Facebook. I know he was building a new building for his operation and I don't know whether he is in it yet. Here is some contact info though: Great Lakes Lure Company (Jason Oakes) 1777 Grand Central Ave Elmira, New York 14903 (607) 426-5094
  6. One of the things not yet mentioned is the effect of length of the copper being used. The longer the length the more bow there is in the copper. The copper doesn't really stretch it is rather slack created by the bowing. An additional thing that happens is that with spoons or sticks run on a leader off the copper the lure lifts upward somewhat because of the weight of the bow in the copper and the longer the copper the more it lifts so a lot of times you may not be running where you think. I realized this when using the Fishhawk TD and it would probably be picked up by the Smarttrol as well. The drag setting can become important because if set too loose the slack in the copper may not be picked up quickly enough or tightly enough and the fish may either not be hooked well, or it can briefly use the slack to its advantage and get off. I generally go with a 20 ft leader and depending on what I am running on it may use either mono or fluoro. I use mono for deeper copper presentations because a little stretch is desired especially with attractors. I use fluoro for clearer water upper level (shallower) water situations running single lures (spoons or sticks) because it is stiffer and may give a bit more action to the lure and may be less visible. With a 250 or 300 ft of copper and a 20 ft. leader any lure is far enough away from the boat so having a very long leader doesn't seem to serve much of a purpose in my view as it may also lessen the action of the lure.Just my way of doing it I guess but it seems to work.
  7. Good advice and I've field tested many of Jason's spoons as well as fished with him as he and Theresa are valued friends. I second your recommendation about the Great Lakes spoons as they are very high quality, very nicely designed, speed tolerant and have a long track record of productivity on the Finger Lakes, and I've had good success with them on Lake O as well. For the folks that still pull wire (i.e. jerk copper) the Great Lakes #4 spoons are the closest I've seen to the original Pfleuger #4 spoons in both appearance and function. Thanks for mentioning them and jogging my memory letsfish2day. I would highly recommend the spoons as well as Revolution spoons - another high quality product made by another LOU guy.
  8. Bladerunner has been around for a long time makes quality products and used to make copper jerking spoons that were replicas of the Pfleuger #4 which worked about as well as the original. I believe they are nickel plated rather than silver plated so in terms of durability they are more resilient but actual silver is the ultimate in reflectivity under water in terms of being seen well from a distance so as in many things there is a compromise here. With that said I have always said that it is the action that is primary in these spoons and the Bladerunners are virtually the same as the Suttons in that regard (in my opinion). Durability is important and as with the old MIller spoons that were similar to the some of the Suttons durability of finish means that the spoons may have a longer life span (if you are not into taping or re-painting)
  9. Rick always has good advice but I would add that the length of the copper is important. Some folks run 500 or 600 coppers which take a very long time to be retrieved hence the negative effects on fish survival. A short copper isn't much different than a 10 color lead core e.g. 300 ft.in terms of retrieval time (although they act differently in the water) so if you stick with shorter coppers say 200-300 ft and just add weight to them to get down deeper if needed the retrieval time stays reasonable. For most purposes the 32 lb copper works well and is fairly close to the 45 lb. in effect because there is less resistance in the water with the smaller diameter with the shorter sections of it and as mentioned if needed for increased depth just add snap weights.
  10. I just received this from Assemblyman Brian Kolb in response to my earlier letter to him. Dear Mr. B: Thank you for contacting me with your objections to a potential merger of New York State’s Environmental Conservation Officers (ECOs) with New York State’s Forest Rangers. It is great to hear from you. I agree with you about the necessity to keep these respective departments separate. The ECOs and Rangers are trained for different tasks. You will be pleased to know that there was no mention of this possible merger in the 2019-2020 Executive Budget. However, this merger has been discussed in the past and could be revisited again as a part of an administrative action. Should legislation be required to prevent this merger I would support it. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me. Please do not hesitate to contact my office if you have any additional questions or concerns. Sincerely, Brian M. Kolb Assembly Minority Leader BMK/mjm
  11. Just don't stick your arms out right now 30 mph wind
  12. Fish cut related infections are well known and can be serious as mentioned. The mucus layer on the fish contains all sorts of bacteria which may be "protective" for the fish (e.g.places where rubbed off can be predisposed to fungal infections on the fish). "Fish poisoning" can lead to very serious consequences and that is why I mentioned it. It really isn't a minor issue despite your being lucky enough to avoid it as for most part so have I. The use of gaff hooks in freshwater is permitted only while ice fishing.
  13. Perhaps the most important aspect is that you were able to spend some great time with your dad and have a great shared memory of that very successful fishing experience Although I don't necessarily agree with the specific way rolmops commented in this particular post both he and Gator have a good point. The Internet has some real positive value, but it also has some real liabilities with respect to fishing in particular. One only needs to look at the Lake O tribs and the way some unscrupulous people have come from far and wide to rape the fishery for the profits made from selling eggs (for caviar). Perch fishing is quite a bit different from trolling for trout and salmon in the open lake where the fish roam far and wide; mainly because perch are a "schooling" species. Yes they can be found in large schools, and despite the fact that some fishermen think that they can never be fished out because of their prolific breeding - many things can and do drastically affect their numbers and sustainability in a fishery. The fact that they concentrate in numbers and largely according to size and their s*e*x* (word not allowed) at times in the season (without any regulatory protections), that they have a very "generous" individual harvest limit (50) without regard to size, that their eggs are heavily preyed upon by alewives, panfish, and now the Round Goby, it takes them a relatively long time to get up to the sizes desired, and the fact that people are allowed to SELL them makes them very vulnerable as a species. A place like Sodus Bay where there is a direct connection to Lake O suggesting that they can "re-populate" does not change these facts because the wiping out of schools of them changes the overall distribution which may take many years to re-populate and may make the lower numbers of them more susceptible to predation by the larger predators (e..g. Pike And Pickerel and others) and may take many years to accomplish if at all. The issues are complicated and various. Fishing technology has changed greatly over the years and at a very fast rate recently. The advent of GPS, sophisticated fish finders now having "live" viewing capability, HD underwater cameras,etc. has completely changed the face of fishing and the efficiency and effectiveness in which the fishing is done. When you put all this together with the fact that perch usually can be found within 50 yds or much less of where they were the day before, and guys selling them and/or fishing in tournaments are using cameras, GPS coordinates, and sophisticated fish finders to select out the largest specimens and schools of them it doesn't take long to see the results. End of rant....guess something hit a sensitive "gland"
  14. Thx Tmag
  15. Doesnt look like that much ice there yet. Looks as though the laker is in there after the perch (size of head compared with body)
  16. May have to run down the road and launch at Lodi
  17. X2 on Go Bombers. My daughter graduated from there in 2014 Great college and community.
  18. Silver plating probably put on too thin over the brass blank then....the most important thing about the sppon is the action though and they will catch fish even when the finish is messed up. Shouldn't have to be a consideration though given the cost of spoons. They need to get their act together. Very small operation but a very old one.
  19. Also possible that exposure to the cold water affected the lacquer coating on the spoon and the silver finish itself is perhaps OK? Worth a check. I know they have also had historic problems with the silver plating finish as well. C3M is correct I always wipe mine down after retrrieval.
  20. Just something to keep in mind when handling Pickerel and Pike. They are loaded with bacteria in the mucus covering on them. Any cuts received can get severely infected requiring antibiotics. My son encountered this last year pulling a 16 pound Pike out of the water (on 4 lb test line no less) so grabbing them anywhere around the mouth area is risky. Insertion of a gaff hook carefully inside the gill or mouth is the preferable way to go. I think the fish may have had the last laugh as he slid back down the hole when released
  21. If anyone is interested in some info on various aspects of sharpening - https://www.sharpeningsupplies.com/Step-by-Step-Knife-Sharpening-W41.aspx
  22. The ceramic sharpeners are fine for "tune-ups" and it is important to keep knives in some sort of protective covering (sheath?) while not in use. When they become truly dull however you are left with having to take the time to properly sharpen them. It can be done a couple of ways: with an electric sharpener, or in stages sharpening by hand using graduated stones and finishing with ceramic or leather stroping. Any blade when used frequently will require occasional maintenance sharpening no matter the quality or expensiveness of it. Other than a brief tune-up I wouldn't recommend extensive sharpening while on a boat for safety reasons as well as it being difficult maintaining the necessary angle positioning.
  23. Some of it relates to how familiar someone is with solo fishing, and knowing their own boat and how it handles) very well.....and prevailing wind can be a factor as well. I have seen guys launch 25 ft. boats solo in good or "protected" situations. Does that mean everyone should do it? No. Having your launching and docking sequence or system down cold is important no matter what sized boat you have.
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