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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. i think it might pay to get a little perspective here. First of all the original post was calling attention to a young kids as yet unexplained death. As with nearly any TV program the Wicked Tuna show has scripted parts and when paying close attention you can often see and hear the folks reading from cue cards. Does that mean the show isnt any good or that it is "phony" in its entirety? No. After talking with Dave Marciano personally I realized that there is very little difference in his personality in real life than that projected in the show. He is a very knowledgeable, experienced fisherman who looks at his involvement in the show as a something to augment his main income as a fisherman. Is he or the others polished professional actors? No. Does the scripting affect the credibility of those fishermen appearing on the show? I don't think so. Contrast the show with some of the other reality shows like the Kardashian crap and it becomes clear that there is at least some social redeeming value to it. I'm always looking for the details on how they rig their baits and equipment and little "nuances" in what they are doing regarding fishing and ignore the drama stuff which may appear interesting to folks only generally interested in fishing itself. The character Tyler McLaughlin presented on the show could be perceived a s a real pain but if you notice the kid catches some pretty big tuna...not an accident..... he knows how to fish....Is he 'likeable"? I'll leave that up to the viewer. No sense getting into a war over this stuff.... just a TV program.....
  2. Great results ...good going
  3. Check fish307.com
  4. I'm assuming you are talking about an X4D.....a couple of things may apply here: your boat still may be moving in the water despite it being out of gear, and there are wicked subterreanean currents operating in the lake right now which could easily be reaching 2.5 mph down there and that would be the speed you might be seeing.
  5. https://weather.com/science/environment/news/2018-07-28-florida-fort-myers-red-tide-dead-animals-turtles \
  6. That's one heck of a compliment coming from those guys Jeremy
  7. Probably could use a few more sticks and spoons from the looks of it
  8. Brian you and Bob are killing me. He's knocking the crap out of the rainbows on Seneca right now and here you are on Cayuga doing the same on the LL's, browns and lakers. Makes me question my judgment going after the perch instead of trout yesterday on Canandaigua. Either way it points up the fact that "life is great in the Finger Lakes"
  9. Thanks to all those who participated and congrats to my Vet brothers. wish I could have been there but had other previous commitments. Looked as though they got into some real nice fish.
  10. Nice recap Jeremy and very respectable box. Congrats to Brian and company....
  11. Don- We've had a lot of back and forth on here about sliders (sometimes called cheater) with a lot of posts on it. Basically it is this: Sliders are short sections of line (e.g.2-8 ft long) with a swivel at each end used to run a second lure on a single downrigger. They can be free sliding or fixed at a certain point on your main line once it is let out in a number of ways (different types of "releasing mechanisms from use of rubbber bands to specific designed releases). . The process is basically you run out your main lure as usual and fix it in your regular downrigger release about 15 ft down. Then you attach one swivel on the end of short section of fluoro or mono (slider) with your selected lure at the other end right on the mainline and fasten the snap and let it slide down the mainline and let your downrigger down to the desired depth. The slider lure will seek its own depth and it may vary with speed and depth and weight or type of lure up and down the mainline and often locates in the bow of the mainline. Fish will sometimes come very close to the boat or right into the prop wash to grab the slider lure (usually a spoon). This process allows you to run two spoons per downrigger rather than stacking multiple rods per downrigger. The fixed slider is usually attached with a rubber band or other desired release to the downrigger wire at a specific depth after the main lure is deployed normally and it maintains the spoon at that depth rather than allowing it to slide up and down the mainline. Either of these versions can be very effective catching trout or salmon and with a little care major tangles can be avoided. I have run them since the seventies and I use them nearly always and they account for nearly half the fish caught most of the time.
  12. Good report too.
  13. One of the other things that happens is they hit the flasher, dodger or spinny especially in the Fall but it can and does happen at other times.
  14. Well said
  15. Sk8man

    Sold / Closed Penn Yan Rage 223

    Sweet looking rig and looks like pretty close to "mint" condition....hope it finds a good home
  16. X2 on crimping. ....just needs to be done carefully.
  17. Yep. not a whole bunch of options I guess. If you have a smaller boat you may ant to try the launch at Trident if it is still available rather than traveling to the other end to the state launch although it is better there. Also be alert to the possible presence of blue/green algae that can pool up to look like someone spilled green paint in the lake at the south east corner of the lake by the launch if the wind is toward that direction.
  18. I think that is about it as far as I know of. There is some sort of boat storage place at the north end on East Lake Road but that wouldn't be real convenient to launch even if they do rent a space. Choose your space carefully at Trident as it can be congested in there with the parked boats and cars and you could get blocked in. I haven't launched there in a long time but as I remember their small launch there is very uneven and lop-sided and it can be difficult getting your boat back straight on the trailer if you decide to launch there instead of the state launch.
  19. Nice going Guff. They were in that arm big time during the ice fishing there and we nailed a few on the light tackle and they were fun. Many were very skinny though for their size and had empty stomachs then.
  20. Fires are terrible Andy and thankfully it sounds as though everyone is safe and that is the main thing. Really sorry to hear that you lost so much. It also sounds as though you have a positive attitude towards a new start and that is very important as well. You'll get back in gear it will just take time and gradually putting things together in time. Keep your chin up. Sometimes new starts can produce very positive things that were unanticipated and new opportunities as well. I'm sure you have a lot of folks here squeezing for you.
  21. Geez Justin......have to be careful filleting them they may have a football inside
  22. Man John those nearshore temps sure flipped big time didn't they?
  23. I have the X4D. There are no silver bullets out there that guarantee fish but it is a VERY useful tool that enables you to add some important pieces to the catching puzzle by providing useful information in making decisions about trolling, boat and lure speed, identification of potentially productive sections of water, and offers information about how fast your lure may be going down below. It also helps sort out to a degree current direction and intensity,and a closer approxlmation of lure depth which may differ considerably from the downrigger counter because of current strength and direction and blowback or water resistance to the downrigger weight. All of this information still depends on your skill as a fisherman in interpretation of it in conjunction with your depth finder information, your ability to process other cues (such as angle of lines and downrigger wire etc.as well as what the water temperature information may mean for the given target species. Actual experience with these "tools" is the best tool of all in increasing skill and increasing success rates.
  24. x2 on the 124 mm (sometimes referred to by the number 5) Deeper Diver for the reasons dawg indicated. I have a bunch of the others but don't use them often anymore
  25. No longer in business. Sometimes there are some of the spoons sold right here on LOU....just have to keep an eye out for, them. I think there were some posted fairly recently so might want to look through the postings.
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