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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Yes the FF's are a different matter. I hook dipsys directly to the 30 lb wire with 40 lb MONO (Big Game) to the attractor and 50 lb MONO (Big Game) for my own hand tied flies. The reason for Big Game mono is that I have had breakoffs with the commercially tied fluoro flies and I want a little stretch when a savage king hits the fly so I use mono and never a snubber.Although it is inexpensive line it is very durable with a pretty hard outercoating that stands up well to abrasion. Most of the initial "shock" is taken up at this end of the setup. Very few lost fish for many years with this set-up
  2. A main consideration is what you do BEFORE placing them back in the water after bringing them in. Folks often forget about the hot floor of the boat, struggles to net them, bringing in after real long fight on long set-ups, and placing hands or fingers in the gill areas while holding them up vertically for pics and then wonder why they didn't make it. They require care at each step along the way at this time of the year especially and if these things are unrecognized or ignored it leads to poor release results regardless of the method used.
  3. Good fish no matter what the weight and i'm sure there are folks out there that have never actually caught one that are amazed by it too
  4. It is kinda funny how big they seem when you catch them especially during derbies etc. More than once during the ESLO derbies we've rushed one in that looked "thirtyiish" only to find that it was mid twenties. Once they get up to size in terms of length the main difference becomes the thickness of the back and to a degree their gut and you really need to see a bunch of them before you can improve your "guesstimations". Only real way is weighing them on a certified scale
  5. Stan - I think most of the good fish are somewhere near Fleaville right now Good luck and hope to see you out there.
  6. I use 20 lb test fluoro with 30 lb SeaFlee mono on riggers. 30 lb does seem like rope after 40 years of using 12 lb test even for the kings but I can't even imagine the flea load on that now...
  7. Always good to be on the safe side....I nearly always use the #8's even for walleyes as they are easier to work with when tying
  8. #8 Spro is rated at 50 lbs and will fit through most tips and eyes. the #10 is rated at 30 lbs and goes through fine but is harder to tie knots with larger diameter lines.
  9. Nice going John. Good luck this weekend if you are fishing it. Thanks for the encouraging report NIck.
  10. As with WD40 IF it does work it is only briefly at best and both substances are a terrible idea for the wtaer and environment.
  11. The Bloodrun Sea Flee works OK for the spiny fleas and when the fishooks aren't to the level they have been lately ....nothing seems to work well on these at the current concentrations..
  12. Off to good start!
  13. The launch at Severne Point is on the west side of the lake off Rt#14 about 8-10 miles north of Watkins Glen
  14. This is a good example of what this website truly represents: people helping people and it is commendable
  15. There is probably one of us OCD nuts out there that has tried it or something similar. The long and short of it is there probably isn't any easy answer to the riddle....we're stuck frequently checking/cleaning our lines before the huge build-ups.
  16. I am a bit disappointed in the lack of spoon and stick collection Brian No wonder nobody can find anything in the stores anymore they are on your boat You may have accidentally exposed some of your secet weapons too....
  17. Brad he may be referring to the one in the first set of pics to the right of the rainbow. can't see the adipose clearly to see if any spotting and the distribution of spots on body look like as much like landlock as brown.Can't tell just by looking at tail especially in pics as it relates to how someone is holding the fish as much as anything.. Could have told for sure looking at the roof of the mouth; only one set of vomarine teeth for the landlock two for browns
  18. Hey Nick and Theresa very sorry to hear about Tavion. He was a cool dog and we got used to seeing him onboard as part of the "team". I was going to ask about him a few days ago and then was reluctant as I thought something might have happened to him. Sometimes folks who don't have family pets don't realize just how difficult it is losing them as they become an integral part of your family unit. We lost our dog we had from 9 weeks of age in 2012 and have another since but they are each unique and it is not the same.
  19. It is possible that the folks that were using it yesterday are still out on the water trying to scrape the fleas off it Seriously though even the wire isn't immune to the fleas right now.
  20. I believe the above post was meant to say that Cortland Flea Flicker has been discontinued but Sea Flee monofilament from Bloodrun is still available. It is helpful but like the rest of the lines not a "silver bullet" when heavy concentrations of fleas are encountered especially the fishook type that seem to be the worst problem right now
  21. I believe the reason the board looks different is that they now are manufactured by a different manufacturer as they were discontinued and unavailable for awhile
  22. Does that mean you woke up late and are still sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee Brian?
  23. I think it is one of those things kinda like health stuff: early intervention and prevention is about what you are left with....and prevention is probably impossible....so that leaves early intervention which in this case means that although a MAJOR PIA lines need to be checked VERY frequently before the huge build ups. When you have multiple long setups out it becomes the task from hell and you have to ask yourself "What did I do in another life to deserve this"
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