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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Hopefully the plating has improved from the ones they sold last year. (didn't hold up very thin) but they always work well anyway
  2. Very nice job with the video transitions, drone work etc. What software do you use for editing the video? I must admit that although I enjoyed the video it was pretty long and yet short on actual fishing content suggested by the title. I couldn't help but wonder if the snow machining around the tip ups was a good idea....as far as spooking the fish and may have related to the apparent catch results but I'm sure it was just great getting out there.....
  3. Sk8man

    Sodus Bay

    Keith- You are a sick buckaroo....and here I believed everything you said.....
  4. Sk8man

    Sodus Bay

    Wow....pretty sad.
  5. My wife just saw this and brought it to my attention....
  6. Geez Harv thats like getting rid of the Holy Grail
  7. Sorry Todd I guess I missed the post on that one....
  8. http://www.bbc.com/news/video_and_audio/headlines/42739941/fishermen-escape-crash-by-split-second
  9. Sk8man


    On the west side it doesn't start dropping off until Canoga Creek. The channel is 10-12 ft. but itdoesn't even get to 10 ft until near the channel which is a long haul from the shore.
  10. PM = personal message Ron. Look up in the right hand corner of your screen at the little envelope. Click on it and you'll be ableto see them or create one. Just type the persons user name and send it to them or if they have sent one to you return one. It will be a message between you and not public.
  11. You don't have to be on the Branchport arm to catch lakers they are in 20 plus ft of water all over the place We caught 2 yesterday while after perch and one of the guys I spoke with in the parking lot had 5 that he caught in about 40 ft. They are very long and thin by the way and are feeding on small perch. One I had yesterday should have weighed about 7 -7 1/2 lbs from the length and I don't think he made 5 lbs. They are fun on 2-3 lb test line though
  12. It never ceases to amaze me that with the millions of other possible places in this wonderful playland we have here that the "lemming" or "herd" mentality takes over and people just go with the herd rather than using their brain a little. I think we perch fishermen are especially prone to this for some reason (like the gold miners) whether on the ice or boat fishing. Even out on the vast ice space when someone hauls in some good ones the crowd merges on them.....is it just "human nature?"....or bad manners I've had guys even come right in and use the holes I drilled near me so I could switch things out....
  13. Sk8man

    X4 TO X4D

    I think if read carefully he said he already has an X4D display and probeand wanted to know if he could use his existing transducer with it on this boat. I believe shawn393 answered it correctly.
  14. Signs of true jealousy Bob.....you know it is double the size of yours (which goes for everything else as well)11 inches of solid ice where we were. I think it was trying to FEED on the perch as contrasted with hanging out. It hit on a tiny jig with spikes so it had to be desperate.
  15. Hopefully all the fish don't end up as this laker I caught there today while perch fishing He was 20 some inches andprobably didn't weight over 2 lb max.
  16. I just looked mine up (green and black) and I guess they were a bit more than the $100 but they are great https://www.froggtoggsraingear.com/FirebellyToads.shtm
  17. I think it bears mentioning that nearly anyplace accessed there or elsewhere the question will be whether the ice around the shoreline is safe. This is especially critical where there are streams located along a shoreline as that rain we had recently was VERY substantial and the runoff was excessive and can have a lot of impact on the shoreline even though a distance away from it. This may harder to detect now with all this recent snow on top of the ice. Stay safe out there.
  18. Fish 307 (Lake George NY) great folks to work with....
  19. Real good advice from a very knowledgeable Whaler guy
  20. Yeah Mike it is tough on your pink barbie rod
  21. The Hong King version is virtually identical to the original Pfleuger's and is basically a less expensively manufactured version ....sort of a generation 2 two without any improvements also known as a "copycat" They work as well a s the originals despite the "purists" claims that nothing compares. The Bladerunners came about when the originals and Hong Kongs were no longer available and Great Lakes Lures makes a very good replica. They work too. These spoons in the right hands are laker killers for sure.Some of my Geneva buddies know exactly what I'm talking about
  22. It could also be that the lamprey was attached for quite awhile sucking the nutrients out of the laker and the area surrounding the hole was necrotic (dead).
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