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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Keith the way you tell if the 99 percent chimp DNA has been exceeded is when Jim "lip smacks" when he hauls in a walleye or perch
  2. I think they need to jack up lake Ontario to make it a level playing field out there. Seriously, I hope this situation gets straightened out at some point....many of the businesses along the shore can't afford to take another hit....and probably most of the cottage owners as well.
  3. You can fish right off the warf for smaller fish at Wellfleet harbor.
  4. Eastham-Orleans is where Nauset Beach is and also up the road on Rt6 is Coastguard beach and others going toward Truro and they can each be possibilities depending on water and weather conditions. If you want to get bait and Tackle and get the scoop on what is happening there go to Blackbeards Bait and Tackle. (3700A) Rt 6 right near where you are staying. They will know what is happening and where and even how far off shore the stripers are running. Here is their phone number: (508)240-3369 Thye will have everything you could need including a tide chart etc. If you intend to get a charter. see Hap Farrell at Stunmai Charters in Rock Harbor which is about 5 minutes from where you'll be as it is near Orleans the first turn past the rotary toward Provincetown will take you to Rock Harbor and the marina there. The Land Ho right in Orleans has incredible food and some of the best clam chowder on the Cape and one of the coolest bars where many charter captains hang out. Some of the places will be either closed down or in the process of shutting down about now and if the charters aren't operating check out the Land Ho and ask there is anyone is still fishing out there. You might also want to check out the harbor in Wellfleet just up the rode a few miles on 6 toward Ptown. I think they have an annual Oyster or Scallop thing there in October and it is a cool town to hang out
  5. Ben - Not sure where on the Cape you're going but should be action in the Cape Cod canal and depending on water temps etc. Nauset Beach and off Monomoy near Chatham (if you are able to boat fish). Sand eels work work like magic in the rip tides there for the stripers.As nmentioned the seals can be a problem almost anywhere you go
  6. Welcome aboard Ian. I think you will find some very dedicated and capable musky fishermen among the various fishermen on this site and they share wonderful information and experiences with the rest of us. Cancer has touched many of our lives and as mentioned stay as positive as you can as it does make a significant difference. We wish you the best of luck with your treatment as well as the fishing for the toothy beasts and will be interested in hearing about your upcoming adventures
  7. Thanksfor the report JIm. At least the temps are coming down now. You at least found some. last timeoutthe water was 73.5 and we caught two and that was all we saw so things may be starting up soon.
  8. Thx Mike and Congrats to Harvey
  9. Good going Mike and congrats on the overall. Do you have the place results etc.?
  10. Although I share concerns about privacy and potential improper use by "big brother" folks should be more concerned about the private use of drones as hazards to safety, interference with aircraft, and the potential for terrorists and "nutcases" to remotely deliver explosives etc. The fact that they aren't being closely regulated and are widely available without any controls is pretty scary.
  11. Mike I suspect that the water temps will go down considerablty over the next two weeks and this is directly related to disolved oxygen levels inthe water and also affects fish metabolism. They are more fragile in this exceptionally warm water right now (with reduced oxiygen) and I suspect that Pequod's method may be all that is necessary by the 15th as that water should be sufficiently cooled down. If not, the aerator combined with just putting a couple cubes in the water gradually every so often should keep the water suitable in a decent sized cooler without a ton of other fish in it using up the oxygen. Just keep the other fish to be kept in a bucket or something.
  12. For the last ten years I have done the same as Justin...one in the boat one in my wallet.
  13. Yeah Rollie...what is the scoop on the brown beauty?
  14. Was that 6th one a large imaginary fish Brian?
  15. If anyone can get it figured out today it will be you Brian. What is the weed report?
  16. I'm sure that guy was glad you were out there anyway
  17. Pap I don't actually use any of the front releases I tighten them down to the max (carefully) and sometimes if rough water I wrap the braid a couple times around the release so it doesn't slip and release and then I take the boards off as they come in whether fish on or not. If you bring them in fairly quickly they won't "dive" on you. If they do - point the rod downward right at them and they will surface. The flags on my boards are only for visual aid to keep aholes from running over them.
  18. Sometimes helps to gradually put ice cubes in water to bring down water temp too
  19. Mike get one of those $15 aerators from Walmart in the fishing section and run it in the cooler
  20. Pap - I have sets of the TX44 (larger inlines from Church) and the smaller Walleye boards as well that I have used for quite a few years now instead of the big boards. The Walleye boards will pull a 10 color leadcore or a 300 copper just fine with spoons or regular sticks but not sure about large aggressive divers. You can to a degree compensate for weight with the walleye boards by loosening two screws on the weight and moving the weight along the bottom of them forward or backward. The Walleye boards pictured above can work fine for salmon, trout or Walleyes. I don't use the tattle flags as most of my fishing with them is for trout and salmon but for the eyes they come in handy as I have used them before. They will let you know light biters and these eyes that just cling to your line without doing much and may look like weeds on the board from looking at the rod tip. They make the flags for both the Offshore and Church boards and it is possible to make your own as they cost nearly as much as a board when bought separately. When running them from braid you'll want to replace the plastic pins in the back with metal ones because the braid can cut through the plastic by see-sawing back and forth.
  21. Is this post messed up? There were more guys on the list previously
  22. Nice going....now you'll be vulnerable to someone playing a tape of a screaming drag going out when you alll asleep and laughin at you when you jump up to grab the rod....welcome to the brotherhood
  23. Might something be clogging up the pump somehow and trigering the breaker?
  24. And the winner of this years perch derby is: ?
  25. Incredible trip Sean and the ultimate father/son experience. Congrats to both of you
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