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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Mark....I think NYS has laws against it.....and everything else as well Mark
  2. I think you are right Billy. I wonder if they used a certified scale because that fish doesn't look that much bigger (at least in the pic) than my 16 lb brown (for comparison) 32 inches long and 22 inch girth noted by the taxidermist.
  3. You won't be sorry they do a great job and the reels come back like new with a good turn around time and fair pricing. Kind of rare servicing for these days.and they are great!
  4. I know a lot of guys do it but a while back I tried it with one of my reels and ended up sending it to Andy to complete as a bag of parts
  5. Yeah I still have a couple of the first Blacks somewhere in perfect shape that were actually white in color.....mid to late 70's maybe...sometimes old school is the right school
  6. A great tip and even though i don't use them it is nice to know if on someone elses boat too
  7. It is unfortu\nate but poor manners is not limited to launch ramps or boating now days. Drivers cut you off, give you the finger for pereived violations,store clerks don't even look at you while cashing out, people are too busy looking at their f ing phones to communicte in person with each other and doing so while crossing the street in front of traffic. Common courtesy is out the winfdow....and it is a shame....I know....the ramblings of a dinosaur
  8. Or Black releases for about $10 each
  9. Best of luck to all you folks fishing it and thanks to all involved. Your deciision to hold off with that weather report was the right one too Nick
  10. Mike I dug up the old packaging from one of the Roemer releases from down cellar
  11. Sweet! Some great eating there....
  12. Kev - check out Michaels here in town for tthe frame. They also have like 40 percent off coupons in the newspapers I think.
  13. Short section of fluoro (6-8 ft long) solid ring ball bearing swivel at each end of it. Lower your main line and lure about 15 or 20 ft and then hook the empty end swivel to the main line and fasten and let it slide downthen let down while carefully lowering the downrigger weight to where you want the main lure to be. The slider will usually ride up or down and locate itself in the belly of the line above the main lure. usually works best with lightweight spoons and not usually stickbaits because of the tangle potential.
  14. I use Todd in NY 's method
  15. One theory is this: They (J-plugs) will work at other times on an occasional fish but the Fall mature kings are not feeding per se Their feeding response has been inhibited and they are now homing in on their "birth" (or stocking) location to spawn and they will hit things that irritate them or appeal to their sense of territoriality but they are most concerned with spawning and anything viewed as a potential "competitor". threat, or nesting obstruction, so brightly colored or highly active lure may fit this criteria and they will strike it viciously.
  16. Good tip about the hemlock spinners if you can get beforehand. Stop at the Bait Barn between Naples and Middlesex or call there foirst and ask if they have any sawbellies live or frozen (frozen is actually better in terms of getting it to spin right). Run them behind the downriggers (6-10 ft) and/or the dipsey and spinney or flasher out 250-350. vary your trolling speed. Thermocline should be running between about 50-80 ft about now if you don't have a temp device. A lot of times about this time you can run right down the center of the lake. Fish below 70 ft for the lakers and in the 50-70 range for rainbows. Small spoons for the bows and trolled pretty fast, lakers slower 2.0-2.3 You could also run sliders on each rigger for rainbows above the hemnlocks (could have slight tangle but may be worth it). Troll Sutton spoons at slower speeds than the other spoons you may try.... again... usually 2.0 to 2.3 or 2.4 at the fastest for laker action. if after silvers exclusively fish specifically for them ....middle of the lake troll 2.4-3.2 small (non Suttons) spoons orange and copper, silver/copper, blue/silver, green/silver Vary your speed frequently, make a lot of (careful) turns. Good luck.
  17. Mike I sent his info to you in a PM
  18. Boat speed, number of colors out and the lure make a difference. For example with a very light flutter spoon and 10 colors out there can be a bow or belly in the leadcore such that it lifts the light spoon upward and higher speed will also lift the lure up from where you estimate it. A heavier spoon may give you a little more depth especially at slower speed. You can get a pretty good estimate by running a Fishawk TD on it and subtract a foot for the additional weight of it.
  19. Don't do it Mike. You'll lose your money and maybe compromise your credit card too.
  20. Yeah it makes you wonder where they come from ....way out there in the middle of nowhere...I've often wondered if they hatch on the water out there or something...
  21. I told ya that although kinda homely.....Mr. google eye could end up being a close friend Nick
  22. Nice work! You sure had those browns dialed in....Those pesky flies seem to love it when it goes flat and the sun comes out
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