Good tip about the hemlock spinners if you can get beforehand. Stop at the Bait Barn between Naples and Middlesex or call there foirst and ask if they have any sawbellies live or frozen (frozen is actually better in terms of getting it to spin right). Run them behind the downriggers (6-10 ft) and/or the dipsey and spinney or flasher out 250-350. vary your trolling speed. Thermocline should be running between about 50-80 ft about now if you don't have a temp device. A lot of times about this time you can run right down the center of the lake. Fish below 70 ft for the lakers and in the 50-70 range for rainbows. Small spoons for the bows and trolled pretty fast, lakers slower 2.0-2.3 You could also run sliders on each rigger for rainbows above the hemnlocks (could have slight tangle but may be worth it). Troll Sutton spoons at slower speeds than the other spoons you may try.... again... usually 2.0 to 2.3 or 2.4 at the fastest for laker action. if after silvers exclusively fish specifically for them ....middle of the lake troll 2.4-3.2 small (non Suttons) spoons orange and copper, silver/copper, blue/silver, green/silver Vary your speed frequently, make a lot of (careful) turns. Good luck.