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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. If anyone can properly assess the problem and competently fix reels it is Andy Coperhaver at Tuna's
  2. Some more food for thought is that gobies may be carrying botulism and as bottom feeders they accrue many toxins from the bottom and what they eat. This stuff may funnel right up the food chain.
  3. They are both great
  4. If t were me I'd go with Hank's opinion.
  5. That is what fishing reallly should be all about....really cool!
  6. Unfortunatly I think you could be right Bob.....it is a complicated problem
  7. Asian Carp Concern https://www.eontarionow.com/scitech/asian-carp-another-trump-decision-affect-ontario/49
  8. I wouldn't totally write off Seneca. It was very difficult fishing in the mid to late 1970's too and it turned around. There is also something to be gained by fishing these lakes during challenging times because it forces you to learn a variety of things along with patience. Anyone can catch fish when times are good and there is an abundance of fish. From a learning standpoint fishing during lean times can teach you some critical lessons that you might not otherwise encounter. Just something to think about. By the way Cayuga has been thropugh this same slack time in the past when things were very lean too.
  9. You might want to contact Brian on here about where you can get them I know folks have been real happy with his fast service GAMBLER ....here on LOU https://www.gamblerrigs.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Gambler-Rigs-1782944771938044/
  10. Tyee is correct. I have two of them as well as the SG47 models and although they could serve as downrigger reels the 57 is a little bulky and heay duty for that application. The smaller reels such asthe 47 nd 27 don't have the high gear ratio high speed retrieve.but most downrigger use doesn't require it. They still have enough line capacity for downrigger use and a decent drag. I use one of my 57's for wire and another for a 300 copper and they are real good for that type of thing as well as for leadcore as mentioned by Tyee. I believe Diawa has discontinued that 57model so maybe if you still wish to have it there might be sale prices some place.
  11. Pretty much have to wait until the day before to know more accurately as we are expected to get quite a bit of rain in the next few days and with relatively high water level it could change significantly as a result. The 5 day weather forecast has rain through Sunday and some possible snow then. Sometimes this projecton changes greatly so hopefully things will get better. The wind direction and velocity will also be even more important with high water conditions (pushing debris etc.).
  12. I can add something Get some of Brian's Gambler rigs if you really want to catch lakers and run them as mentioned as above....surefire way to get the big ones...
  13. stoneam2006 check your PM again
  14. That is great Chris....a day they won't soon (if ever) forget
  15. Way cool Mike! Congrats to both of you.Nothing like that whole father/son experience. Man....where does the time go....Last time I saw him he was just up to your knee
  16. Ben custom canvas is generally going to be expensive especially if you go with the longer lasting acrylic stuff. Mine was $1,000 formy 18.5 ft.boat. You can usually get a better deal by NOT going to a marina though as they get their cut which is substantial.On the good side you get a cover that fits well and keeps the water out and is wind resistant etc. If you keep your equipment in the boat and keep it outside it is essential. The UV rays from the sun wreaks havoc on many of the cheaper materials and especially the thread for the seams. Ask to have it double sewn if you go that route.
  17. or maybe something like this ? http://lr.factoryoutletstore.com/details/163921/lowrance-rap-101u-lo11.html?category_id=29854&catalogitemid=144825
  18. stoneam see if ths PM reaches you if not I'll try the phone
  19. Brian you sure don't need any help.....I think you're a major threat for the Trout derby on Seneca
  20. Kev that is great to hear. I know that the fierce competitor he is the derby means a lot but the critical thing is that he gets better and gets to fish many more of them. I'm happy for ya bud I know how close you guys are.
  21. stoneam2006 you have a PM
  22. Hi,


    I have fished both lakes for my whole life. Where do you live? I would be willing to get together over a coffee or beer with you in person if it is "doable". It would be much more easy and effective than writing a "bible"on here.  I won the derby on Canandaigua last year with a 35 year derby record brown and have placed in the money about a dozen times in the derby on Seneca so I may be able to help you out. :) Les

  23. When you are in the EDIT screen the eighth icon from the left top area has a little smiley face icon Click it and it pulls up a menu box with a bunch of them to choose from
  24. And the winner is>>>>>>?
  25. Hey Chuck I sure wasn't criticizing your approach but just kinda mentioning the "irony" for possible newbies reading the thread to give a little "perspective". I fully understand and agree with your reasoning.
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