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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Great pic Brian
  2. stoneam2006- Here is a pic of one of the 40 ounce weights I purchased from Harvey at the Watkins Glen show: A Seth Green rig is a multileader/lure setup (up to 5 leaders/lures per rod and 15 hook points per rod permitted currently) for fishing various depths art the same time. A heavy sinker is needed to keep the leaders down when trolled. The weights usually vary from 24 - 48 ounces. There have been very detailed postings on here in the past that may be consulted for details. The depicted weight came as plain lead when bought I coated it with black Plasti-Dip to prevent marking up my boat and to prevent handling the lead directly relative to health concerns.
  3. Harvey's prices are fair and he makes a good product AND he is one of US I bought 4 of his Seth Green weights the other day and I was wondering how he could make much on them at the price he charged. I don't think that anyone who is familiar with him or his products should object to a fair bump in price given the fact that he isn'tr charging a high price to begin with. American made and a LOU guy I think that should be enough in itself to support his small business
  4. Admittedly I am a roller rod guy at this point in the game and I've used them since 1979 or thereabouts so I'm somewhat "biased" but if you are talking for dipsey use on freshwater I guess yuou have to look at cost to benefit. To me the benefits seem to be they seem easer to reel in and may be easier on the wire but I'm not totally sure about the latter either. I have about a dozen of them altogether ranging from light/medium weight (wire dipsey use and Seth Greens) to heavy weight (tuna type all roller rods). I also have a couple of medium downrigger type rods that I took the twilli off and put roller tips on because I like the way they handle the wire. On the downside if you are using the 3o lb test 7 strand on them make sure to get a totally stainless steel rod tip as the cheaper ones with the aluminum side plates can cut through when the wire get a little sideways on them (like in rough water). Sixty pound test wire will not do that but better yet although I haven't used it to date I suspect that 19 strand wire wouldn't do it either and that is what is suggested if you go with other than an all stainless steel roller top. You don't really need all rollers on the rod for freshwater use just the first eyelet and the roller top. With all this said my feeling is that based on my own previous use of twillis and also the fact that most of my frends use them currently it is mainly a matter of preference for the dipsey wire application in freshwater. In saltwater tuna fishing for example I would say rollers offer more smoothness and less tension on the line so they would be a better choice. When you look at the cost to benefit ratio the twilli tip will do the job and is far less expensive for the dipsey use.. The Diawa DXT wire rod uses Aftco roller top and guides and most of the Aftco stuff is good quality.
  5. The generous sharing of wisdom and information by the charter guys on this site is also much appreciated as it adds greatly to the experience of everyone here regardless of time fishing (or time on Earth). It is indeed unusual to have these resources so readily available and I think I can speak for all of us when I say "Thank you" and may you have great sucess in your fishing this season.
  6. bobcat - here is another idea. I used this gizmo for a variety of wire things since the late seventies http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/wire-forming-tools/041571000006.aspx
  7. Admittedly I've only used it a few times with blues etc. in saltwater with no problems and I don't do whole lot of pike fishing lately but I haven't had any problems with it. It could be a possibility as titanium is very hard and also very brittle but I guarantee nothing is going bite through it.. It is a material used primarily in applications where high heat is involved (aircraft engines, bearing races for submarine engines and that sort of thing where high tensile strength and light weight is necessary) but your point about bending affecting it is a possibility I guess.
  8. I don't fish for those big bad guys but do any of you use titanium wire or nickel/titanium? Strong as heck, doesn't corrode, doesn't rust, thinner diameter for the pound test than steel, harder to bite through etc.Just wondering....haven't heard anyone mention it. I've used it in salt water with good results and for pike.
  9. Yes Frogger I have a hunch I know the spot
  10. I think Jim is right Mike. Very often when the slime layer is removed from a fishes skin a fungus attacks the area.. Pike and pickerel often regard the perch as bait. I once saw a pike with a huge perch in its mouth with the perch dorsal extended andthe pike couldn't swallow it and was frantically roaming around the surface with his head out of the water in about 9 ft of water trying to either swallow it or get rid of the perch....pretty funny sight. My son and I got a good laugh of of it.
  11. A couple things come to mind right off the bat: 1. Do you intend to use these reels for dipseys? 2. Will the reels actually hold 1,000 ft of 19 strand wire? If so regarding both- I would suggest using 1,000 ft of the wire on the two setups as 500 ft of wire will not do the job for the most part as you may have out close to that much in the summer time just getting the dipsey where it needs ro be. Most guys do not use substantial if any backing with the wire because with wire unlike copper or leadcore you do not normally run all the wire out and then use the backing so you want enough wiret to do the job. If you went with 500 ft of wire you could get spooled by a good king and with 1,000ft. you shouldn't have to worry about backing etc.
  12. Check into Progressive boat insurance. They seem to be very good and more economical than say Travelers. I had a claim and they sent a guy out took a pic and couple days later had the check.
  13. The knot I like best is the original clinch knot cinched down tight while wet. I have never had one break with fluoro. It seems to me that some of the knots that rely on the knot strand going over itself may actually cut itself off when a lot of stress is on the knot because of the brittleness of the fluoro.
  14. Hope it isn't filmed in NYS because it is illegal to use salamanders as bait
  15. Great event today, with lots of good bargains and fair prices on most stuff from what I saw. It was the first time my son has accompanied me so it was special in that regard as well. We both found a lot of items of interest although I did regret buying the 4 40 oz Seth Green weights so early and then carryng them around for hours but they were hard to pass up......kinda like lifting weights all day It was really a lot of fun and I was glad to finally meet in person many LOU members and be able to chat first hand. We truly do have a great bunch of people on this website and we were well represented there. It was also gratifying to see the many vendors there and especially my buddies at Great Lakes Lures, Iron Duke Flies, Fishy Business and the other LOU folks selling there. I do think if this thing gets any bigger more space will be needed as there were a lot of folks there but I also noted that the line outside moved very quickly this year. To those of you that didn't happen to catch itor weren't able to you missed a heck of a show. Heres pics from right before we left when things had thinned out enough to even get a pic...
  16. I don't think you'll find a better bracket than that one either and it is a real good price. A number of my buddies have had them over the years and I think they are the best bracket out there for normal purposes.
  17. Bad habit you have a PM
  18. I've always had the hunch that both copper and leadcore do things in the water that gets attention of the fish.I think the whipping action of the leadcore both horizontally and vertically attracts them to the vibrations or commotion and I suspect that the copper may vibrate and possible interact electrically as well and some fish have great sensitivity of their lateral line to pick up on it as well as vibrations.
  19. Nice going Billy
  20. You had some really stellar weights there and if I didn't have mine already I would have jumped at them for sure....they are in a class by themselves
  21. Yes Ted there have been guys out the past two days from the launch at the north end Hopefully the water will clear up right about then and it will be "game on"
  22. Sk8man

    Small snap?

    I know these are very small even the extra large size for the species you are after but they are 40 lb test and if they will fit the eylets or rings you are using they can save time for the bass. You may wish to use a small Spro swivel a few feet above it . http://www.basspro.com/Fas-Snap-No-Knot-Fas-Snap/product/2463/?hvarAID=shopping_connexity
  23. Yes several boats out in the rain. I talked with a couple guys at the launch and they said not much happening and I did't see anything in their buckets in the boat
  24. I think it might have been my own the last time we went out
  25. Yeah Bob "Go big or go home" and....."size matters"
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