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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Congratulations on a sweet boat.
  2. Here is why folks aren't out there right now (Sodus Point pier at 4 PM today)
  3. To anyone out here considering trolling Canandaigua for the first time or not being familiar with the lake I would strongly suggest going out with Paul Nagel http://www.canandaiguafishing.com/ the first time. He is a very experienced and knowledgeable guide and a multi species guy who can greatly shorten the learning curve for you. He has also been very generous with information and tips here on LOU despite making part of his income from guiding and that is something in my view that is very commendable. It is easy to waste a lot of time out there if you don't know the lake and its peculiarities and seeing how he does it first hand will be well worth your time and money.
  4. And Andy knows how to get them too
  5. Really sorry to hear it Jason. I sure hope you catch up with the person responsible one way or another.
  6. I honestly don't think the color of the weights is it. Distance from them of your line/leader combined perhaps with exactly what your are running might be a factor...sometimes they want stuff right up close and other times it pays to run it way back especially when running up higher in the water column . For example yesterday on Cayuga the landlock hit when I lengthened the lead to about 75 ft back on the rigger but wouldn't touch the same spoon at about 30 ft same general speed. The slower speed mentioned by Paul would suggest to me that if you have any Sutton's small to medium sized that they would be my go to's for the slower speeds as that is where many of them really excel. I would be thinking 50-70 ft down about now too for the bows and running deeper for the lakers with f'f's.
  7. Craig - August has always been an odd ball month for fishing on just about all the lakes around here for trout and salmon.....very on and off and mostly off. It is understandable and natural that you might think it is something about your fishing methods or setups etc. but I'm willing to bet money it isn't anything you are doing or not doing it is probably the fact that water temps have been high, the weather has been constant and barometric pressures have been pretty static with few significant storms to change anything around. Over the years I have had the worst fishing in August on most years with the exception of maybe some years with salmon on Lake O. but often even they are hitting out of aggression then rather than feeding per se. I think you will see a good uptick when the water temps start to decline usually as result of cool evenings and significant rain etc. In my view the boat traffic (sea scarabs, jet skis etc. during this hot sunny weather has to be a detriment as well with all that constant noise and commotion out there. Once kids go back to school vacations are over etc. the fishing usually improves out there once it quiets down a bit.
  8. Sweet Brian! They look like they will be potent "mud chicken chewables"
  9. Good one Billy Thanks.
  10. Nice one Nick. Stay careful with the footing out there
  11. The fleas were present in small quantities but not anything to be concerned about. The weeds on the other hand were pretty bad...many large pods and we had to frequently check and change things and mostof the time we ended up with weeds on the spoons themselves suggesting that there is a lot of submerged stuff as well. Don't assume every mark on the screen is bait or fish
  12. Thanks bud. Guess you brought some of the recent Seneca luck with you Ed but at least Bucky got into them pretty good. My hunch is that Seneca will be back in action when the temps go down. Problem for me is that it is also when the perch fishing starts in full gear and I'm torn between fishing for them....guess it isn't a bad problem to have through We are lucky in deed to have these great resources available around here (e.g. Finger lakes and Lake O).
  13. Thanks John. I think the lack of results on the Seth Greens may have been because of the higher speed factor necessary because once yo get into the 3 plus with them you usually end up with wrapped up leaders on the mainlines once we switched over to the riggers and usual stuff we were running in the 2.8- 3.2 (GPS) range and even the lakers hit at that speed
  14. Good point Mike (as I head to the refrigerator to see if there are any "substitutes")
  15. Thanks Mike. I also forgot to mention that the Atlantic had a 15 inch lamprey that had recently attached. Unfortunately for us he got off at the net or he would have been in two or three pieces.
  16. Nice choice on Cosentino's Nick and Theresa. Good authentic Italian food. Another place with great food reasonably priced although not as fancy is the DeLuxe Grill on Genesee Street there. and Papa Joe's same street for great pizza and calzones
  17. Thanks Hop yeah I guess hopefully my IQ has gone up a notch after all these years of toughing it out Lee - You are very welcome. I was going to send you the above info in a PM so I'm glad you saw it here. Good luck out there when you go.
  18. My son mark and I launched from Dean's Cove about 7AM in pursuit of landlocks. We decided to run 3 5 leader Seth Greens for starter and the predicted 5 mph S wind was actually about 10 to 12 mph but wedecided to go with our plan anyway. We trolled with various spoons first against the wind then decide to quit fighting it and went t with it and trolled south east on a diagonal without success sowethen headed north again nothing. We marked fish and bait down mostly about 70 ft down over whatever OR down deep abut 120 to 150 or more (lakers), After 3 hours or so of nothing we said screw it and pulled the rigs and ran south to about a couple miles north of the stacks and put dowwn a 300 copper and 10 color core on boards and two downriggers with sliders and two wire dipseys one with flasher and the other with a Spinney. Trolled until about noon in the 90-120 range and once we hit Aurora about in front of the steeple My son caught a nice landlock on the 70 ft. downrigger with a blue/green Pro Mag spoon. Shortly after that we picked up 5 decent lakers including a double on wires on my home made green flies including one that my son swore felt like a monster....until he got it in and we saw what the real story was...fly hooked in the tail All in all it was an enjoyable day on the pond busting each other and putting together the puzzle pieces to figure out the fish.
  19. Thanks Mike Have a happy.
  20. We're heading there tomorrow AM Mike. Things are slow on Lake O for the pacific salmon so hoping the Atlantics are friendlier Just hoping to stay away from the lakers....
  21. Good going. The sliders can be really potent sometimes.
  22. And ...thanks for your vote Billy. but remember I'm retired
  23. Do yourself a favor and contact Tuna Tom's and have carbon fiber drags put in them...not very expensive to have done but whole new reel.. http://www.tunasreeltroubles.com/
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