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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Lets let folks make up their own minds about who is the BS artist....it should be pretty clear by now You're pizzed because someone isn't being intimidated by your tactics and "threatening" your little money making scheme.
  2. Nick I think the difference is that you as a charter are providing a public service as well as being a private enterprise. The trout and salmon are stocked and are renewable in that manner. Your clientele spend money in the area when they employ your services and they contribute to the local economy bringing in money in that way. You as a charter captain are under tighter controls than sport fishermen in terms of over harvesting and taking above your allotted limits and in a a large sense held to a higher standard because if you don't adhere to the regs you risk your reputation as well as your livelihood. There are no such constraints on sport fishermen or specifically perch fishermen (some joke about being considered "pirates" for that matter). It also boils down to enforcement of existing regulations relating to over harvesting of perch and there is a very prominent problem with that especially when some of the folks live right on the lakes you aren't able to catch them for observation at the launches. Why shouldn't the perch be under the same protection against selling as the gamefish? We don't have limits of 50 fish for any of the gamefish species. Th environmental aspects relating to this situation are complex and poorly understood by even the DEC because the dynamics are ever changing especially with the additions of new invasives etc.so it will largely be in the area of opinion even by the scientists when looking at the impact on multiple species let alone a single one. I think we all would like to see the picture as a whole with solid facts from which concrete decisions could be made but it doesn't appear to be happening thus far so it is natural that comparisons are being made with things experienced over time and opinions given in response to it.
  3. I guess I was addressing you then sorry about the mixup I was referring to some of the commentary that sounds quite extreme given the nature of the topic (i.e. selling perch not some communist conspiracy or governmental takeover of your whole life) and a bit paranoid as well. We are talking about some school kids doing research and making some responsible comments and soliciting help with what they, their teacher, and I as well see as a problem. I fully expected that this topic would ruffle some feathers especially when there may be folks who are personally profiting from the sale of perch but hopefully it will stay in bounds of polite discussion rather than emotional rants.
  4. I sure hope that thermometer is accurate Hop Thanks.
  5. Lake O is a very different matter than the Finger Lakes.
  6. Oh my God... talk about being misguided...wow! I think some of the commentary above speaks for itself so I wont bother addressing it. By the way when I referred to selfish behavior I was referring to the folks who sell the perch not necessarily to you. First of all the existing laws already prohibit the sale of gamefish. Charter Captains are licensed to do what they do (i.e provide services to the public) and I in no way meant them or private enterprise itself. What I am referring to is the harvesting of undersized and over the present legal limit of perch (50) and the sale of such perch to restaurants. As far as the "unfortunate guy" example just providing for his family you mentioned I know the other side of the story for example of a guy who lives on one of the Finger lakes who is retired and he retired at 100 percent of his salary which was probably upwards of 80 thousand dollars and he fishes for perch everyday from his cottage on the lake and sells his catch to local restaurants.To me that smacks of greed. I do not know how exactly many fish he takes but he is one of the most effective perch guys I've ever known and I've known him since childhood. I have personally seen guys at launch ramps on both Canandaigua and Seneca with more than their legal limits of perch just last Fall so it is reality not just some idea I cooked up to make a point. When money is attached directly to the fish itself (e.g. perch) greed takes over. The commercial fishermen who still remain are regulated by the DEC via their licenses and hopefully monitored as well. I wasn't addressing them either. The main concern here stemmed from issues surrounding the perch fishing on the Finger Lakes and the abuses that have been occurring as well as other environmental factors that have impacted the fish and fishing in general and fish that school can be more severely impacted by fishing abuses because they are more vulnerable because of it. I'd just like to ensure that future generations may enjoy the same things we have up to this point. As far as reducing the limit to 25 it would make it consistent with the limit on other panfish such as crappies in the Finger Lakes (25). I'm not a communist either
  7. High School students and very thoughtful bright ones I might add.
  8. It is always interesting to see the other side of an issue and to see the rationale used to justify one's opinions and actions. The problem with the above "rationalization is that it first omits a glaring fact and that is that the fish resources are PUBLIC resources not the product of man made efforts and investment and the profit from it should actually belong to the public not private personal enterprise. Even more interesting yet distasteful is the attempt to discredit the students as being "indoctrinated" when in fact they appear to be much more enlightened than many adults on this issue, and are taking responsible action toward bringing about a solution to a vexing problem through responsible legitimate channels. They and their thoughtful teacher should be applauded not denigrated. They are talking about sport fishermen selling perch not licensed commercial fishermen and they are calling attention to a complex of both existing and potential problems that can affect us all as sport fishermen and I for one commend them for it. The "red herring" approach above bringing out the "American work ethic", the "free enterprise system", and "moms apple pie" as an excuse for reaping the benefits that actually belong to the public at large as a resource to be sheparded into the future for other generations needs to be seen for just what it is through its thin disguise - selfish behavior.
  9. I think you're going to love the Opti my 135 Opti is more economical than my old 35 horse and it trolls down better too (if I need to use it).
  10. Wouldn't be great chancing getting out and then have the ice go out through the channel so you can't get back in....
  11. When the salmon aren't hitting maybe we should suspect "overdose"? Better than blaming ourselves for screwing up I guess What next (I didn't really ask that did I?)
  12. Poor guy.....we really feel for ya missing all this great fishing and weather back here Nick enjoy!
  13. I think the direction may depend on where you can find any temp increase (even a degree or two can make the difference). Sometimes they are in VERY shallow so boards can be the ticket and the shallower the water usually the warmer it may be in the Spring. As bazooka Joe said a split shot or two can get things under the surface a bit and ifplaced a couple or three ft above the lure they can keep the grass and debris from your lure itself too. I'd be running lines further back than usual away from turbulence and motor noise etc.and the use of a little lighter than usual lines or leaders (8-10 lb test) fluoro leaders. A one color would work fine and possibly even run off the downrigger 5 ft down or so and 50-75 ft back depending on water depth. If the power plant is running there may be a temp break near there and it could be a "magnet" for the browns. If there is colored water I'd be running in and out of the outside edge of it also. Start with a combination of sticks and spoons and decide from there whatever is working. Get an early AM start and move deeper and toward bottonm as the sun comes higher.
  14. Leaches, red worms (manure worms), nightcrawlers, liver, small chunks of shrimp that are starting to go bad. They are bottom feeders primarily so a two hook setup one located about 6 inches up ion 6 -8 lb fluoro leader from a 1/4/ to 1/2 oz bell sinker (depending on how far you need to cast) and the other about 12 inches up either using a 2 inch loop on the line or tied directly. When tied directly you can feel them right away.Gold aberdeen hooks in size #4 (they are relatively fine wire so they don't feel them as readily). If fishing in real shallow a weighted pencil bobber rig can work too with a small jig set about 3ft down. Often the best time is when a slight southerly wind is blowing toward you
  15. Great idea Chad and the site looks good as well as being very functional. Always takes time and perseverance to get things tweaked the way you want them.
  16. Yep. We've done it for years but in a different way. We use our Seth Green rods with a set of cowbells and a 2 lb sinker on a 2 ft drop line suspended from a three way swivel and drag it across the bottom with a peanut or Spin N Glow behind the cowbells. Worst case scenario is that the sinker hangs up and snaps the 20 lb test drop line
  17. The chain thing could be done but it is risky as it could hang up on something even more easily than the ball and it would be stronger than your cable and connection probably so bye bye if it hangs up. Back in the 70's when I first started downrigging I tried attractors short off the ball (from it) and it didn't seem to do much in the way of increased fish but I tangled with my release a couple times (on turns) and that was it for me .
  18. Looking good and it was a day for hardcores for sure
  19. Use a piece of noodle on the connector so it floats
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