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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. I'll take 3 of them Luke. Send me your name/address by PM. I'll send a check as I don't do Paypal. Thanks. Les
  2. Those snap caps remind me of the incredible beer we had in Germany for the three years I was there. There was one called Frankenthaler that would as one of my buddies used to say "knock your d..k into your shirt pocket" It had a grey scum on the head and they said that it was about 14 to 15 percent alcohol and it came in liter bottles.
  3. WTG choo choo Fish of a life time for most folks out there and beautiful print
  4. Nice work Jared. I'm still waiting for the ice to be right around here....but it is coming along.
  5. WTG Dave. I used to run across them in the old days accidentally but never thought of using a call....time to get your gear ready for the ice though
  6. Welcome to LOU Bristol5. You have a PM by the way
  7. Fleet you have a PM
  8. The TD will help with temp/depth relationships but not down speed. They work well for that application and are very portable and nice for seeing how deep your wires coppers and leadcores are running along with the temps at those depths
  9. Lakers have always loved FreshwaterSculpin so I imagine they would chow down on something that looks that close.
  10. Fish Hawk X4D (new model with red screen not the blue screen which is the older one)
  11. Thanks for the "reality check" Jim Lets hope that the cold temps projected for the next few days will firm things up enough.
  12. King Slammin he didn't actually check out the ice itself....just a visual on it from his house located between north end and Trident. He is getting ready to move though so pretty busy right now. Finders Keepers that sounds like a good idea> Even in a good year things can be pretty precarious out there for machines and vehicles (someone goes through almost every year). A walkout would be the safest approach this year for sure.....hopefully be some good safe ice by then very cold temps projected for next week day and night
  13. My son called this AM and said there was snow covering ice on the lake as far as he could see.
  14. Sk8man

    Any ice

    Seneca has only completely frozen up about 3 times in recorded history. The last time I remember was about 1977 or so
  15. :lol:
  16. laker1 and Chas make some very good points. It is always beneficial to try to deal with one variable at a time in sorting out those types of problems and before spending money on something you may not actually need or use. Try to eliminate one thing at a time and then when you get it narrowed down try the other stuff if not successful.
  17. Hey Rollie did you snatch your wife's purse or something?
  18. They have the multidiisc carbonite drag system
  19. If we do get the opportunity to get out there for folks that are unfamiliar with the lake it has some particularly concerning aspects that you should be aware of - There are a number of small "runoff" type streams around the lake which may not be readily apparent (e.g. just to the north of the launch at the south end on the east shore) and usually there is a bubbler near Trident Marine that creates havoc at that access point. There are also random gas pockets which when snow covered can be a problem and dangerous. Sometimes ducks and geese keep open spots out there that may freeze over eventually and may be much thinner than the surrounding ice and may be difficult or impossible to spot when snow covered. I am not trying to unnecessarily scare anyone and hope to be out there myself but being safe is of the utmost importance and regardless of how experienced someone may be (or think themselves to be) regarding ice conditions you can still be "had" out there. For example currents can and do move under the ice and may originate a long way away from that site and out of range of visibility and yet "saw" it thin from underneath. After going through in just such a circumstance in the past up to my chin and with nobody around I can tell you 33 degree water is no fun. If you have a float suit or life jacket etc. don't be hesitant or ashamed to wear it. Ice fishing is one of my favorite methods of having fun and I've done it for most of my life but these days I have a deep respect for when things don't go as planned. My son just called and said that he can see open water with white caps from near the north end to the south well past Trident so this wind sure isn't helping us out.
  20. Don't give up yet....remember Honeoye 's maximum depth is about 30 ft. with much of the lake 12-18ft. We are supposed to have real cold weather this week and there is already some ice on the lake. It is usually the first Finger Lake around here to fully freeze. Although the next ten days are currently projected to be pretty cold for the most part there is snow forecast as well and rain on a couple days with temps just over freezing then. The wind speed/direction may well play a major role especially nights but once things fully setup so that the wind can't work any open areas ice can still form underneath.
  21. Used to see a lot of nice ones on the Bay Bridge near Sodus Point .....little longer than 7 1/2 ft though
  22. I hear ya Andy.
  23. My son was just here (he lives right within a few hundred yards of the lake) and he said that from a little south of Trident to a ways out from the north shore it is open water but looks like it is iced up south but couldn't tell how far south as he is near the north end. I'm not sure how the wind speed was determined (e.g. 15 mph) that you saw last night but it may have been in a "lull" because my son said he had to go outside and check the siding on his place etc. as the whole house was shaking and had some tree limbs down as it was here outside Canandaigua. My place was doing the same and it takes at least 45 mph or so before that ever happens here.
  24. This may help http://www.charts.noaa.gov/OnLineViewer/14800.shtml
  25. The keyword is probably WAS 50-60 mph winds last night and substantial stuff right now. Probably better to get a "restart" on things anyway so that the thickness is more consistent and the surface not all choppy.
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