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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. My ace mechanic buddy laughs at me (saying it is unnecessary) but I add Marine Stabil to my 60 gal tank and I keep it full of 91 Octane non ethanol gas (the other option is to run it empty to avoid moisture buildup). I run Stabil year round anyway but I add more when I store the boat. The manual for the Merc motors says to change the impeller every two years but my last one was in for 11 yrs because I wasn't aware of that and my engine nearly overheated requiring that I be towed much to my embarrassment for the first time in 50 years of boating. I usually grease any fittings on my motors too. Make sure you don't put away your boat without it being completely dry inside (e.g. after cleaning it etc. or you may have mildew). If you have it plastic wrapped make sure it is ventilated and I also place a whole bag of charcoal opened up in a garbage bag inside my boat as well to absorb any potential moisture. I know some guys leave the batteries in all winter but I have always taken mine out and place them on a rack in the cellar and periodically monitor them and keep them charged if they need it (seldom do). I'm not 100 percent sure about the EFI motor but my Optimax requires the High Performance lower unit lube (straight 90 weight rather than the Premium which is 80/90)
  2. Yes if it isn't cracked etc. and I believe that all Mag 10 booms take the part I noted above they are "standard" for the Mag 10
  3. http://www.fish307.com/cannon-downrigger-part-2227820-boom-end-telescopic/ http://www.fish307.com/cannon-downrigger-part-3770135-swivel-head-assembly/ You didn't say which boom but if it is the telescoping one like the ones I have these are the parts for it
  4. I think what Laker Taker is referring to is that there have been a couple of design changes along the way with the end pulley and there have been problems recently on newer Mag downriggers that have been corrected by the newest end pulley but you need to check to see if it will fit the older Mag 10 or you may (probably) need the older one. The one only partly pictured has worked on mine for many years with the only problem being that the downrigger release may try to slide up into the pulley shroud itself when wound too tight but nothing major. There are exploded diagrams of the downrigger parts right in that same section where your pic came from. I'd either email or give the guys at Fish307 a call and ask if the new one will fit....they are good folks and knowledgeable.
  5. Good detailed description Tyee
  6. On an additional note. I have a pair of Black's on two of my downriggers that have been on there for over 30 years without a problem (same wire too).
  7. There was an update to the software a while back for both the Elite 7 HDI and the CHIRP unit and that may have addressed the freeze. My unit has worked fine all season and I installed the update from day 1.
  8. Nothing meant as derision rolmops but I was addressing the fact that the content of the original topic had drifted way off base.... much as mentioning politics, religion, the abortion issue, gun laws/control and stuff of that sort often seems to do when something else is being discussed and it has a way of detracting from the informational value of the topic.
  9. They sure picked the right guy to talk with
  10. Yeah I belonged the Electrical Workers Union, Steelworkers union, CSEA, PEF and Management/Confidential over the years ....do I qualify for a medal of some type? I also worked for non-uniion places but it has absolutely no relationship to this topic or fishing. Lets get back to fishing!
  11. Mike I had two Riveria manual downriggers with 4 ft booms on my 13 ft Whaler in the old days and they worked out real well because they were almost like short outriggers and I also had 15 ft outriggers on it As far as the rubber bands I use the ones from the Dollar Store that are used for girls hair and they work fine. The ones for braces are expensive and hard to come by these days. The shortest weakest ones from Staples will also work. Stay safe.... those cottonwoods are very unpredictable and can break almost anyplace they are so soft; especially in the wind. Back when I was doing it I hated them and also the Elms, Locust and Ironwood but for different reasons If you can do it you may want to think about two downriggers to even out the weight distribution in the small boat especially if you intend to use heavier weight on it.
  12. Thanks Gill-T very informative but very disturbing as well.....
  13. Just a word of caution regarding the "magical spoon" theory The FLT spoons have an exceptional paint job and are eye catching, Great Lakes spoons work great on the Fingers and Lake O and Sutton's have been the mainstay on the Finger Lakes for a hundred years or more. None of these spoons is "magical" in terms of catching fish. They all need to be run properly and at the right speeds and depths to consistently catch fish and it takes experimentation and the actual experience of testing them out and trying different setups with them to actually know what works most effectively. It is also a big question regardless of the specific spoon or color or size etc. whether these are a the critical variables regarding whether they work or if it might be merely the correct action of the spoon at the right speed and being close enough for the fish to see it (and light levels) and appearing "vulnerable" to the fish whether out of a feeding or aggressive response. A lot of the "hype" about spoon colors, crazy names etc. is primarily marketing hype to attract buyers and that applies to all lure companies and I'm as guilty as the next guy of biting on it . It will not be any one lure whether stick or spoon that will be consistently successful unless they are run properly. I too have various "go to" spoons when things are challenging out there but I have also had "identical" spoons perform differently and have different results so experimentation is critical.
  14. MIke- If you get a downrigger (s) let me know (PM) and when I'm down there some Thursday afternoon I'll show you how it works.
  15. John Mann Sodus Bay Canvas 315-871-6400. There are many advantages to having one custom made to your particular boat and he is very reasonable and highly competent.
  16. This topic obviously carries a lot of emotion beneath it and the unfortunate part of it is we have little functional control over much of it so the threatening nature of the fishery going sour can easily obscure the fact that we need to remain united and respectful of each other in our quest for information and solutions to this highly complex situation. It isn't fruitful or productive or fair for that matter to cast blame on anyone at this point as there are too many unknowns for one thing. It also is not right or even logical to blame the DEC guys out in the field either as they are mere pawns in the "chess" game that the State managers play on their big monopoly board and even they are at the mercy of his royal hindness (spelling intentional) King Andrew. it might be wise to stay within the realm of information sharing and bouncing around ideas instead of casting blame on anyone or any entity. We all have a lot yet to learn about this.
  17. Thanks for the "heads up"
  18. A little research homework may save you some aggravation as well as money spent buying somthing you end up disliking and new 20 ft boats can run as much as $50,000 or more by the way. If you intend fishing rough water such as that encountered on Lake O or even some of the Finger Lakes the hull design of the boat is critical. You'll want something that is a deep V hull, wide across the transom and a deep free board. Many aluminum boats don't meet those criteria. There is nothing worse than spending a significant amount off money and then discovering that you can't use the thing you purchased as intended. Just something to think about beforehand
  19. Sk8man

    Perch at Sodus?

    Fjaq you have a PM
  20. Great tip Nick Thanks
  21. The cormorants are doing their stuff on the Finger Lakes as well now. IT is hard to believe those lousy things are protected.
  22. Thanks for sharing the information guys.
  23. The unit itself is worth it but the Insight Pro software sucks....I'd be sticking with the Navionics for that if you are happy with it.
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