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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Just recently I was VERY glad I had a second battery when an apparently loose connection someplace seemed as though my main battery was dead. The middle of the lake is not a great place to sort out battery problems and in many areas towing is unavailable......something to think about. I think I would consider creating a place for a second battery if it were me.
  2. Nice going John
  3. As always from these two guys very valuable and needed advice.
  4. I'm feeling better Sean if you can't do it nobody can
  5. I took a set of identical twins from Rochester out on Canandaigua today for their first time in a boat or fishing for that matter. It was one of the slowest days I've ever had but they ate it up and had a great time despite the slow action..... and they didn't give up on me. We ran 3 downriggers 2 of them with sliders and one with a 1 core secret weapon rig and two lead cores (5 and 10 color) and 2 coppers (250 and 275) a wire dipsey rig and trolled from 7 AM until 2 PM with one small rainbow that spit the hook right when we reached the leader on the 275 copper and jumped (so we at least got a look) and one 3 lb laker on the wire rig/green spinney and fly. I think the pics tell a better story though....as I said ....the fish doesn't always have to be big to be fun I also had a fun mess of two leadcores that came together....nice practice with the knife I guess
  6. It is almost human nature to try to figure out problems by attributing a single cause to it but in most cases many different factors may be involved and/or interact to either create or make the problem worse. This situation is probably one of those cases. The bass fishing has deteriorated in many of the lakes in NYS during the past few years not just lake O and the causative factors are not easily identifiable and some of these places don't have known goby infestations. This is not to say the gobies aren't part of the equation on Lake O but in terms of the larger picture things like two tough winters back to back may be involved or other sensitivities of the species or viral problems relating to die offs etc. All these invasive species are having SOME effect on the fishery and crashes in the zooplankton populations relating to the zebras straining them in shallow and the Quaggas doing it out deeper aren't helping either. When you knock out a lower level in the food chain (especially those that impact the young of the species) and introduce predatory invasive species as well it sets u a complex problem and I believe that is what we have here and I don't think the biologists have a sufficient understanding of it or even have identified all the "players" yet in terms of invasive species and their habits or effects on the fishery. Gobies are also often found in the stomach contents of smallmouth bass.
  7. Geez....I guess maybe we shouldn't complain so much about the fishing equipment prices anymore
  8. Hey Nick are you sure there isn't one too many zeros in that price?
  9. X 2 on Warren's All the salmon stuff you might be dreaming about is probably there
  10. I always used to place a straw bale behind any of the paper or plastic targets and used field tips for practice as just about any foam or cardboard etc. target will pretty quickly deteriorate with use and the paper or plastic targets are "expendable". The broadheads will tear up about anything and I always felt that the edges of them would degrade using them that way unless they are dedicated to that use.
  11. I don't think you're too slow on the draw Keith....most of the rest of us would probably not even have noticed it
  12. All you do with the Blacks is run your line out to the desired length unlock the metal "arm" and make a few loops in your line and insert it in the arm and close it and adjust the tension on it by twisting the little metal button gizmo on the side of the release. Pretty simple in practice.
  13. Ditto on Dave's suggestion
  14. Hey Mark do the fleas stick to your teeth when you use the dental floss afterward?
  15. A couple suggestions: include sufficient details regarding what you are looking to do and where and perhaps what equipment you already have to use etc. and try using the SEARCH function on here with relevant terms for what you are seeking first and then read the related posts and then ask about things that weren't already answered that you are concerned about. There is a goldmine of specific information on LOU when folks spend the time looking into it and it then saves others who have already contributed the information from rehashing things. LOU is a wonderful resource.
  16. Yes they used to be commercially harvested leading to their decline many years ago. I'm sure salmon would eat the smaller/younger ones as would lakers etc. They are considered real good table food in Canada and Alaska as well.
  17. From a longer term standpoint the presence of whitefish may be a healthy sign. They might provide a better balanced diet for the salmon if get to good numbers maybe helping to reduce the thiamine problem with the mainly alewife diet....just a thought....
  18. You are very welcome. Yes they have a launch and tie ups as well and bathrooms /showers
  19. Don't sell Sodus Bay short . It can offer some pretty good advantages at that time of the year. The salmon are in large part heading east out in the lake toward the Salmon River but many are in transit there from the western sections of the lake then and Sodus is right in the path. You can fish either east or west depending on the reports of the day. A real advantage is seen when the lake is very rough and virtually unfishable especially for smaller boats there are often salmon right in the channel despite it being far from optimal trolling conditions and also in the bay itself along the eastern side especially.I've seen people catch them right off their docks and the pier itself in the past. If marginal conditions are present in the lake it can be real good fishing right straight out from the channel allowing you to get back in quickly if storms etc. There are also some handy restaurants and some night life there if you are into it So far this year things have been inconsistent all around the lake and I don't think anyone has it figured out yet so no matter where you go it will probably be a "crap shoot" this season.
  20. Maybe try Sodus Point this time? Check with Arney's Marina.... nice folks. Address: 7250 State Route 14, Sodus Point, NY 14555 Phone: (315) 483-9111
  21. Great post and good confirmation that a lot of fun can be had out there without a huge boat and the "latest and greatest" electronics and equipment. That father and son bond is what it is all about and it is gratifying to see the tradition being carried out in this day of video games and phone obsession. Best of luck fishing and stay safe out there.
  22. I guess the snubber didn't help much on that dipsey
  23. I think this could be a situation where you may get what you pay for price-wise. I have 4 of the Boston Whaler models but they are made by Perko and they have held up perfectly during the past 13 seasons. They are polished stainless and I think run about $120 each. .....but then again what are your downriggers worth to you? I can run my wire dipseys from them and even two 15 ft outriggers as well as the cannon extendable boom downriggers.
  24. I didn't realize you were using coated cable. Are you able to run the release off the back of the torpedo weight itself?
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