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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. I'm with Paul on that one My big boards are down cellar gathering dust
  2. Good report Marty and good to see you got out there. Good luck the rest of the season too. That rig will turn on next month when the water starts to stratify. Les
  3. Usually 18-36 inches
  4. Just as they are
  5. Yeah as much as I love busting you guys I have to admit you guys get the job done and have a bunch of fun doing it
  6. :lol: I was just checking to see if you guys were still alive down there
  7. Plus it takes the southenders a longtime to figure out how to set up their stuff
  8. "Its going to be one tough weekend" - only for the southenders and Cayuga guys Let the games begin!
  9. It's kinda funny how we get lulled into thinking that because we hammer them one day (or through the ice etc.) that we should be doing it all the time The fact of the matter really seems to be that the fish and the fish Gods conspire against us to mess with our minds and they do a pretty good job of it most of the time. I guess that as soon as you think you have this stuff figured out a caution sign should go up because you just know something will throw a monkey wrench into the situation.....Mother Nature is great at it too..
  10. Sitex has been a major player in the electronics industry for many years and they are usually high quality in their products....very reputable company.
  11. You can fit about 260 ft with 450 ft of 50 lb Power Pro which is OK for the Finger Lakes but not for Lake O
  12. I like to release fish too but I think that one wood decorate my wall Great fish!
  13. What I was specifically referring to with matching up weight is with Sutton spoons especially on the middle to smaller ones. I don't change the hook on the very smallest one. (5) and I cut off the existing treble NOT the solid split ring
  14. There is not truly a need for a twilli tip with copper it is a soft metal unlike stainless steel or titanium.
  15. I'm not really a Humminbird guy but Rick Hajecki is and he thinks they're are good then I''d get it.
  16. The 83 khz is often thought of as a "deep water" (like the 50 khz for instance) transducer with a wider cone angle and lower khz for increased penetration and water column coverage but in shallow water (less than 100 ft) it may not be the best choice for spotting fish and detail. The 200 khz is a higher frequency and sends signals at a higher relative rate gathering increased detail but using a narrower cone angle so it may miss targets that are at the periphery or outside that cone angle (transducer often about 6-12 degrees or so) and the signal doesn't penetrate as deep in the water column whereas the wider beam 83 khz has a larger cone angle (e.g. 20 degree) for increased coverage. What this may mean depending on the specific type of transducer you have is that things like downriggers may be marked more clearly especially at depth using the 83 khz (assuming your transducer is placed and set up correctly) and more fish may be marked because the coverage of the cone is greater but the detail will usually be less (structure and individual fish etc.). The most common deep water transducers are 50 khz and my hunch is that the 83 khz may have been selected by engineers because it may interfere less with other common transducers by selecting a different frequency and that frequency may be a good "compromise" frequency (showing some detail while still penetrating pretty good) but this is just my own guess.
  17. I think I would run some Sea foam through it before going to a rebuild
  18. The main reason I've changed over from trebles to Mustad Siwash 3X or 5x stainless singles on my spoons (for many years) is because treble hooks tend to work against each other in the fishes mouth resulting in lost fish...it is VERY seldom I lose fish on singles. Yes you have to carefully match up some of the spoons that are weight sensitive but it is worth it I have also never had one of those stainless hooks bend on a fish....plenty of trebles even the good quality ones.. I leave the trebles alone on sticks because of the weight sensitivity issue and use hardened ones on my home made trolling flies. I have had a couple rainbows and steelies with the hook in the eye but I've also had fish of many species with deep trebles which took too long to extract resulting in lost fish.
  19. And that is the right thing to do but do we need to be threatened by the state with fines etc. when a lot more egregious things are happening and are poorly enforced because of thin staffing ? The folks out west laugh at us....things are so over regulated here (e..g. so -called SAFE ACT etc.) and these same legislators are the ones being convicted of major crimes and gross ethical violations....what a joke!
  20. Here is the link to the article on board modifications at Blood Run http://www.bloodruntackle.com/planer-board-mods-tips/ Carefully look at the TX44 board modification.
  21. Just another "over reach" by New York State and another example of policing the wrong stuff. They don't seem to worry quite as much about people lifting rainbows from the streams at night or increasing the number of DEC conservation officers to make enforcing the existing laws more of a reality,,,,make it look as though you are doing something valuable and get peoples attention so they won't pay attention to the incompetence of administrators and appease King Andrew in the process....great state we've become.
  22. One of my buddies who is a real world class photographer likes Coors Light and after spending three years in Germany way back when I discovered REAL BEER there so I let him know my opinion .... I messed around in photoshop and sent him this image in his Xmas card
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