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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Just as an aside, I have personally met and chatted with dawsonscreek and he is a serious committed student in a great conservation program here at the college in Canandaigua. I'm also confident that he may be much closer to the actual data there in that program than the rest of us might be so it might behoove us to listen with an open ear to what he is saying despite a lot of unsupported claims of sightings being offered by folks who may fully believe their heartfelt but unsubstantiated claims.
  2. I'm with Great Lakes Lure Maker on this. I believe it is perhaps possible for a mountain lion to migrate elsewhere from its usual habitat when pushed out by various forces (development, competition from other species e.g. coyotes for food) and possibly transit through NYS but given all the different places in NYS these alleged sightings have occurred there should be some camera footage someplace to support their presence and it just doesn't seem to be there. I also think that in looking at some of the Internet responses that many other alleged sightings have been made in other states (where they are not known for sure to inhabit) without confirmation or definitive proof and it seems to closely resemble the "Bigfoot"or "Sasquatch" phenomenon. It is not to say that for sure it does not exist ....but where is the proof?
  3. I don't think he had one of his better days either Nice work!
  4. Get ready for a million different responses
  5. Nice going Dre. beautiful buck....I'm thinking three yrs.
  6. John I should have noted that the pic of the Fisher was not taken by me.....I pulled it from the Internet to illustrate what they look like....I have done a lot of photography including many animals but have never been that close to a Fisher to get a shot
  7. Hey Musky many thanks for the recipe. I just now used it as the base recipe and then added seafood stock instead of chicken broth. perch, salmon, clams, shrimp, and a little cumin to it and man is that stuff addictive. You really conjured up a real winner!
  8. Ah OK tx.
  9. If you do keep it tilted just make sure all the water is drained out and put a plastic garbage bag or a piece of heavy duty plastic with a bungi cord over the opening of the prop I'm curious about what the difference is
  10. Sean's pic of the bobcat is a good one and it sort of points up the mistaken identity issue. If someone didn't see the tail and the bobcat was on an angle viewing just the powerful hind quarter midsection and head from a distance where actual size might be hard to determine it could be mistaken for something like a mountain lion by someone that had never seen the two of them before especially. If the two were displayed side by side though the differences would be very apparent.
  11. The top probability would be bobcat in this region. They are fairly common in sparsely populated areas in New York State. The Canadian Lynx was once an inhabitant of southern Canada and northern US but they are very rare now in these areas. They have huge paws and tracks that could perhaps be mistaken for a cougar or "mountain lion" but not when viewed as they also have a much smaller tail and are much smaller in size.They also compete with coyotes for food sources and with the strong populations of coyotes around here they probably wouldn't make a go of it anyway. Most folks around here haven't ever seen a cougar or a bobcat to be able to compare so a casual observation in the wild could easily lead to confusion and inaccurate reporting. With that said there are also repetitive rumors abounding that the DEC had placed cougars selectively in New York State to help control the deer population.....I would think that to be unlikely (but not impossible ) too.
  12. I know some guys turn the kill switch OFF (so the engine won't actually turn on) and then turn the ignition on to make sure the water is out of the pump itself when they are leaving the launch but I've never done it and if the engine were to come on for some reason it could get damaged.so I don't think it is worth it. I just do as above.
  13. I feel for ya Bob....they say your memory is the SECOND thing to go Happy Birthday and many happy returns!
  14. We think the Lake O fishery is tough to manage properly but the ocean environment is much more complex....even in terms of the number and types of commercial fishing "players" involved. If it was a matter of "rods and reels" and small boats it wouldn't be a problem but the large multinational and multi-tiered boats (catching to processing and freezing/packaging) that catch millions of fish and also end up with tons of "off catch" (wasted) are at the heart of the problem and no one can (or will) control them so the small commercial guys will be out of business while those big commercial rigs fish outside the U.S. boundaries unimpeded decimating what is left of the fish population. Like most things nowadays human greed is at the heart of the problem.
  15. http://www.newsweek.com/feds-close-most-northeast-cod-fishing-284126
  16. Nice work Johnny.
  17. I'm with Bazooka Joe on that one...fewer problems with the Daiwa's and they are very durable over time. I've had problems with an Okuma Convector right out of the box. The Magdas perform fine despite being a less expensive reel.
  18. Sk8man

    Sodus Bay

    I know most folks fish area off the loop and the channel markers but a couple other places are worth checking out too.... a) Between Newark Island and Eagle Island where it drops from about 7 ft to 13-17 ft (line up the two western outer points into the bay of the two islands at the edges of the weeds b) The north western edge of Thornton Point (facing Arney's) at outer edge of weeds and around the north eastern tip of the point near the submerged crib (fatheads or spikes on jigs)
  19. That is about as "hardcore" (and crazy) as it gets
  20. Tim- really sorry to hear that and it has to be really frustrating. After seeing what my buddy went through re-doing his Penn Yan I know it has to be really disheartening knowing you have to go though that process again and the work facing you.. Best of luck with things. Les
  21. WTG John. I just put my boat away this afternoon given the upcoming weather picture....sure wish I had been out today though....looks as though you had a good time out there. Les P.S. Did this yesterday from shore though
  22. Tim probably just put it up for the season
  23. Nice work but how come you left the others just standing around?
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