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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Thanks Ed and Marty. Seems like a lot more work than Seneca here anymore
  2. Signalman and I hit the lake about 6AM in my rig and we started on the west side at the water plant drop off and trolled south with slight south wind which became more intense as the morning rolled on. We went with 5 rods as I didn't feel like screwing with the boards....two downriggers with cheaters set at 40 and 45 ft respectively, a 5 color leadcore with spoon unweighted, a wire rig with green and glow Echip flasher with bluish white home made fly, and wire rig with wonderbread Spin Doc with white home made fly. In short we nailed a couple small lakers on the flies in about 50 over 120ft or so and trolled to the condos and the wind died down on the way we also had a savage hit obn the flasherfly which bent the rod over real good and took out the drag and then off before we could pick up the rod (about 200 ft. and out120...think it was a nice rainbow from the looks of it). We turned and trolled north on the east side and put a couple 5 leader rigs out while going toward the middle and angled into 100 ft or so and then back out and when we hit 206 ft the side rig bent and the drag went out and Mike got it and it headed for bottom so I was thinking good sized laker but when it did finally come up it was a nice about 5 lb rainbow which hit a doctored up (nail polish) Sutton 35. We were trolling in the 2.7 to 2.8 range. We trolled north for quite awhile without marking much or seeing any bait. In fact we didn't mark hardly any bait and just a few fish mostly up high and could have been anything and a couple lakers hugging bottom for dear life and that was it. Mike and I had a great time chatting about old times and fishing stuff and he intuitively did whatever necessary whether driving or handling the equipment...a real pleasure fishing with someone who is very experienced whether rigs or any of the other stuff and without having to say anything...he just took up the slack naturally as though he was on his own boat...cool! Things on Canandaigua are still a puzzle and it is far from the lake I have fished in the past...few fish and bait seen very strange. We had to keep the rainbow as he was hooked deep and out through the eye which probably explains why he didn't jump. We quit about 12:45 PM P.S. I forgot to mention the weeds were mostly intermittent and located out toward the middle and the fleas were there but not too terrible
  3. Very nice rig Ed
  4. Nice work Ed Those weeds are a real pain.....as are the fleas guess it takes a bit of determination and perseverance these days. Signalman and I are heading out in the AM here on Canandaigua to see if we can locate the bows.....not sure what we will find regarding the weeds and fleas....
  5. WTG guys! Hey Bob maybe that's what I was referring to when I mentioned to you about the pluses to getting off to a "new start"
  6. These guys are experienced fishermen and know what they are talking about. I'd heed their advice. There's places for canoeing and then there is Lake O for salmon fishing the two do not mix well. Kayaking is a somewhat different animal and still riskier than being in a large seaworthy boat but to ignore safety concerns is very poor judgment and it is the type of thing that gets folks killed on Lake O She is not very forgiving when you make foolish mistakes no matter how experienced you might be.
  7. I sure remember the California Ranch and having a beer and sandwich after fishing at the bar. A shame the place burned down. It was also a great place to warm up after ice fishing
  8. It may be a hoax (the pic etc.) but bull sharks in fresh water isn't and it seems like a REMOTE possibility...they have been found many miles inland from connections to the ocean.
  9. Nice work Dick I have good luck with those smaller Sutton's as well on the rigs and on leadcore and great you somehow escaped the weeds and fleas
  10. Ed - We left plenty of them in the lake for you last time out good luck bud.
  11. Nice fish and report. Looks as though Owasco is "alive and well"
  12. If you mean the major point north of Danny's place it is Menteth Point and often the fish you mark suspended there especiaily straight out from the creek mouth are large smallmouths that school up there and and occasional rainbow.You can troll back and forth for hours without them hitting.....been there done that
  13. The Honeoye situation is probably a little different than other lakes like Otisco because the average depth there is about only 15 to 18 ft (in much of the middle) with only a couple relatively small spots with 30 ft (the deepest it gets). There is a "basin" area with water in the 20's as well. The grass in summer often reaches the surface in most places and even in the middle is often just a little below the surface. There are some stretches where the weeds don't get as high and that is where it is often productive to run harnesses (live crawlers or plastic) or casting rapala like lures after dark (the large mouths can be a pain though)
  14. Maybe we should get back to the fishing stuff instead of a new reality show. The most important point related to fishing here is the issue of how to hold fish for pics if you intend to release them afterward. I too have winced many times when I've have seen folks holding fish with their hands in the gill area and then mentioned releasing them. Fish should be supported laterally (horizontally) with a hand underneath the fish's "chin" area (not touching the gills) and another grasping the narrow area of the tail keeping it as brief as possible and then using reviving techniques in the water until the fish shows it has re-acclimated.
  15. Sounds like a broadband connection for sharing information between units that support it.
  16. Wonderful job Chris. It sure brings back memories of my own first fish with my dad and also my now 36 yr. old son when he was about 7 or 8 and his 32 lb salmon on 12 lb test line handled all by himself and he then wrapped his arms around my leg and said "Dad I love you" ....."peak moments" in life nothing like them.....
  17. Geordy Magee canvas is also right there.
  18. The above info is all on the mark and the only thing I can add is to double check the screw that controls the weight on the dipsey it may be slipping (possible threads worn or slightly stripped even if brand new) on there. Make sure also you don't set the dipsey past the 3 setting whatsoever as it could do that but most commonly it will keep surfacing while the trigger is still set.
  19. You have to carefully choose where you run them and then just under the surface and experiment with speed
  20. Everybody has their days and off days Justin but you certainly have fewer off days than most folks for sure and are as good as anyone I've ever seen with the walleyes especially. My hunch is that nobody would have gotten into them if you didn't. I know many folks have almost a "Godly" respect of and "worship" of the temp meters but there are days when none of the technology helps and folks think they might be doing something "wrong" but that very well may not be the case. Sometimes these fish are turned off for whatever reason and absolutely nothing will provoke them to bite...all part of the game I guess, and there are other times when returning to "basics" and relying less on the technology can help. Anyone who thinks they have these fish totally figured out all the time is delusional .
  21. To qualify what I said above....my son and his buddy caught a 7 lb walleye slow trolling above the weeds with a worm harness yesterday (actual night crawler used) but the algae problem will be getting worse as the summer rolls on (and often coliform bacteria is often present (Ecoli from sewage) and last year it was reported (no actual verification) that a couple dogs actually ingested some water with the blue green algae and died from it.
  22. A major factor may be the presence of the blue-green algae in the water...it is now present and at least in my experience the fishing for most species shuts off (large mouths may be an exception). The water column gets choked with the stuff and the weed growth just amplifies and compounds the problem. I don't even bother fishing it at this time of the year anymore.
  23. Nice laker and those rockies can be a lot of fun too. My buddy and I fish for some gigantic rockies around here in the late Fall and he usually ends up with a ton of fillets mine included
  24. Good answer!
  25. Nice job of it Skeletonfish and nice report. Always great to get into them with family or people new to it.
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