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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. It was $5000. for overall winner and 2,000 for largest laker (second place overall)
  2. Wow! It's weeks after the MEMORIAL DAY derby and Poke is still "seething". The second place finisher from Interlaken is a very good buddy of mine and we both learned this stuff fishing together starting back in the early 70's and I was with him at the awards ceremony and he told me that both he and the derby winner were given (separate) polygraphs and asked very pointed and detailed questions concerning their catches and behavior while doing it and they both passed with flying colors.....should be "case closed". There have been dishonest instances in the past and some suspected as well but when things have been checked out as best as they can be and come up "negative" you have to forget the "conspiracy stories". These guys who won were reportedly within the guidelines of the derby and legally catching a great fish and all of us enjoyed their account of it and are very happy for them.
  3. Cody, historically June is a "transition" month for most of the Fingers in terms of trout and salmon fishing and usually lake Ontario as well. By transition I mean that the water temperature is increasing and will be setting up a thermocline as the month rolls on. This means that bait is still readily available in the shallows in many areas, but dispersed and the fish are distributed all over the lakes....so fishing for them is pretty much "hit and miss". A lot of time folks don't realize this and think that they are doing something wrong or fishing in the wrong spots and it isn't necessarily true. In a few weeks the lakes will stratify with distinct layering and a defined thermocline layer (often 40-70 ft down from the surface) and fishing will be more predictable and generally improve in most places. The bait will move out of the shallows and regroup out deeper and the fish will follow them. Don't get discouraged...it sounds as though you were running the right stuff and in areas that should turn on soon. keep at it
  4. Just be careful not to fish on the Canadian side of the line (without getting a Canadian license first...I think you can get them right on Wellesley a ways from the park.
  5. I think given the fact that it is a derby....catching a bunch of fish is not usually the object it is catching the biggest ...trolling at night for trout (different for walleyes) is always a big question mark about whether it is worth messing around and getting tangles etc. If it were me and the water is relatively calm I'd either get live bait and drift or anchor up or else jig after locating some big marks that look like the species you are targeting (often suspended at night). It is safer, potentially more productive and if you use some incandescent light (e..g. lantern) you may be able to "call the fish in" with it placed for example hanging from a downrigger off the side of the boat. The bugs will come then the bait after the bugs and the fish after the bait. Just a thought.... I've done all of them and night trolling for trout is the least productive (and quite diisorienting as well). Then troll as usual during first light. Nothing like starting to fall asleep and hearing a screaming drag going out and not being able to see where or what is causing it.
  6. If it were me I'd contact Fish Hawk directly. Trevor and his staff are great folks and very fair. With some things in life buying at the cheapest price is not always the best solution and I know those folks will do right by you with one that is in tip top shape.
  7. Best of luck with the rebuild etc. Justin it is just too bad you've had to deal with all that crap in the first place.
  8. You can also store them in large ziplocks for the small tubes and kitchen trash bag for the calk gun and wrap it good and fasten with a tie
  9. Best of luck to you.
  10. I don't know if you have previously fished Seneca but just a word of caution. It is no place for a Kayak or any small boat for that matter when the wind comes up. Because the wave characteristics are shorter between waves it can be even more dangerous than the "rollers" on Lake O and you can get into major trouble in a hurry. On the good side Glass Factory bay near Roy's affords some shelter when the wind is out of the westerly directions and Clark's Point provides a bit if out of the due south or southwest.
  11. I use clear hot glue. You can see inside it to assess condition and it holds if the knot should come loose. It doesn't take much and you can "shape" it while hot.
  12. Roy's launch is right on south Rt#14 just past Glass Factory Bay (south of Geneva Country Club) near Clark's point and it is a pay launch (not sure of price as haven't used it in many years) and it puts you right near deep water and good fishing.
  13. Things to think about beforehand: Is it a 2 or 4 stroke (substantially heavier)? Just something to keep in mind is weight limitation regarding your transom and having a suitable bracket that will support it and raise and lower OK if your boat is large enough to support that big of a kicker properly. Also check to see whether you will have enough clearance from the main motor as a 20 is pretty "beefy". A kicker is certainly preferable to bags for a few reasons most important of which is safety (having alternate power) in addition to the fuel consumption issue. If a 2stroke...do you have a place to locate a separate fuel tank? and...what will be your throttle and steering options (especially if you fish solo at all)?
  14. Although the chart gives some "desirable " temp ranges fish of all species can often be found outside these ranges and feeding is usually the reason.....ever go to a restaurant or grocery store in the winter when it is freezing outside? Same principle... we leave our desired or preferred temp or comfort zone for basic reasons but most of the time we remain inside where it is toasty. As the guys have already said find the bait (restaurant or grocery store) and you'll probably find your target species lurking nearby.
  15. I hear you man....I've had health stuff then kicker issues then vehicle stuff so I can relate. Hope to see you at Sodus this season. Les
  16. One wire dipsey (124mm Deeper Diver) off each side and one braid dipsey off outrigger or on lnline TX 44 board on each side. During the heavy part of flea season I stop using the braid rigs until Fall.
  17. Yeah Nick we're waiting to see Theresa whipping yer butt getting to the rods ahead of you and hauling in the big ones Have a safe uneventful trip back up here. How did the stripers go? Les
  18. Very slow John ...tough fishing 9 for 9 all lakers on Saturday no size 6 lb max and Sunday 2 for 2 1 brown and one rainbow no size.
  19. Brian I know you love those things but on Seneca the peanuts have saved the day more frequently than the the Spin n Glows....now John will be the "big kid on the block" with those
  20. If they are on there leave them there if not don't put them on as they were probably designed that way (action wise)
  21. Yeah some of these things could be designed better...I have 3 ($80 each) Perko rail mount SS rod holders where the threads have stripped and the threads are actually cast metal so the SS bolts chew them up....and I have 12 of them so I'm keeping my fingers crossed on the others.
  22. Good luck with it.
  23. John is going to be real dangerous on Seneca for those lakers now....
  24. I'm no technician but my understanding is that once a thru hull is installed (usually expoxied) it is there to stay....I think you may be asking for trouble by moving it.
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