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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. I have always kept them as options especially when things are slow I even have the larger size ocean variety I also keep some dodgers handy....new school isn't the only school
  2. I think it is safe to assume that there may be debris etc. in all of the Finger Lakes right now given the recent rains and high water levels
  3. Yes the north end of Canandaigua is way up and total mud right now too.
  4. Wow! I'm feeling some of the excitement about the derby leaking out like air out of a balloon Ed..... A good thing the south end guys aren't motoring up from down there this year....it could be really dangerous out there if this stuff doesn't clear by then. The Seneca canal is reportedly a real mud pit now too. This years derby may be known as "back to square one" (for me at least.....)
  5. Back in the early eighties a buddy and I were fishing Owasco and we did notice a bunch of boats at the ramp but didn't think much about it until we came back in and realized that a derby was going on there. I inquired about the current standings on the leader board and a 9 pound something laker was leading. I asked them to weigh the two we had just for chuckles and mine was 11 pounds and change and my buddy's fish was a little over 10. The 9 pound laker held up and we were kicking ourselves in the butt all the way home for not knowing about the derby. It is a great little lake with some real nice fish in it.
  6. It is anyone's guess right now what all this rain will do to the water temps, clarity etc. and especially the debris in the water. In the past these conditions have had a negative impact on derby results. As long as I don't have to wear my snowmobile suit like I did in one of them we'll "tough" it out Some of it will depend on wind direction and velocity in the meantime and how much mixing of the water occurs.
  7. I think if it were me I'd try going straight out to the middle of the lake from the park and head south in the channel where the buoys are and when you reach where it drops off to about 12-15 ft. or so (south) fish to the west side (e.g. outer edge of weedbeds near Canoga Park using live bait (e.g. shiners rigged with bobbers to "freefloat" or casting lures. If trolling try the channel area 8-20 ft (you'd be headed south) with stuff like red and white or black and white daredevles or stickbaits on toplines way back trolling slow for starters to where it starts dropping off out from Hibiscus Point and Frontenac toward the east. You should also run into some good sized Pickerel there.
  8. Given the usual pattern of lake warming from west to east (south shore at least) I am wondering about the actual distribution of the concentrations of bait. Do we experience an "apparent" surplus of bait in say the western half of the lake south shore while the eastern parts or north side for that matter are much less dense at this particular time of year? If the bait pods were to "congregate" west/south (temporarily) with the higher temps and spawning it could give an artificially high reading of the numbers vs. when the bait is spread out throughout the lake and out deep....just a thought...as usual Vince comes up with an interesting issue that provokes thinking...
  9. It is an "old school tactic" that serves two main purposes - it keeps the spoon or stickbait under the surface and also can keep weeds or debris off the lure itself as well (usually placed about 2 - 4ft above lure for that).
  10. Hard to beat that kind of dining Kevin....especially the price
  11. I sure hope things settle down a bit before derby time Ed... Canandaigua Lake is also a mess right now A lot of debris and mud.
  12. Must be something genetic Frogger I think the guys down south will probably have to post pics of things taken from their kids gold fishbowl out of desperation
  13. Very nice job of nailing it John.
  14. Years ago when some of my friends were getting into chartering I figured I'd look into it too so I took an evening class short business course which started with developing a detailed business plan and "defending" the plan in front of the class. I was all psyched up until I fully explored the details regarding the financial investment in the boat, equipment, captains course, insurances, upkeep/storage costs. I then computed the time spent chartering, making arrangements, rigging stuff and cleaning up after/between charters. When I finished with all my figures and made my conclusion statement it became fully apparent to me that in my personal situation I couldn't justify doing it from an economic standpoint....I figured my hourly "wage" at $2.70 and although the tax "write off" initially appeared attractive it was too much of a "gamble" to take a chance on the average 5 year loss of an "average" small business. The final blow was the realization that given my "fussy" nature to keep my equipment nice and extreme desire to fish as much as possible (as was currently doing) I wouldn't be able to fish the way I really wanted to if I was trying to please customers and screwing around with the business part of the operation which is essential for success....I worried that it would "spoil" the enjoyment factor of fishing for me. My hat is off to the guys like Rick, Sean, and Nick and other very competent charter guys who have overcome these "obstacles" and maintain their fishing enjoyment as well. I was meant to be a "recreational" fisherman.
  15. Bob, If anyone can help you with that it is Hank at L & M .....not much time left before the derby...good luck with it....
  16. Geez Kevin... you're going to end up with "Popeye arms" from hauling in all those Crappies and gills Some great eating right there...
  17. Nick has got big shoulders Mike he can take it....
  18. Dave's Body Shop and Towing has bait right on East lake Road in Honeoye on your left just as you travel south from 20A on East Lake Road - not sure of his hours though
  19. Man...those styrofoam fish of Nick's look pretty real don't they?
  20. Good one Joe
  21. Me too.....but I just happened to think "What if I don't get into them good this year"....I'd be screwed.....you guys would have a field day on me for sure....oh well we northenders function better under pressure anyway
  22. I agree Sean and rest assured I was only TOTALLY JOKING about it.....and besides....nobody would believe that a south ender had ever caught a big fish to begin with
  23. :lol: I guess I hope they do a stomach analysis on Sean's fish because he probably froze up that Lake O laker just waiting to enter it in the Seneca derby (one year that actually did happen in the derby by the way but the officials caught it right away)
  24. Jason - best of luck with it .....go get em man....
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