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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. I'd also use the paint that is made specifically for use on plastic
  2. Some times we make this stuff more complicated than it needs to be. I love to experiment so for me it is a matter of trying different things on a given day/conditions to see what works that is what I base my decision on so I give a try, wait a little while (say 15 minutes to1/2 hr.) and change things up as you mentioned above and try that. In my view there is no "magic bullet" or answer that will work all of the time either way.....like us fish can be "fussy"
  3. Sk8man

    Sticker shock!

    I've been tying my own flies and rejuvenating lures that I haven't used for a long time but were good other than the finish....it's a chance to try out new colors or combinations and experiment a little cheaper (and I don't know where I'd put any more lures anyway)
  4. Tim - I scrounged up quite a bit of line from 4-17 lb, some sinkers and hooks and small bobbers and a few casting lures etc. so let me know where and when we can meet up. Hoping this may give others ideas. Les
  5. Good luck bud! Nice pic. Les
  6. It would be a lot cheaper to just diet Bob
  7. Thanks Bob......I think I might put one of those orange balls on my antennae next time and a "Sheriff donation sticker on the back
  8. Perhaps resistor type plugs as well? Make sure your transducer wire is not co-mingled with the power wire or other power wires and that the power wire for the depth finder is away from other wires or sources of interference (e.g.engine power source). Try turning down the gain to check for turbulence induced interference (screen "noise") vs. electrical interference. They usually look a little different but not always.
  9. I'll bet many of us have some hooks and sinkers, line and casting spoons we don't use or need that could be donated to the cause. I'll have a look down cellarTim and maybe we can meet up for coffee or something
  10. As long as there are no kinks or micro breaks I just cut off a couple feet from the end and re rig it each year to make sure the terminus is secure. The stuff lasts a long time if you are careful with it.
  11. Another is Tackle Warehouse http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/
  12. BSmaster- They said that there are major problems with the Catherine's habitat having been washed out to a great degree, fewer rainbows noted there now, and they even said that we might want to consider other streams to fish for now for them. The numbers were also down in Cold Brook and Guyanoga Creek (Sugar Creek) at Keuka. They said the Smelt appear to be basically non-existant in the streams at Seneca, Keuka and Canandaigua and they are not really sure why. They are unsure whether they are present in the lakes to any degree. Could be related to the phytoplankton and zooplankton being decimated by the Zebras and Quaggas? The gobies have been noted in Cayuga and they feel that it is just a matter of time and they will be in Seneca as well. They primarily treat the lamprey in Seneca by treating Catherine's and the Keuka Outlet delta with lampricides and I believe they said they will be doing so this year when conditions are right. They briefly mentioned the lamprey problems on Cayuga and ssaid that treatment is planned for this year there at the inlet area in Ithaca. They will never be totally eradicated on these lakes but they felt they are under much better control in Seneca. I think these are fairly accurate summarizations but anyone else that was there please pipe in if I am either incorrect or incomplete.
  13. Rick and Gambler are right....we need to support our own guys....it is like Chevy and Ford....and Atomik and Blood Run are both good quality products....my next wire will be Atomik despite being very satisfied with Blood Run....
  14. Depending on the draw of your electronics they can usually be hooked into your main starting battery as long as you are starting/running the engine briefly periodically (e.g. going place to place etc.) and use a deep cycle to run things like downriggers. I have a combination starter/deep cycle for that purpose and a conventional marine starting battery for the main motor and fish finder and have never had a problem. One of the things I do though is use the drag brake on the downriggers rather than the down button (i.e. only use the UP button) and my deep cycle lasts all season without even being recharged. I've done it that way since I got the downriggers 30 years ago (without problems with them).
  15. Panfisher I know your comments are accurate about the past regarding Woodville etc. but have you actually caught big browns in the last three years there? The Seneca Lake stuff is still happening as stated and one year I even pulled one out that took second place in the Derby there exactly that way (working the drop-offs) but canandaigua is a very different situation lately.
  16. Sk8man


    Welcome aboard bmg. You'll find a great bunch of very competent and generous fishermen on this website. We all benefit from the variety of responses and perspectives offered here and we are all learning. The sharing of information is invaluable and hopefully gives "newcomers" a quick "jump start". Chad Lapa does a wonderful job keeping this website in tip top shape and is one dedicated "dude"
  17. Check out the Spro's as well. Which ever kind you opt to get make sure they are solid ring not split ring (which can and will cut your line with big fish.m You can always get just the swivels and add separate duo locks as well. Nothing magical about coast locks.
  18. Very good points flyrod2 that is truly where it is at....I'm up for doing anything I can as well....
  19. Cool and thanks for the nice words...
  20. Amen Tim Platt!Thanks for doing what you do for the kids....it is vitally important. You summed things up beautifully too. There is a lot of selfishness as well as greed in the world...why have it connected to the sport we care about. I have fished these Finger Lakes for my entire life including fishing with some of the best "old timers" in the Finger Lakes - many of whom are no longer with us and many of them "secret holders" to the grave. You can't take your equipment with you either....we are all "renters". I decided some time back that it is essential to our sport to willingly share information that might help others in this pursuit and especially important to pass on information to new folks to the sport to help "jump start" them to keep the sport alive and well. Ever notice that many if not most of the folks at meetings and even at the expositions and fishing shows are middle aged and beyond males? Kids now days have way too many alternative choices (sports practices every day after school, video games TV, various other things and the money to do those things. I had trap lines to check for muskrats BEFORE school, a Democrat and Chronicle paper route with 127 morning papers later on, and as a teen 17 lawns to mow, walks to shovel and that was how I got my money to send away for a cheapo rod and reel and a few Mepps spinners and fake daredevles to fish with on the Canandaigua Outlet and Seneca Lake whenever I had spare time, and it made me appreciate what I had and to love the sport itself. Time is precious and fishing takes time and persistence as well as patience and these are very valuable things to learn. It is important to share useful information on this website but some discretion and judgement is useful as well. I don't divulge things that are told tome in confidence nor things that are the subject of PM's unless the person suggests or OK's it first and these are BIG LAKES and I don't think the "spot burning paranoia" mentality is particularly useful in this situation.
  21. Flyrod2 let me first say that the DEC guys did fine on the presentation and they had their Powerpoint stuff together and they appeared very genuine in their desire to be helpful and answer questions on the material presented as well as other questions that were asked, but as you mention the real heart of the matter is a cooperative effort at the DEC level aswell as with us fishermen being actively involved. The larger issue that was basically just touched on is the budgetary stuff at the State level and lack of staffing at DEC in general and the Fisheries division in particular. There is reportedly $40 million in the Conservation Fund which we sportsmen contributed to those idiots in Albany that is just being held for whatever reason by Albany so these fisheries guys hands are pretty much tied right now from the looks of it. They did also mention that some hatchery improvements have recently been approved for funding. I think your idea is a good one but I think this money thing will have to be solved before any concrete things can be done in the "field".
  22. I should mention also that it was apparent to us that the DEC guys are pretty overwhelmed by the magnitude and complexity of the problems facing them in getting a handle on what's going on in the Finger Lakes right now. They have severe budget and staffing restraints imposed by the "out of touch" and largely incompetent legislature and Governor. They are spread very thin and without money allocated to fund new projects so to the degree that we can give them some assistance (i.e information etc.) and vocal support (letters to our legislators to push them) it helps to look at this in the sense that "we are all in this together".
  23. It is true that browns in the Finger Lakes have a little different habits than some of the other trout species but many of us fish specifically for a given species such as rainbows and browns on Canandaigua for example and we have had good success in the recent past in catching big healthy browns with our methods. As Flx Troutman has said up to about three years ago we were getting them but the last two years I caught just 2 sub legal sized browns using the same methods used for years successfully with "zip" in the way of results....something has definitely happened to them here. I continue to catch rainbows at will (and good ones too) and avoid the lakers most of the time because of the way I set up. I've fished Canandaigua Lake since about 1968 including a lot of night fishing specifically for browns back in the 70's and 80's at the south end and the browns (8 or 10 pounders were no big deal then) are just not here in numbers or size any more. I also used to fish for them on Keuka at Hammondsport and Branchport on Keuka with success but I haven't heard of many caught over there either lately.
  24. About as good as it gets...all nice fish....good going!
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