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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. Nice going Chad. Charlotte is a real "cutie" too!
  2. One of your neighbors messing with you Jim (or co-worker)?
  3. I think it is for next year
  4. A thought....why not just use an electric trolling motor in the shallows with big motor all the way up in tilt?
  5. Nice salmon... and the look on the little guys face says it all.....cool! Les
  6. Sk8man

    Seneca perch

    Why are you complaining... you are still munching on those rock bass from last Fall.
  7. Sk8man

    Seneca perch

    The issue is not really about folks who live on the lake vs. people that come from other places to fish though. I too have fished Seneca all my life including well over 50 years of trolling and perch fishing in particular. There are also folks who live on the lake (I'm not directing this at Dick in any way whatsoever either) that catch many limits of both trout and perch and take them back into their place and go back out and get more time after time after time all year long. I've seen it personally and have reported it in the past. Some sell the perch to local restaurants in the area as they are legal to sell. This is especially prevalent in the late Fall and winter when there is very little detection by others possible (game wardens tied up with hunting, many boaters have put their boats away. most folks unaware that it is going on etc.) and the perch are schooled up. These people are very much aware of the perch habits, their locations, and what they are feeding on etc. because they can monitor them on a day to day basis. They are very effective "fishermen" but highly unethical "fishermen". The basic problem as I see it is GREED and a lack of caring about conserving resources or sharing. It is a HUMAN problem whether the folks come from other places or are locals. These folks are not true fishermen and don't deserve any respect whatsoever whether they are locals or "visitors".
  8. WTG.... one hell of a laker to come from the Finger Lakes let alone Canandaigua....nice to see there are still some wary old dudes out there
  9. Sk8man

    Seneca perch

    Thanks Steeley Dan... but no need....I think Lineman and I are squared away on the issue.....and I understand his viewpoint.....Thanks again though. Les
  10. Me too....a little more so every year.....but my son and Admiral Byrd still get on me during ice fishing because I'm out there sitting on my bucket with my two man Clam left in the car cause I like to see what's going on
  11. WTG What a great way for the family to celebrate with a heck of a nice fish! Nice going and Happy Birthday to your dad!
  12. Sk8man

    Seneca perch

    Something that might be of relevance : Seneca lake reportedly has 43,343 acres of surface area and the shore length is 75.4 miles and it is contained within 4 counties.....not exactly a pond or stream.....
  13. Great results Thanks for sharing.
  14. Thanks I'll check it out. Best of luck in your adventures.
  15. Where exactly is the town with the salmon in the river? And is the salmon weir (ladder etc.) on that one or a different river?
  16. Sweet video.....best I've seen in awhile....you're one lucky dude and I don't mean the just the fishing
  17. Yes Mark....I think I will stick with the boat being over water too
  18. I've had my Opti for 11 years now and I've had it serviced at the marina for ten of those years and I've stored it inside all but last year (plastic wrapped). The one year I neglected to have it done and just used triple strength Marine Stabil and ran the water out etc. the following Spring I had to pay about $600 to have the lower unit serviced because there was a small amount of water apparently that got in somehow (that was undetected) and messed up the seals despite being inside an unheated barn. The tech manual for Opimax's indicates that the impeller needs to be changed every 2 years. I found that out this season and apparently the marina guys didn't know it either because it was in there for 11 years (without problems) but when it did happen was on the first day of the Trout Derby which I had spent the bulk of the winter preparing for and it required that I be towed 12 miles or more for the first time in all the years of boating (after overheating but luckily shutting off in time) and couldn't fish the rest of the 3 day derby. It sucked! Nitromusky's information is spot on for the Opti. It is a little different than some other outboards in that it is a high performance engine that in some ways requires a bit more attention to detail than some others to keep it running the way it is supposed to run....especially if i t is used to troll some or all of the time. P.S. I also run the triple strength Marine Stabil year round as well as periodically add Sea Foam to the gas tank and use non-ethanol gas these days.
  19. Kevin is right on the money with his post too.
  20. Real nice deer and shot placement. Congrats!
  21. Sorry to hear about your cooler Marty. Last year I forgot and left mine on the transom area of the boat on the way back from Woodville and I had the stroke of extreme good fortune to have a neighbor in the car behind me (unknown at the time to me) and he caught up with me down the road and gave me my cooler which only had a small crack in the corner of the top so it is still in service after 20 plus years of use
  22. Cool! nice day...I wanted to be fishing but other obligations kept me busy today. Glad to see somebody had some fun of it
  23. Great post Justin!!! keep at it bud...you're having a wonderful season. Les
  24. Nice going Ed....and sweet brown...those things must really fear you after this season (or at least they should) WTG Les Hey Ed I hate to say it but I think Kinger is laughing in the background in the pic
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