We try to release them unharmed and the needle prick of the air bladder on lakers has been around since at least the early 70's and probably before. The thing I have always wondered about catch and release methods regardless of type is if they actually do work (e.g. long term). A fish swimming away from the scene does not truly answer the question either. The assumption is made that if they don't float back to the surface they probably made it but it is just that an assumption too. We try to do what we can but after seeing fish laying on bottom including lakers and especially bass after tournaments where they are released afterward places this as a long term question mark in my mind. For years I used the bladder perforation and burp method but always wondered whether the bladder seals properly afterward soon enough to maintain its function. I don't think anyone really has the actual answer but again we do our best with limited knowledge and data about the results.