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Everything posted by Sk8man

  1. # 1 and 2 on the entry forms Don
  2. Hey Stan I don't want to worry ya but my son is #1 and I'm #2. If that is any omen....you may want to save your money
  3. Great male brown
  4. Is it a transom mounted transducer? If so it must be located away from any sources of disturbance such as strakes and chines (ridges or areas where water channels as it flows past) on the hull. If you are not consistently marking bottom during travel the transducer may not be properly placed. The transducer may be too far to the outside of the hull and when on plane so that part of the hull is not consistently fully immersed at the right angle during travel. One thing to check before doing anything else is to check the sensitivity (or gain) setting on the new to you finder. If set too high you can be seeing all sorts of possible sources of "clutter on the display".
  5. Yep good chance they are Sculpin (hopefully) very common food for the lakers on Seneca
  6. Hope its me...I love busting balls
  7. I bet I have you all beat in fishing time though by 81 I had already been fishing for 32 years but lets not forget about what this thread is about....recognition of a great fisherman that apparently influenced many others in a very positive way and that is more important than time spent doing anything.
  8. Fishy is definitely your best bet as he can answer any of your questions as he is a good rig fisherman himself. It could greatly shorten your learning curve.
  9. Ah cool. Hard to tell size from a distance in pic. Great boat.
  10. Bob Stivers the Derby President indicated in another post on here that it is still going to be held as of a few days ago.
  11. Nice catch. Is that a 21 or 23 ft Revenge? In my world any Whaler is a good boat
  12. I think the derby committee is meeting next Wednesday evening to discuss it (i.e. whether the derby is on or not)
  13. I hear ya man...
  14. Just practice up on linking a bunch of swear words together it helps
  15. Good luck with all of it Justin. Maybe you'll be able to salvage the season after all
  16. Very good advice
  17. Cool Brian they go good with my weight
  18. We try to release them unharmed and the needle prick of the air bladder on lakers has been around since at least the early 70's and probably before. The thing I have always wondered about catch and release methods regardless of type is if they actually do work (e.g. long term). A fish swimming away from the scene does not truly answer the question either. The assumption is made that if they don't float back to the surface they probably made it but it is just that an assumption too. We try to do what we can but after seeing fish laying on bottom including lakers and especially bass after tournaments where they are released afterward places this as a long term question mark in my mind. For years I used the bladder perforation and burp method but always wondered whether the bladder seals properly afterward soon enough to maintain its function. I don't think anyone really has the actual answer but again we do our best with limited knowledge and data about the results.
  19. Ah OK good luck with it
  20. You may also want to check the power cable itself if you have the older type cable as they were notorious for the outer covering cracking and then shorting out. If you have the new er cable disregard.
  21. I wouldn't make that assumption just yet (especially if long drive to get there) as they have been launching small boats there for months without the docks
  22. He also is VERY knowledgeable about running rigs so he can answer about any questions you may have and is a great guy.
  23. Not sure where you are located but Fishy Business in Branchport may be able to hook you up with everything you may need. He is on here ("Fishy"). He is located at 3737 Pepper Road Bluff Point NY (607) 368-2306 or (315) 719-3673 (closed Tuesdays)
  24. Might need a new video card, magnifying glass or monitor if on a computer as the spots are very apparent on the tail
  25. Important to know where you are located for starters
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