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Everything posted by dewey123

  1. All these awesome reports coming out and I was stuck camping...it was killing me not to be able to get out. Good job [ Post made via Android ]
  2. on a bright full moon the fish can see real good all night and eat all night
  3. I leave mine on scan [ Post made via Android ]
  4. I use snaps without the ball bearing swivel
  5. i use 40 lb big game for my leaders. If i am running downriggers i have about 20 ft leadears tied on to my braided mainline. copper lines i have longer leaders maybe 50 ft 40 lb big game. for dipsys i tie my braid directly to the diver and on the back of the diver i tie a leader the length of my rod maybe alittle biger...8- 10 ft of 40 lb big game to the spinnie/fly. I think the lb test for leaders is preference but i personally wouldnt go under 30 lb but i dont like to loose my fish or equipment.
  6. Yes the spoon should wobble back and forth. I like black and green. Blues. And Greens spoons. As far as spin doctors and flys...green natural born killers. Chrome bull frog. White and green patterns work. I like mosly green and blue flies. I use 40 or 50 lb braid on my rods with a 30 foot mono leader in 30 or 40 lb big game. I use a size 0 I think...just under mag size. You use heavy line because your catching big fish that hit very hard especially dipsys. Dipsys also have a lot of constant pressure on the rod and reel and line and a big hit could snap your line if it is too light. Search the forums there is a lot of info and in the tackle description there are pics of lures posted [ Post made via Android ]
  7. depends on where youre at...west end they wont be in the streams untill the end of september salmon river on the east end end of august they will start to run. But they dont all go into the streams...some stage in front of the stream longer than others...you have plenty of time to get them in the lake
  8. When we were leaving the dock it looked like you were having some problems then it fired up I was like I hope we didn't drain his battery. That was my brother in law that you lent the battery to I went to the truck for cables and when I got back he had a battery lol. We trolled north south untill we hit fish and circled back on then. We got a laker that was tiny 2 or 3 lb smallest one I ever caught. At least you guys got into some fish there's a lot of times I get back and talk to people that didn't get crap...it happens to me sometimes too but its just nice to get out for a while. Hopefully ill see you guys out there again [ Post made via Android ]
  9. I did a compression check about 4 months ago when I had to carb rebuilt. I have a compression test gauge so maybe ill check that this weekend [ Post made via Android ]
  10. Yeah that puff of smoke concerned me alittle bit lol. But I will trace it out when I can before work. Ebay had some decent prices on starters and I can't remember the site had some aftermarket starters. I should have bought it a few weeks ago but it was running good after I recrimped the wires. That tohatsu is the best investment I made for that boat. I won't be up this weekend but the weekend after ill be out fishing. [ Post made via Android ]
  11. i used tite lok triple tree with dipsys but they twisted alittle and when you go to pull the pin to adjust them or flip them in the spring loaded pin would get bent to beyond use where you would have to replace them. they are expensive to replace...might be able to use a heavy nut and bolt to replace that pin. I wouldnt buy them, i had better luck with plastic rod holders.
  12. I paid 56 dollars for my topsider at obersheimer sailor supply in buffalo
  13. I have an 89 force 50 i have been having problem with slow cranking and it not starting. A few weeks ago i thought i solved the problem when one of the crimps on the battery fell apart. I recrimped it and it cranked over fast and fired right away like it used to. I bought a starter solenoid but have not swapped it out. My starter is alittle loose in the bracket but i didnt think it was binding in the flywheel but now im not sure if thats the problem or if my starter is bad and isnt getting full amount of power when i try to start it. It slowly started this problem were it was a slow crank then picked up to a fast crank and fired up then slower and slower to where it is lucky to fire up. I have a current draw and drained my battery the last tiem out when i left the battery in the boat. charged it sat night for about 5 hours and appearantly it wasnt enough. Now with the cownling off a puff of smoke came off a black wire and i taped it up. I dont know if the starter heats up...i would assume it does but the battery gets VERY hot. The small wires heat up on the battery but the big wires going to the starter i assume dont get hot...or i didnt notice them getting hot. The wires are tight under the wing nuts on the battery. Any thoughts comments are appreciated. I dont want to start replacing good parts my clymer repair manual points me toward the starter but i guess id just like some reassurance. Thanks guys
  14. just had to scroll down a bit. looks like you guys did pretty good. the fleas were getting to be a pain in the butt because other guys would reel the line in and not try to remove them and get them in the reel or a huge cluster F at the tip of the rod.
  15. yeah it turned out pretty decent. We trolled for a bit charging the battery and it cranked slow a few times then real fast like normal and fired up. i let it run for a bit and turned it off. and I did that a few times to make sure it would start. but each time it was a slow crank. Im just thinking the starter is shot. Was that you that said to go out on the tohatsu kicker to us at the dock? I was going out wheather the farce started or not lol. My brother in law got a battery from some nice guys when i was getting my jumper cables...if your out there guys thanks for letting us give it a shot. How did you guys do out there?
  16. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:Bass Ackwards ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):7-10-11 Time on Water:7am to 2pm Weather/Temp:sunny and hot Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: 1ft or less Surface Temp: 70.7 Location:olcott LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 15 Total Boated:12 Species Breakdown:kings steelhead coho and a laker Hot Lure: roy boy spoon Trolling Speed: 2.7 to 3.1 Down Speed: Boat Depth: 100 to 280 Lure Depth: 0-50 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== I made it out sunday around 7. Had a late start then boat problems at the dock. slow cranking high current draw. I have a new solenoid i need to swap out and I think i need a new starter....any ways. I was taking my dad and brother inlaw fishing reguardless because my brother in law drove 3 hours to meet us. So i fired up mr tohatsu and away we went. Started alittle slow after about 20 minutes we had a nice fish on a dipsy i grabbed the rod and hnded it off and the fish popped off. Rigger popped took a few jumps and fish off. We caught 3 steelhead one right after another, biggest one 8 and change then a 7 and change and then a smaller one. All the steelhead and coho just didnt want to stay in the water they were alot of fun. Finally around noon my brother inlaw laid down and the dipsy fired with a 17 lb king I let him reel it in hoping it was bigger. We got 1 more king and a very small laker. threw back all the small fish except 1 that was hooked deep in the gill and was bleeding all over i couldnt see tossing it in the water and floating away. Took a hit on a white and green spinny/green fly and 1 hit on a mt dew crush spinny/white fly. Every spoon was taking hits bullfrog colors, roy boy, m and m and a black and blue dolphin. I wish we could have got out earlier like 530 but oh well we still caught a bunch of fish.
  17. No them are good gods [ Post made via Android ]
  18. Lol [ Post made via Android ]
  19. Thanks guys I think I wasn't. Pulling them hard enough. I was scared of the hook coming out of my vise and sticking in my hand. I tied it and took it out with my pliers to finish pulling it tight. [ Post made via Android ]
  20. I have been screwing around with tying my own leaders. I have some 3/0 and 5/0 single hooks and 1/0 and 1 treble hooks and beads. I have watched the video from fish doctors and replicate it but my snell knots keep loosening when there is no tension on the line. I tied 1 that isnt threatening to come undone and the others i wont use because I have a feeling they will come undone. How do you guys keep the knots from loosening up. I thought about glue but i really dont know if thats a good idea. The snell knots i tie are very strong that i cant budge it when pulling on it and they are neatly wrapped. Im using 40lb big game for my leader.
  21. I use interstate batteries on my boat 1000cca cranking and 1000cca deep cycle. I went through 2 duralast batteries from autozone they returned my money and I went and bought interstate for less than 100 dollars [ Post made via Android ]
  22. down speed is the speed youre lure is running underwater. basically the effects of under water currents ...going against the current will make your lure react faster and going with the curent will kill your lure and make you have to speed up to get the proper action in the lure. I dont use a down speed unit but id liek to get one for next year. I try to keep my speeds between 2.6 and 3.1 mph on my gps unit.
  23. 42 second spoon has been on fire for me this year, another one I just bought and did well this past weekend was a dream weaver spoon in the "roy-boy" color(black spoon with sparkley birght green sticker on half of it). Little cleps are casting spoons but hang on to them for fall and cast them off the piers for kings especially at night with glow cleos and glow rattle traps. I like 2/3 and 3/4 oz spoons and 3/4 oz rattle traps.
  24. I use a lot of ito flies and have some atomik and siggs but the are usually about 4 inches and made of tinsle like material. You tie them to the swivel on the back of a flasher. I like greens and blues. Most company's have similar colors its all preference. You can buy them rigged or unrigged(with or without a leader and hooks) [ Post made via Android ]
  25. A lot of guys use dream weaver michigan stingers and northern king spoons. I have been doing good on black and green colored spoons as well as natural born killer color. I do real good using spin doctors and flies. Green spinies and green flies for me. [ Post made via Android ]
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