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Everything posted by schreckstoff

  1. A heads up to anglers or hunters in Chaumont and Sodus Bay, there are a bunch of foam floats marking sunken transect lines and egg traps. If possible please avoid these areas. I added high flyer buoys so these areas are easier to see from a distance. Buoys are primarily around Middle Shoal in Chaumont and Newark Island in Sodus. The traps sit on the lake bottom from now till ice up and help us figure out the spawning habitat quality for Lake Whitefish and Cisco. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, BW
  2. Interesting AA and good video. If I understand, you are saying CE trumps wind in driving LO currents. I’m having trouble rectifying that with what I’ve thought of as the general LO circulation being counter clockwise. What am I missing? im all for correct terminology but I’m still not sure why “flip” or “turnover” (limnology term I’ve heard) are such poor descriptions of what happens to the thermal dynamics.
  3. Adult LT survey, gillnetting. You should see the USGS boat (Kaho) and DEC boat (Seth Green) out and about. Remember to watch out for the buoys if you are trolling. Gambler, that’s fricken cool that you have such good eye on the water! (And that my limnology blathering might have been close). Does pH timeseries go back in time like the temperature data does
  4. Seasonal timing would suggest whiting, but whiting events are often associated with increased phytoplankton, so some of both likely. More info here if interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whiting From what I understand, in LO events are associated with blooms of picoplankton, which in turn naturally increases the pH to such a point that calcites precipitates out of the water and onto the plankton cells. I read a paper that suggested mussels reduced whiting simply by lowering the lake's calcium carbonate concentration as opposed to filtering...although filtering likely has some effect as well. Just looked at this paper that I think suggests diatoms are a nucleation source https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/2335/
  5. Here's what the layer can look like at night on a graph. This was south of sunken island (thank you Captain Bliss for teaching me about this area!), in 2016, and was mostly Cisco from the 2014 year class.
  6. That’s a Cisco hot spot so maybe. We see them “layer up” like that at this time of year but they are most often suspended, a little deeper/cooler .
  7. Much the same out of Fairhaven, DEEP temperature. Lots of slop waves leftover made for a rough morning. Fished 600-400ft, found 48-50deg water was 100-120ft down. Very blank screens, had one violent hit on the dipsy w/ meat but broke the line. Humbling day.
  8. You all know what the predators are eating, For silvers almost all Alewife but when and where other prey fish are abundant (Rainbow Smelt, Giz, Perch) they show up in diets. LT and Browns get up to a quarter of their energy from Goby but still rely on Alewife. Alewife are definitely eating fleas and the correlations suggest that has caused Alewifie growth to sky rocket. I don't think I have the figure in a report anywhere, but basically once Bythotrephes abundance really increased around 2004 or 2005 then Alewife size at age increased. In some years Bytho didn't show up, and in those size at age comes back down. I've hypothesized it is partly because the fleas concentrate the energy of the smaller zooplankton, making it more efficient to feed on a larger item, but also because Bytho can be abundant waaay into the fall, essentially allowing Alewife an extra month. or 2 or 3 to feed efficiently.
  9. I'm here, and have been following closely, and learning a lot! It really is a great discussion. Regarding Spring Prey fish (Alewife) survey - 2020 survey was canceled by administrative restrictions (COVID) and trust me no one was more pissed than me. The silver lining was that with the help of all the cooperating anglers and captains we were able to look at the stomach data and figure out the 2019 Alewife year class was below average. That is section 16 in this annual report: https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/fish_marine_pdf/2020ontarioreport.pdf One of the issues with the annual report is it comes out too late for decision making. This is why we've changed the reporting and data release format. Now the report and the data are all publicly released in Aug (or early Sep). The 2021 survey results are reported here: http://www.glfc.org/pubs/lake_committees/ontario/Weideletal_April_PreyFishSurveyResults_AlewifeAssessment_year2021.pdf and data here: https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/6140e604d34e1449c5d6011a The 2020 Alewife was as big as we've seen in 20 years. The 2022 survey was a success and the results are in progress. I still have to interpret the last few hundred otoliths from the Ontario boat, re run the numbers, and get the data QC'd and ready for release. Putting this report and data out early and publicly was to increase transparency and make sure decision makers and the public had the best available, objective information for their discussions. Keep up the constructive critiques, questions, and observations, they help us to improve our science.
  10. I have the exact set up as what Gambler said and it is my favorite gun. Contemplating buying another for my family.
  11. Bulletbob, check your PMs
  12. Only 15 more pounds to go! #50ontario
  13. https://bigfrog104.com/holy-fish-first-time-angler-reels-in-35-pound-monster-from-lake-ontario/ I like some of the music they play on that station, but I get a little skeptical getting my fishing news from there.
  14. When I first started thinking about where the 80 fish would be I was thinking east end cause of Salmon R, but we are gathering bits of data suggesting the always popular adage “west is best”, might apply to age 0 salmonids too. #studyjuvenilefish
  15. That’s exactly the info we are looking for, thanks!!
  16. A lure a: if you don’t mind, where in the lake were you catching the small kings in the fall? west or east end, was there a depth where they were common? Trawl survey saw abundant bait in some areas but not everywhere but definitely plenty of the 2020YC! The numbers are being crunched and fish being aged right now, data and reports should be out by early August. thanks for the info on the small kings, we are most interested where folks encounter the age 0 Kings (the small 6-12” ones) in September . Also I like the idea that having lots of age 1 Alewife buffer kings, seems logical.
  17. Excellent input, thank you! Any one else out there have any observations? This is the answer to what my next question was going to be : Lots around compared to past years. This might suggest wild king reproduction was higher than average last year. Survey boats are still trying to figure out the puzzle of whether it is feasible (or efficient) to index age-0 salmon abundance in the fall.
  18. Are Folks running into small kings right now? If so what sizes are they approximately? thanks for any input!
  19. Looks like a Cisco. Your not alone, the names can get super confusing. L Ontario has Cisco, which used to be called Lake Herring and Lake Whitefish, (bottom turned mouth). One of their deepwater dwelling relatives, called Bloater, are being stocked/reintroduced, and some people call them ‘deepwater Cisco’. I think they are all pretty good smoked…but maybe not as good as browns!
  20. KJL, Just double checking if you thought those other fish were Lake Whitefish or Cisco? Just curious and no disrespect intended. For years I've been learning and amazed by your fish filled posts, thank you! Those fish in the picture look like they have kind of pointy noses like a Cisco, instead of the downward turned mouth (like a sucker) of a (Lake) Whitefish. Those 2 species are easily confused, in fact we have to use genetic markers just to tell the larvae apart. I was just surprised by the idea of catching whitefish given how low their population seems to be. I'm always interested in learning about when folks are catching Lake Whitefish or Cisco and what people think is going on with those fish. In my head I kind of think Cisco are caught more often based on what I've heard from folks like Captain Bliss and our understanding there are kikely more Cisco than Whitefish in the Lake and they tend to be up in the water where they can hit trolled baits easier than Whitefish that are more often close to the bottom. Thanks for all the great posts, bw
  21. A few Other ideas to throw out there. Spawning habitat improvements - increase reproduction success in main lake and embayment habitats, get local grants from Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to pay for it; Could also improve early juvenile habitat (more cracks to hide in). Unlike stocking those investments pay out over multiple years. I’m not aware of any evidence that SMB supplemental stocking is cost effective but there could be new studies/techniques. Releasing more fish and lowering handling mortality could likely help, especially large bass. Some good studies from Queens University students and scientists on those issues. Cormorant predation was shown to take a heavy toll on SMBs back in the day but then proliferation of Goby replaced them in the Corm diets, right? This was shown 10+ years ago in eastern basin, I would assume the same throughout rest of the lake but an interesting hypothesis to test. #studyCormDietsAgain Lake Ontario productivity is half to 30% of what it was in the 1990s. Like gardens, crops, and Livestock, it is probably unrealistic to think the top fish predators will stay as abundant as the nutrient concentration and prey amounts decline. SMBs are so cool!
  22. Maybe everybody knows about this, but I just found this site this year and it is super helpful https://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/nrcs/nrcs.php no issues with clouds
  23. See I told you we could grow a 50 this year!
  24. Thejigger I appreciate you posting the info. I forget the rationale for the western zone changes that happened a few years ago but I can say I definitely prefer the longer into Jan season
  25. Possibly an Eastern Silvery Minnow (Hybognthus regis) This one had me stumped for awhile so I reached out and “the B-man” suggested Eastern Silvery. This was a new species to me, but appears we have it in LO and it can get confused with spottails or other species. Based on the pics I’ve looked at seems to fit. Below are some of the more interesting sites I looked at about ESM. https://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/94437.html https://vtfishandwildlife.com/sites/fishandwildlife/files/documents/Fish/baitfish/eastern-silvery-minnow.pdf https://www.turnerpublishing.net/news/2017/12/19/outdoors-in-maine-the-baitfish-bugaboo/ https://www.maine.gov/ifw/wildlife/reports/pdfs/SGCN_Reports/SpeciesConservationRanges/Hybognathus regius_HUC12.pdf
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