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Everything posted by katydid

  1. No doubt a female full of eggs. Nice catch.
  2. I wish I had a Pilot!
  3. Wow…just wow.
  4. I was in your shoes…..being that I troll alone, I find it impossible to use downriggers. So I go exclusively with deeper divers (name brand). They will easily get down to 100 ft. I can run 3 of them; two behind and one out to the sides. For lures I use only Sutton Spoons….only the best! #61 and #44 hammered are my favorites. A fish hawk gives me a clear view of the water temps top to bottom. I will usually start deep in April off Long Pt. Always a good bet. GOOD LICK!
  5. I’m not sure….is there a launch at Sheldrake? I know about Deans.
  6. Thanks.
  7. Is this out of Deans or Long Point? Just curious!
  8. Not great. I got two nice rainbows about 50ft.down. O lakers. I seem to do much better at Long Pt. No algae, a few weed mats. I was only out for 3 hours.
  9. Went out of Deans this a.m. No sign of algae, either north or south.
  10. Lots of nasty fleas on braided line. At least at Long Pt.
  11. Thank you!
  12. Depth?
  13. You are awesome. Thanks!
  14. My grandson (age 4) has caught the fishing bug. I know how to catch fish from a boat, but I’m awfully pathetic when it comes to shore fishing for his first fish. If anyone knows a spot in the Ithaca , Dryden, or nearby area where I can catch silly little sunfish from shore, my grandson will thank you, as will I !
  15. Fished out of Long Point Tues........sent dipsies down 99ft. .."caught 3 big lake trout in two hours. #61 Sutton spoons. Temp. 37.1 degrees.....COLD......watch out for south winds......they are brutal.
  16. Long Pt. 37.1 on Tuesday.
  17. I’m so jealous I can hardly stand it. Congratulations!
  18. Spring is right around the corner.
  20. Great story....you rock!
  21. Never have fished in the winter before. Are they still 80-100 feet down?
  22. Like I said........
  23. Yup!
  24. Pic one....brown trout............pic two...male landlocked salmon.
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