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Everything posted by katydid

  1. How deep were they?
  2. Let us amateurs in on your secrets!!!!!
  3. Nice job Ric! The kids are cute.....
  4. So do I. First time I tried it, I got pissed off because they would not hit off the bottom. So I furiously reeled up....and....BAM! So cool.
  5. Still deep......oh well. THANKS!
  6. Anything in 100'?
  7. Long pt.?
  8. https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/9222.html
  9. WOW....NICE!!!! I'm betting 6-8 lbs.
  10. I keep it simple....Sutton spoons only....sizes #61 and #44....troll 2.2.....2.6.........stop for a second and punch forward to get reluctant fish to hit......on Cayuga, it's as close to a guarantee that you can get in fishing.
  11. http://www.oac.cdlib.org/view?docId=kt5q2nb139;NAAN=13030&doc.view=frames&chunk.id=d0e3034&toc.depth=1&toc.id=d0e3034&brand=oac4
  12. http://nrd.kbic-nsn.gov/disease-surveillance
  13. That's a lake trout.
  14. Thanks! Awesome. i can't wait for my grandson to be old enough to hog the pole!!!!!!
  15. Nice!!!! Where and how deep.....if you want to tell!!
  16. Are you talking about deep laker jigging?
  17. Yes they do. But they don't fight for squat.
  18. Lakers prefer 48-53 degree water....it's even too cold for them!
  19. Don't fish before May 1. As for targeting fish, I "TARGET" largemouths!
  20. I find nothing funny about guns. That's just me.
  21. Oh for crying out loud, your guns are safe. I hope fishing starts soon
  22. Wow, red neck central. By the way, 99percent of guns used in crime are from this country. Peace!. Ps....never smoke pot
  23. Gee..you think the cities of Detroit, and D.C. might get their guns from ANOTHER STATE???? The CIVIL WAR is still being fought.
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