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Everything posted by jkarol24

  1. it was nice n the food was awsome BTW, i bought a floating silver rapla and no one could decide if it was a F11 or F13. It turns out its a size 18 which is 7 inches and 11/16 oz. and a pike ate 5 inches of it on my 3d cast the other day
  2. to be honest im not to knowledgeable on the smallies but i saw a few guys wading in front of russel station catchin them with just worms in 3-5 FOW i tried there with x-raps but not luck... i hear they are starting to come in shallow though
  3. I have question... these are proposed to be directly in front of my house on the lake if theyre 2.5 miles out like propposed would i see them from shore/how big would they look??? thanks
  4. Ok thanks, ive been throwin tubes with the tube weight/hook in the tube, il have to try it with the peged weight. thanks
  5. i agree with bruce, ive been out trollin a few times in the yak followin all the captains guidance but with no luck ive seen a few pulled up but not like it used to be
  6. all the piers are decent or kayaks are a cheap and easy alternative
  7. ya i fished infront of the station friday and all day sat. with no luck
  8. I WANT MY BOAT!!!!!!! lol
  9. Im rushing home asap after baseball to catch the game and when they win, skipping a sweet 16 party for the game GOOOOOOOOOO RIT!!!!!!!!
  10. nice, i was out sunday and there was no visibility at all. used chartreuse and orange cleos but no luck, not even a hit. i also tried and xrap-10 in clown color (red head and charteause) but nothing seemed to be hittin il be out friday and probably sat and sunday so maybe il finnaly find a few that feel like eatin
  11. yep friday is lookin real nice im feelin an all day paddle to the genny trollin around then driftin west and casting cant wait
  12. I ran chartreuse/silver and orange/silver yesterday with no luck but the water was almost too stained
  13. headed out sunday, trolled around and cast for a few hours in the lake with orange and chartreus cleos but no takers. There was visiblity of maybe 6 inches and i think the water was just to murky Il be headin out later this week, probably all day friday or thursday afternoon so il see what i can catch. I even tried for some early smallmouth but nothing was happening. maybe later this week.......
  14. thanks for the tips fisheye il def. try that and post up pics. If i have a question, il be sure to shoot a PM your way. Thanks again, see ya out there
  15. ugh i cant make it i have baseball in the mornin let me know if anything else can be done to help
  16. Ok maybe il try both, i just finished making mounts for my scotty rod holders so il install those tomorow and then be out for the weekend trout
  17. Ya il pretend tht i cant cast far and il get out the yak with a buddy Actually, im pretty sure that inlet is posted with trespassing signs b/c the water plant owns it Would u reccomend trolling around or casting and would i cast at shore, away from it, or parallel to it. Thanks
  18. capt. bruce- i know exactly where your talking about but how deep are the fish holding. Are they close enough for shore casting or will it be a good excuse to get out the yak I launch my yak maybe 3 mins paddle from there and id def. be interested in cheching this out. Thanks
  19. Ok thanks guys im fairly positive they still have gold and orange cleos il pick a few up and i may go to summerville with a buddy over the weekend. Maybe il look for a krocidile sppon or 2 as well. If i catch something il make sure to post it and put up a pic. Thanks again
  20. Ok il try both and see what works. Thanks again
  21. Also, im still not sure about the crank/stick/jerkbaits. Would i use the cleos fer searchbait and then switch to the cranks for fine tuning or the other way around? Thanks again
  22. Ya the oak is a little far for the bike Thanks for the help guys, every suggestion is appreciated and deffinantly put to use Maybe come summer il be driving around with the yellow yak on the roof of some "wheels", but for now manpower is my limitation until the parents let me take out the aluminum boat for some trolling or let me get behind the wheel when i get my permit. Il be out trying the pier this weekend nice and early. Thanks again Btw, to capt. vince, you mentioned mixed water and i know exactly what your talking about but do i cast into this or on the edge between this coming out of the genny and where it meets the lake? Also, would the standard silver or silver/blue cleo be a good color choice? any other colors?
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