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Everything posted by oneluvunknown

  1. I have a brand new sheffield. Silver. Asking $170 or bo. I cant cast a cp if my life depended on it :/. 585-261-5489 Call or txy [ Post made via Android ]
  2. I have one in my garage! But i go threw alot because I get my friends hooked and i let them use my gear and bait [ Post made via Android ]
  3. I never got the text! But yea keep me posted! [ Post made via Android ]
  4. Thanks let me know! [ Post made via Android ]
  5. 585-261-5489 is my cell. You can call or give me a text [ Post made via Android ]
  6. Joe that would be great! What times are you going out? U live local here? [ Post made via Android ]
  7. I am looking for fresh skein. Any local charters want to hook me up with some? I live in greece and work in fairport so I am willing to drive to you for some. Sorry if this post doesnt belong in this thread but I am not sure where to post. Thank you, Hung [ Post made via Android ]
  8. Yes we did get spoiled. Man everyone else got to nap but i didn't! I still felt like i was on the boat last night. I gotta get use to this:-) [ Post made via Android ]
  9. Yea buddy! We had an awesome time. These guys dont even want to catch small fish no more. They are hooked! Thanks again for an awesome time and great laughs. Captain Rick & Craig are definately great guys. [ Post made via Android ]
  10. Nice catch! What kind of kayak is that? Im looking into these and its father's day coming up so i might get one. More info would be sweet. Thanks [ Post made via Android ]
  11. Thursday i landed a 6lb rainbow off summerville pier at the end on an orange cleo. Mud line was right there at the end, tossed my cleo about 15 ft and let it sink for literally two seconds and then reeled it in in about two spins and boom! It felt nice!!! Too bad i cant post a pic on my phone [ Post made via Android ]
  12. I plan on casting cleos and j-7/9's and a rod with a minnow under a float. Just hope the waves dont get too crazy!!! I heard from a pier diver who collects all them snagged lures that the browns and steelies are out near the top. So I'm going to give it a shot! [ Post made via Android ]
  13. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water: Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: Total Boated: Species Breakdown: Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Was wondering what you giys thought about fishing the piers now? A guy i met scuba dives the piers for lures said he has seen a ton of browns and steelies at the piers. Just figured I could get some other opinions. Thanks, Hung [ Post made via Android ]
  14. I was thinking of heading to summerville tonight for some [ Post made via Android ]
  15. Wow thats awesome. Striper as in bass? [ Post made via Android ]
  16. Bfarrow, what time were you there last friday? I was out there arpund 1045-230 almost to the step up. And o landed my first king as well [ Post made via Android ]
  17. Thank you. I need a salmon!!! [ Post made via Android ]
  18. Went out last night and on my first cast using glow sacs my bottle slammed and i went to hook it but it kumped out of the water and i lost it! Caught a 27 inch walleye on a blue glow in the dark cleo! Saw some and heard splashing but that was it [ Post made via Android ]
  19. Where abouts at russle station? Last i saw it was blocked by sand... [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  20. Id like to try summerville pier...anyone wanna go with? [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  21. Thanks guys now I just need a day off [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  22. So I am curious as to where i can fish for the spring trout? I know everyone has boats and friends with boats, but unfortunately the only friend I have/had a boat was a close friend who passed in july so all winter I have been fishing by myself. I know i can go to some tribs. However was curious....the mouth of the genny into lake ontario? Down by summerville? Any input/ideas/info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Hung ==================== [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  23. So has anyone ever tried to take the gear out of a regular fly reel and use it as a centre pin? I just tried this with my Okuma Sierra S8/9 and it moves freely! Just wondering what kinda line i should use after the backing.
  24. very nice, where were you at?
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