Ran an '82 with a custom lower station(which I loved) for 22 years. I would not put a kicker on it if you will be Salmon fishing. The clean transom is a beautiful thing for a guy coming from a 20 footer. Tunnels are notorious for handling challenges but twins are much better than a single tunnel for handling.
Pros of the model you are considering-- super stable at slow trolling speeds, one of the best "ditch"(trough) trolling hulls I've ever experienced. Speed control was a STRENGTH with properly tuned 350's and a quality matched set of trolling bags--one for each side. Amazing amount of room in salon to get out of weather. Very large cockpit. That model was proven by several full time Captains on Lake Ontario to be a great fish catcher.
Cons of that model were running hard into a head sea the relatively flat deadrise pounds a bit but the boat weighs 12k dry so its not terrible. Handling in tight quarters can be challenging but because you don't have to unlearn behaviors from traditional twin inboards you can definitely master it. Twin tunnels can be backed in no different than other twin inboards, you just need more thrust and to learn the unique nuances.
Any used fiberglass boat should be surveyed. You may have found a '78 with very low hours but it should still have a complete survey of hull and engines.
As for auto pilot, as long as it has hydraulic steering it should be very easy to install and should perform very well.
One last pointer since you are new to larger vessels--the boat will track extremely well at trolling speeds with one trolling bag deployed on the side of the engine you are trolling on. Trolling is done on one engine in almost all conditions. When trolling into a head sea the bag gets pulled.
Good luck if you decide this is the vessel for you.
This reorganized association is heading in the right direction and has already proved its worth. Its a must for Stakeholders whether a Professional Captain, a related business owner or a concerned rec fisherman. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Good stuff! I remember when he went into the draft he was quietly coveted by several teams. My wife has family in Tampa so thats who we will be pulling for.
We are pleased to announce dates for two of these events for 2021. They will be held out of Oak Orchard. The first will be a 1 day event July 10th. The 2nd will be a 2 day event September 4th and 5th. These events were very well received last season despite very short notice. Competing teams provided very positive feedback and area businesses appreciated the influx of anglers.
Details are still being finalized but the catch formats will remain the same with 6 Salmon allowed per day and culling of live fish permitted. Look here for further updates and how to register/reserve a spot but we wanted to get the dates out there.
The last few posts were excellent. Very thought provoking. I was never a "camera guy", as we practically live on the water April--mid October. Rushing to get boats winterized always provides conflict with my preferred bowhunting.
This year was different. For the lack of having anywhere else I took on a small lease just to have a place to hunt other than the back 9. The covid shutdown drove me nuts last Spring and I dove into trail cams pretty hard to keep my sanity and to try to learn the new spot.
I have never worked harder and had less results at Whitetail hunting than I did this past season. Yes, primarily on a "new to me" spot but the biggest change was THE CAMERAS.
Just as mentioned in above posts, many "one and done" pictures or despite extremely cautious approaches just night pictures of targets--even in cover.
I have come to the conclusion that my camera practices are the culprit. Where they are placed, the brand, frequency of checking them, are all up for analysis. Before anyone asks- no, I have not gone to the "cell" cams yet. Is this where we are now with NYs educated herd? Sure you don't have to visit them as much but do they spook the targets less?
I would love to hear observations on the benefits/damages that trail cams create--primarily on older/wiser deer--and I realize that that isn't just bucks--matriarch does changing routines can definitely alter everything.
Well worth the watch. These guys do a test many of us have wanted to conduct and save us lots of money. I love the use of the USPS boxes! Some good info no matter where you land on the fixed vs expandable debate.
Excellent piece of writing. Just when I was about to reconsider public land again--you brought it all back to memory, Many of the exact same details I have experienced. The last time I gun hunted public in NY I came across a fella wearing a white "Jack Daniels" T-shirt and he had one of those chest belts on diagonally chock full of 12 gauge slugs. I was dying dragging out a doe on dry ground and all he uttered was "where ya get that one?"
Congrats to all that have scored! NY no longer is a laughing stock buck state. Some real studs are going down and several in this thread. Kudos all around! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
I don't know anyone who has purchased one that regrets it. They are considered a staple in Northern Canada for all day sits. I don't mind them for blind hunting but find them awkward in a stand. Others love them.
Great job and congrats to all the successful archers. I don't know about cold weather gear, I'm looking to upgrade my hot weather bow hunting gear! Even just base layers are too much in a blind in this weather!
That Sea Nymph brings back memories. Had a center console like that for my first "real rig". Great boat and definitely worthy of a repower if you go that route. Whatever you decide, as others have said the weight at transom is a very important consideration for safety and performance.
You know better than me Rob, but he's a tank. Looks at least 3.5 body-wise. Like others have said they all don't put it into the rack--this one looks like he will do damage in a fight. Good luck the rest of the season.
Agree on the old eyes. I was convinced the deer I had present me with two opportunities Sun AM was a spike. When I got another look at it after it left shooting lanes it was an adult doe with distinctive white hair on inside of each ear. If I don't take one in that area by the 20th I will wait and let them play decoy.
It was a nice morning in the woods anyway.