The USGS Tunison Lab in Cortland has been stocking Atlantics in and near Beaverdam Brook in the upper Salmon River. All the fish associated with this program have the adipose fin clipped. This is the first year with a realistic return of adults. I would be interested in hearing of any Atlantics caught out in the lake that are missing their adipose fins.
Also, according to the last SOL meetings, the marking trailer is going to be used on coho salmon next. I can't recall the details while writing this though.
DEC personnel recently told me that the land acquisition is now in the hands of the attorney generals office as part of the settlement with National Grid and NYS.
The concern is that the agreement is taking too long to finalize and little information was gained at the SOL meeting on the east end. We want to make sure that the PFR areas can not be reversed even though it states that on the DEC website.
The south side is already private. The land was purchased and is now posted. That is within the rights of the owner and we have no issue with that. Recently though, there has been a lot of questions about getting a reassurance whether or not the PFR's are solid and contain no loopholes.
I thought I should post this for those that would be interested and inclined to have their voice heard.
The DEC just released a draft of objectives for Lake Ontario.
The link to the announcement and the location to send in your comments is below.
Comments may be submitted in writing through April 27, 2012 to the NYSDEC Lake
Ontario Fisheries Unit, P.O. Box 292, Cape Vincent, NY 13618 or by e-mail to
Sounds like great fishing and catching. Good numbers for sure.
The spring cohoes are notorious for scales loss even with delicate handling.
Just curious, what are your thoughts on the percentages of fish that had lamprey marks on them?
I have not fished the lake often enough this spring to form a judgement on how bad the lampreys have been.
Nice picture. Smiles tell the story. Positive ID is not 100% through an on-line picture but I would grey out the fish on the right.
Did you notice a different fight with that fish?
A lot more room to yourself on that side of the harbor. Sometimes it pays off. Thanks for posting.
Fishing Report
Your Name / Boat Name:Mike/King and I IV
Date(s):4/10 - 4/11
Time on Water:6hrs each day on the lake then off to the SR
Wind Speed/Direction:Saturday - Wind was nearly unfishable inside the harbor
Waves: Big outside and windblown chop inside the walls
Surface Temp: ?
Location: ...where the water never ends...
Total Hits: 11
Total Boated: 10 (trout)
Species Breakdown:Browns, Steelhead, SMB, and another Atlantic
Hot Lure: Rapala J9 and J11's
Trolling Speed: Vary
Down Speed: ?
Boat Depth: 4-25 feet
Lure Depth: 2-10 feet
The wind was brutal on Saturday. Caught a good sized brown near the museum. Was limited to fishing the immediate area that were close to structure that minimized the waves. Caught browns and steelhead in the lower river with plugs.
Sunday started really early. More of the same except right around sun up, my nephew landed his biggest Atlantic to date. Destroyed the lure. The planer board flew out of the water when it hit. He put on quite a show. We have caught about a dozen Atlantics over the years but none during the past few until this year. This is the second Atlantic this year already. Never harvested one until now. It is going on my nephews wall.
Drifted the upper SR Sunday afternoon but only managed to get one close to shore.
Next trip will be 5/1 for the LOTAC cleanup and hopefully some brown/walleye fishing.
That will likely conclude my lake fishing until early fall since I am just running a drift boat with a small kicker.
I switch over the stripers in two weeks.