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About ShutUpNFish

  • Birthday 05/28/1968

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  1. Yes they did Larry....They made the right call be reinstating the tournament as planned. They realized that they jumped the gun on the initial decision to cancel. They got a lot of flack by many seasoned/veteran members, so they jumped off the bandwagon. Temps are forecasted to be quite normal for this time of year for the next ten days. Highs in the low 80s and lows in the low 70s and high 60s....Looks like prime fishing weather if you ask me. I'm glad that you added that the turnout for your tournament was minimal and the primary reason for you posponing yours...THAT was a good call. Paul
  2. I have been muskie fishing for 20+ years. We have made efforts to release 99.99% of the fish we catch, educated ourselves (through experience) on proper fish handling, efforts in stocking and bait funds for hatcheries to keep muskies longer enabling for stocking of bigger fish for better survival rates. How much more can be done? IMHO proposing/supporting the notion to not fish when the weather gets hot is a bit extreme if you ask me. These attitudes are simply leading down a path of extremism/purism that I feel are unecessary for preservation of the species and sport. I remember fishing many tournaments/days on the water in hot weather with surface temps exceeding 80* in the past with NO harm done. Are these decisions being made because of past issues or are they being made because of political correctness and image? Some use barbless hooks, some don't fish when the weather is hot, some do not net fish, some do not handle fish and MOST release 100%. These are personal choices and MOST have chosen to do what is best for muskies since they have had proper education and have obviously been led through fine examples from others who are successful at it. It should be about personal choice right? For those of you who have been doing this for 20+ years, just take a look at how far this sport has come over the years...I believe we are pretty much at the peak of what muskie fishing can be in the eastern region of the country and need to focus more on maintaining that; not trying to control that which we know we cannot. Some fish will die and we must accept that. It is the nature of what we do and it sucks when a fish dies in our care, but it happens to the best of us regardless sometimes. It is just funny how some are in support of this decision, yet they go out and fish anyhow? I could really care less if I fish the tournament or not, but I feel that cancelling due to high surface temps is extreme and unecessary and may lead to more harm as far as organizations are concerned that are supported by a membership of fishermen. This decision somehow seems unfair to those who have planned for these as vacation time or time off in advance and look forward to the weekend tournament/comeradery with other muskie fishermen/women that they see every year. And it also seems unfair to cancel due to something that MAY or MAY NOT happen. And who knows anyway, those temps may drop in the next few weeks....Do we eventually just end all tourneys in July in the future? Is that where this is leading? Again, this is just my view and I'm sure I may get bashed by some people these days, it just goes along with the time I guess. I am not upset about the tournaments being cancelled myself because I will be fishing that weekend regardless, However, I know that a lot of people are upset/disappointed especially knowing that we have been doing it for years regardless of the water temps with NO ill effects. So why the sudden change? And I just happen to agree with them. Paul Fec
  3. Natty, Where might I get a quick connect plug? I was thinking Radio Shack or something like that?? Thanks! Also, the unit is all mounted and ready to go...I simply left the sending wire loose running down the underside of the gunnel....works out pretty nicely for the time being. I powered up the unit and it worked but I was not sure if the probe was working or not....tried submersing in a jug of water, but nothing?? Does the whole probe and exposed cable wire its attached to need to be completely under water?? Another thing I could not find info about was the common ground wire on top of the probe which is loose and has bare wire at the end....does this need to be attached to something or just flow freely in the water?? I figured I'd ask here since Cannon is closed for the weekend and before I seek tech help from the manufacturer.... Sorry to be a pain guys and thanks in advance for your help!!
  4. Hmmm...this is something I need to do quick. I have multiple things to get done before my trip on Friday...I typically NEVER wait last minute like this, but the boats been in the shop for a month....the guy claims the co. sent him the worng parts for bellows replacement. unreal.....so I told him I was coming there today to work on my boat! For now I'm just thinking of leaving the whole wire hang somewhere along the gunnel side hidden, but where I can just unplug it wrap it up so I can remove the rigger.....I will have to look into the Scotty antenna later. ThankS!
  5. I just purchased the new IntelliTroll by Cannon. I am installing the unit today and just realized something while reading the installation manual. It says to run the sending unit cable down the rigger and have the coated cable run through the spring antenna at the end. However, I need to remove my riggers at the end of each trip to put on the boat's cover. Are there any alternatives that you may have tried to make the rigger more portable. Does the cable absolutley have to run through this spring? can I just run it along side? I have even thought maybe to cut the spring down to jus a few raps as to make it more easily removable so I could remove the rigger easier for storage. How about even a quick disconnect plug in the cable itself ( thought this may mess up the signal).....Any experiences with this adjustment in installation?? ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! THANKS!!! ~Paul
  6. Very informative blog...thanks Bill!
  7. Are there still spaces available to enter this event? Also, is there a place somewhere online that I can view the rules and regulations of the tourney? Thanks. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  8. Hey Kev, how are ya?...see what I've gone and gotten into? Another species to target Got hooked last fall after hearing that drag rippin on those kings man. God bless my wife for putting up with my fishin' habits! Thanks for the help guys....the Moor is probably what I'll save up for.
  9. I knew that.....just stating that th x4 costs double of what I'm looking at. Come on....nobody has anymore info about the cannon? I need to make a decision soon.....wil it do the job for me? [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  10. Wow...if I'm going to invest 300 to 400 bucks...I figure I might as well go the extra and just get the Moor or Depth Raider? The x4 is double that.. When I'm out fishing, I sure don't want to deal with a quirkey unit.
  11. Hi...I have a chance to get a fairly new Cannon down speed and temp unit at a good price....I will get a new unit before the seasons rolls around. Does anyone have any experience with the Cannon...pros-cons?? Thanks in advance!
  12. Hello...new to the site, but not to trolling big water. We ran wire last fall on the inside dipsy rod and braid on the outside. I found it to be an advantage having more of a staggered spread using the mix. The wire rod was out approx. 165' while the braid lines at 250' to 300'. We reached the same basic depths, but the lines and offerings were more staggered. The lines are far enough apart for less possible tangles and we covered different areas of water. The wire produced quite well and it was quite nice not having to reel quite as much line in when changing lures or checking baits. Its also an unbelievable feeling fighting a fish on wire line if you never have. NO stretch at all and you can feel every movement of the fish. Also beware of you drags using wire (do not over tighten). You also need to be very careful how you handle and work with wire line....keep thumb on spool while feeding out line and keep an eye out for kinks (kinks typically only happen in the first 10 to 15 feet of line.) Curls won't hurt a thing. Give it a try, what can it hurt?
  13. Have these weights been made yet??? Very interested in a set. Thanks!
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