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silver bullets

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About silver bullets

  • Birthday 07/23/1968

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  • Location
    Watkins Glen NY
  • Interests
    Fishing, Hunting, boating, bowhunter, basically any outdoor activity.

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  1. Nick If you still need help I'll help in any way I can.Please let me know. Matt
  2. we use small strips of shiney silver plastic 10 to 15" long on the boat house at our place on the lake and it seems to work rather well.Purchas at Jo-Ann Fabric.Just attach to a short piece of fishing line to let it blow in the wind. Good luck with those birds.
  3. A great day on the BIG O! Thanks Chowder for another wonderful day of relaxation. The doubles were an added bonus.Oh and I'll try to get my picture taking under controll by the next trip. By the way we didn't happen to catch any pole fish today:rofl: .Lookin forward too another trip already. THANKS ANDY!!!
  4. Andy, Sure wish I could join ya but I must work.Have to work so that I can afford to play on the weekends. I hope you find someone to join ya. Good luck and look forward to reading you post.P.S today's Seneca surface temp was 43.Should start to pick up some nice browns. HAPPY FISHING !!!
  5. Still looking to buy dual planer board mast send PM's. Thank you.
  6. I was probably one of those guys for a very short period.However as I have posted in speacial thanks,I owe it to ALL who have TAKEN THE TIME to post thier technique and the time to chat at the launches,send PM's,Phone calls and invite a total stranger to join them aboard thier boats to teach more effective ways to someone that didn't really know any other way.I feel that if it wern't for all of you,I would still be performing that way in hopes that eventualy we would find a good one on occasion.But because of all of you that is not the case for me any more.I can not thank Jason,Andy,Nick,Ray and Sean enough for there help and encouragement. It is this that will aid in the success of our fisheries and I will continue to instill in the people that I introduce to this sport. To all the advanced gentlemen out there keep the great reports comming and there will be more like myself that will learn as well. Matt
  7. Sean, I could'nt agree any more.I also grew up here and can remember the old days of the tribs,and will confirm the same .It pains me to know what goes on on these streams locally.I have whitnessed it my self ,have reported it and the response has always been the same .We'll try to keep an eye out for them. These jerks should be hung IMO. I think of what it will be for my little ones in another 20 years.(won't be)
  8. WTG Nick and all the others who have completed the course. Now it's time to get down to buisness.Catching some FISH!!!
  9. WTG lilboat and crew.At least someone was able to get out this weekend.
  10. I am looking for a 6' dual planer board mast if any one is looking to sell send PM. Thank you in advance.
  11. Jason, I'm not much on giving help to you because of your experties,however if this silly weather would straighten up I would love to have you as a co-pilot on our little boat to share in the excitment.
  12. Screamer 1, Is this boat still available? I have a friend that might be interested.
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