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Everything posted by fisherdude

  1. This is true for any derby. The finger lakes get hit hard all spring , summer long . Most Anglers look to give away the fish they kept for their box . Someone usually takes donations of fish from Anglers least they are not going to waste I hope.
  2. Wonder what Lee Zledin would have done .
  3. You can add the person that complains but dosen't vote or never voted thinking thier vote dosent count .
  4. Really can't blame the Democrat politicians in office they're doing exactly what they said they ran on. I feel the blame falls on every person that voted for Democrat socialist woke transgender cancel culture high crime and open borders and that's how the Democrats plan on keeping the down fall going till there is no more Constitution left.looks like your choices for 2024 isn't worth a plug nickel..
  5. It's the ending times hang on to your backside we're all going for a ride
  6. True , mud bugs was in my kickers water pee hose this summer also blew out with air compressor then I check bilge pump holes that was also plugged with mud and leaves and whatever the bugs drag down bilge pump line.
  7. Welcome, bitting at bit to go again , to darn hot for me .
  8. UV watermelon with a white spinning glow green frog and a green spinning glow that was the cowbells and spin and glows, spoons Reds Orange gold.
  9. Had the same results today from Dean's rainbows and more rainbows had a big surprise today though most of them came on cowbells and spinning glows . Lakers are always in the mix.
  10. Yeah congrats it is a beautiful fish for the Finger Lakes I wouldn't mind my boat scoring a fish like that
  11. Black nickel it should be
  12. I fished Steph green rods, Dipsy divers, Lead Core, copper didn't even put the downers on the boat this year. I like the Elmer Hinckley spoons 666 all silver all gold the silver copper the plating wears off the cup of the spoon nickel has faded but still produces the silver copper with the worn out plating on the cup has not produce at all the original question when's it time for a change I don't know been running that spoon all season I still got my fingers crossed 😂
  13. I just looked on the LOC Derby Leaderboard two fish is all no salmon I said it must have been pretty rough on the lake this weekend. Don't ever recall seeing the leaderboard with only two fish on it in 3 days..
  14. That is the coolest Tackle box I ever seen 👍
  15. I would stay at Port Ontario Hotel or Selkirk State Park filled or top off my boat everyday during the two week time I would stay up there at the r&r1 stop during the fall Derby. Here is the number so you can call them to find out the answer to your question.315 298 2185.
  16. Springs clips is the name I use Roy's Marina on Seneca Lake Suttons in Naples
  17. If still looking have 4 with tires not much tread left .
  18. Lol 😂, I do crap like that , oh yeah that's where I put them . For me i blame age .
  19. With time running out please join me sending your prayers to the occupants and their families of the submersible. Prayers to Canada and the United States Coast Guard Rescuers Godspeed.
  20. I think you should report it to the police but that's up to you. could be a persom missing in the lake.
  21. Nice brown congrats love the line no secrets here still laughing.....👍👍👍
  22. Upper water column sunny days I like bright UV colors thermocline and below bottom fog green, Gobi, white /green , orange / gold. Running deep vibration from from any spoon works in my opinion. When trying to catch fish I keep changing the spoons out. Let the fish say what they want . Fishing the Finger Lakes I became very lazy put five Spoons on a seth green rod what happens happens if you don't happen oh well try again the next time .
  23. Thanks Les get better soon bud .
  24. Had the version dogs you gave me they were excellent. Clean the fish surf and turf and and you're throwing money into the truck text me your address I'll send it back..
  25. Any time my friend. Next time don't need to throw gas money in the back of my truck as I'm driving off. Lmao
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