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Everything posted by fisherdude

  1. i looking to find a place to go buy polyethylene board so i can replace the top of my dog house witch opens up to a tackle box and i use the top of it to clean fish at sea . think its 3/4 x 36 x 36 " thinking Rochester i will have to go. if any knows of a place i can go i would appreciate it
  2. Thanks Les Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. Trout derby Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. i was at my friend s shop today doing wire rod maintenance and talking about the derby . the question came up of how many fish can one person have on the board . example... we each catch a nice A division fish can we switch over and fish for B division fish and be on the board in both divisions or is it one fish per person for the whole board . the rules are unclear on the sheet of registration .
  5. Fishing the inside waters is forbidden or any speed over 1.5 while fishing on my fishing buddys boat ..... Keep up the good work .. Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. advancing the timing you end up burning holes in the piston . i would think the motor is getting worn and needs a rebuild . can do a compression test to see where you are at . if it runs fine running out / in how about a kicker
  7. lake Ontario in mid July, August kings is the most chase fish . if i was making a trip to the finger lakes . i would stay away from Seneca lake . Cayuga lake the lakers are plentiful .
  8. good job nice report . i hear ya on the laker poo . we coated my buddies boat yesterday also he wasn't to keen to a smelly boat either .
  9. congrats, the smile with the fish on the nicely restore ride tells all
  10. I gave your shout on the radio I was wondering if you were out there Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. I would check the ball-bearing swivel to make sure it's spinning smoothly. I would check the ball-bearing swivel at the downrigger ball to make sure that spinning smoothly and not doing weird stuff Not sure if you are using an old line or new I usually run 30 lb mono to fight the fleas. I have tried flea-flicker and that stuff was terrible in my book I had a lot of line Twist from that line I junk it and went 30 lb mono. Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. i tie to the swivel that comes with the spin doctor . when i want to change spin doc just remove from old and on to new . in my mind why have two ball bearing swivel back to back .
  13. Thanks guys , they had a set of shoulders today , had two snap 15 lb leaders on the hits even with drags set right . Rig rods never know how it going to go . Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. Yes long shaft Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. Here is some pics Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. 5/5 Saturday launch from sevene state ramp . ran to long point and setup . we fished to keuka outlet and back to long point . poor day for us 1 for 2 lake trout both came off cow bells and spin&glows landed 1 lost the other on why up . didn't mark much for fish or bait . best screen was just north of long pt with fish stack on the step up and down ledges witch we stay away from not wanting to hang up a rig rod . temp was 37 to 39 , 40 here and there . water was so clear that i could see the cowbells and hook fish down 4 beads that is around 60 feet . seneca is still a grind for us . 5/6 cayuga out Deans cove went over to the east side off wells college set up and fished north to ellis point . it was redemption day . hammered the lake trout on cowbells & spin glows and sutton spoons . we caught over 20 fish with two rods . the average weight was around 4 to 5 lbs with some big 8 to 10 lbs fish thrown in . we did are best crossing back to the west side on our way back to the ramp , it was one rod after another . temp was around 40 to 41 , speed was 1.2 to 1.7 .most fish came from down deep .
  17. I found it on Craigslist and paid 1200 for it . The motor was 3 years old . Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. Yes 25 inch Sent from my XT1609 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. the boat trolling boards next to shore i would say didn't even notices you till he was all ready on top of your line leaving no time to react to make a move to a void your line way out of the dock or shore in this case you seen him coming before he seen you think you could have pull in your line then put it back out after passing . for a boat speeding close to shore i can see you being piss off . not sure off the feet from shore a boat has to be to speed to be legal thinking 500 feet. some boaters are unruly and unsafe . i think i would have still pulled in the line to a void losing it and made sure he knew he was number 1
  20. i have an 8 hp tohatsu with electric start .run very quiet and charges batteries fine i ck the status of how many volts often when i first got it . at 13.5 to 14 volts at lake trout speed 1 .2 to 1.8
  21. Todd if u can't find use parts or would like new EsgDirect.com has the parts u are looking for ...
  22. Nice read Les ,awesome birthday present . so jealous ...
  23. i just bought a place 20 minutes further away from the big lake and was feeling a little disappointed with a longer drive. when i read someone has a 3 1/2 hr drive to fish lake Ontario i cringe just thinking about that drive . it just goes to show how much revenue salmon fishing brings to New York . i take granted of living in central New York . IMO Oswego is a good port with all the conveniences it has to offer . the only bad thing i heard about the port and its been years since i was told that it is / was a night time tackle shop . i have stayed there a few times during the loc derby and its patrolled by a guy in a truck all night long , so i thinking problem solved , i never had any problem when i was there ....Good luck this season with your new boat . i can tell your hooked into fishing lake Ontario all ready ...
  24. https://www.google.com/search?q=tubes+with+caps&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS698US698&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwibv9-JrOTaAhUFTt8KHTLzAUQQsAQIgQE&biw=1093&bih=530#imgrc=jxH_ZDE6o3PjPM:
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