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Everything posted by fisherdude

  1. i would burn the right ratio the motor should have . the plug looks lose or the plug casket is bad . or the plug threads on the head are worn might need a neela coil
  2. good point my lead from the ball been 60 to 80 feet
  3. i don't think your not that far off base . i have been fishing west side from deans north and south 90 to 200 foot 35 to 70 down getting mix bag of fish . speed 2.4 to 3.2 . pink tuxedo cold uv a mi stinger spoon been doing the job well.. lakers like it too tho LOL. when i hit bait pods i work the hell out of them then move on to the next bait pod . speeding up and down when seeing marks making zig zag turns ... Good Luck
  4. sounds like drag to tight
  5. just don't use them . 50 lb fluorocarbon from dipsy to flasher
  6. think be the same in the morning . time to tip a few and sleep in
  7. i think that is awesome , sure i will be by to buy ......
  8. Screwy Louie's in Fair Haven is a scotty repair center 315 947 6348 they just might have a counter in stock .
  9. i set out about 10 feet so the dipsy starts to dig in and pull away from the boat . making sure the spin doctor and fly get pass the rigger .( my rods are 10 ft so it helps with the longer rod to pass the rigger) then i set the in the holder , as Sk8man said let out slow with the drag . the most important thing is the person at the helm keeps the lines straight behind the boat and don't make any turns while while deploying the dipsy
  10. https://graphical.weather.gov/sectors/bufMarineWeek.php weekend again ,,,looks a little bumpy for loc derby weekend .
  11. i ended up with 6 shorts LL and 1 keeper witch i cleaned it up , just can't say no to a LL meal. i too had trouble staying way from the lakers , had a lest 5, 6 hit at 2.6 to 2.8 all small 3 to 5 lb . had one hit on the 40 down rigger witch was the probe that read 57 degs over 150 fow . i will try to do better next time out . will try different waters been working the same side to long ...
  12. Les hope things are ok with med situation . i enjoyed sending pics of the fish and texting you on the lake . after last night going back and forth , i said i go cayuga and show you. LOL . i too ended up in the emergency room i came home and was doing chores and ended with a dislocated shoulder .. i am good to go again little sore but ok . (take more than a bad shoulder to keep me form king fishing ) so i would like to say thanks for the cable crimps sleeves . but it looks like you need them more than i
  13. hard to tell the best of best how to , i will have to show you
  14. zig zag
  15. dipsy and ball for me , seth green is another story 5 spoon off a main line
  16. yes, went out of the north launch on port bay the south end launch is closed. the road going in is a little rough in a short section after the last N wind a week ago . the state / dec patch it up a bit . i PM L&M and got some intell before hand. i too was wounding if i could get in there the ramp and dock are fine .i like the short distance to the lake so it was worth it to me . we went 7 for 7 on kings there as well. i too used this launch for spring time browns year ago and plan to use it more now that i know i can put my saber in there . you can be off sodus or fair haven with short run as well...
  17. lite spoons like ...mi stinger spoons , suttons spoons ,gambler rigs with cow bells , iron duke flies uv wild child work good . i haven't been fishing Seneca this year as much as past years , Cayuga has been on fire for me so been sticking to Deans cove . Good Luck
  18. no i don't have any chamberlins , i do have some walker release that i am going to give a try . Friday i got the blacks just right on Cayuga went to port bay Saturday and tightened them back up , back to Cayuga on Sunday and mess around with again . think keep the blacks for Ontario and the walkers for finger lakes
  19. how many lines are running solo . 3 is the max per the state . for LL there is a thread name slivers in the finger lakes,Sk8man tells how to get it done . i to battle with my blacks release. to tight cant tell if dragging fish to light they pop when i speed up then slow down then up again .
  20. Marsh creek i did n't know 5000 gallons of raw sewage spilled into marsh creek and into Seneca lake . yummy lake trout wounder if the city of Geneva will get fined ..
  21. i knew i was doing some thing right friday and sunday on cayuga lake
  22. x2 on deans no where to tie up to weigh fish , long pt would be better .
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