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Everything posted by fisherdude

  1. and cross lines , tangles , loss gear and white hair
  2. you are so right ..... was going to solo fish Thursday and things came up so didn't wake it out . looked at noaa last night and said i go in the morning . got up this morning and check noaa and the radar and seen it change from last night. with storms over Ontario and winds out of s sw at 15 knots . i really feel safe in my 23 1/2 foot saber with high sides but when the shyt hits the fan there is no one to save your ass when are solo fishing. sitting on the patio now and there is good 10 to 15 knot wind here at the house . glad i didn't go but still have that i am missing out felling , oh well the fish be there another day ....
  3. why is it that when derby comes so dose the high the winds
  4. nasty i will say , noaa saying could see 10 footers
  5. naigara river mess buffalonews.com/.../sewage-tank-discharge-alarms-niagara-falls-businesses-tourists/
  6. me neither , i will see if i learn something on this one
  7. looks like a nice week of weather till the week end again. big lake around a foot or less then 3 to 5 for the week end
  8. i heard on the radio some one got 27 lb Atlantic salmon, sure like to see that fish
  9. sodus was a zoo around 1 :30 to 2 i came in drop my buddy off on the side docks and then putter around when my truck trailer was backing in i came in and loaded in less than five mins . as crowed as it was it went like clock work , i was surprised .
  10. sure was nice on the lake today . we went out of sodus , fished deep 450 to 650 . went 8 for 8.. 7 king 1 steely . lot of small kings and 1 around 15 lbs . 80 foot down on the riggers did the job . dipsy 240 and 260 also took fish today . i think i do better on the bigger king when getting beat up from 2 to 3 footers . but did enjoy the ride with the tunes and a cold one ..
  11. i would test your down rigger cables for stray voltage . might be spooking fish . almost a year with out a fish not even a skippy some thing not right .
  12. sure , we will have to hook up . i am hooked on kings right now will fish cayuga when the big lake is mean .
  13. i don't used down riggers on the finger lake either . i like seth green rods , they cover more water column . then two dipsy on the 3 setting .
  14. i can see me getting stuck to the tape also yuck
  15. been taking fish on mag size spoon in yellow jeans gold and sliver cup , blue jeans sliver cup , carbon 14 , greasy chicken cold cup , frog glow halo glow gold cup . pro troll with uv pro am , spin doctors with hammer flies , .. taken fish from 140 to over 500 sure i will have to figure it out after this wind . might be a little bumpy but think it will turn less than a foot.. here is hopping any ways .
  16. there is a pubic boat launch just pass the first marina ( Arney's marina ) its idle speed in the bay but the boats are doing 5 to 6 knots. the salmon slam should be done , thinking should be a little less boats out after a long saturday .
  17. see they change the forecast N 5 to 15 knots waves 2 ft or less . the small craft advisory lifted and the tournaments on hold cause of the forecast friday witch had to be. safety first . just never know what mother nature we do . just read the SALMON SLAM is on .go getting um guy / gals
  18. i hear ya , i had a blazer that the lights came on when started . then i found out when the parking park was on they went out , but who use the parking park with auto trans
  19. i would to say when unloading or loading your boat in the dark and there is more than one ramp/ lane please turn off your head lights so you don't blind the guy trying back into the ramp next to you . a very simple thing to do it can make things run more smoothly...
  20. i am seeing for sunday NNE winds at 7 to 9 knots but that can change as we all know
  21. Sodus mid week hit the lake at 5 30 and went out following the charters . they set down in the inside water so i stop to take a look and there was bait and fish in 80 foot so started fishing . spoons on riggers with cheaters and one dipsy . i had 72 degrees on top and 50 degrees at 40 foot down . set one rigger at 35 and the other 55 foot, dipsy 220 foot of wire . in 170 fow took two hits on the dipsy and droop them both . so drop one rigger to 65 and soon later pick up a king on the cheater . a brown on the other rigger . trolled to 300 and back in to 250 when the rigger released and i landed a small king. so i ended the morning 3 for 5 . most of the boat started in the inside and ended out in 500 foot range . gator s/d with hammer fly on dipsy ,spoons that took fish was d and w greasy chicken and mi stinger blue jeans and wash a bunch more . i be back out tomorrow morning but i found my e z steer bracket to the i/o crack . i will get it welded up and be ready for sunday hope the lake don't get ruin with blow coming again . only pic today all cut up in small pieces and beer batter .
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