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Everything posted by fisherdude

  1. been a while cents i been to newfane . going to make the trip this year . think july be a little better than june , keep the reports coming .
  2. have a set of the rubber ones and they are getting old now they look fine but wounder how long they will last before they brake . i don't store them in the sun to try to keep them from rotting .
  3. you can get cut bait at bait shops a long the south shore of lake ontario . there are different name brands . you can buy it on line too but think it comes in bulk. some guys make their own but starting out i would just buy a pack of strips . check out A-TOM-MIK MFG meat rigs
  4. i am thinking it is going to stay high all summer long . come winter hope they get it down or we are going to do this all over again..
  5. you've gotta to know when to hold'em when to fold'em ...
  6. Bob sounds like you guys had a good derby nice report . Les wants a do over .
  7. is the salmon fishing slow down a bit there or they haven't move into olcott in numbers yet /
  8. the state don't work for us we work for to pay the state
  9. so do i we would stay at the camp grounds by night fish by day . last i knew the camp grounds were open are they still
  10. wrong side of the pond for me
  11. oh yeah you guys got it down nice walleyes congrats ..
  12. very nice eye ,bet taste good too
  13. sorry about the lost probe . i run 12 lb weights both side . maybe your cable had a kink in it . i am always looking that in my cables , if any cut it off and start new . about every two year i change out the cable on the probe rigger . as they get old they get weak ..
  14. hmmmm yeah that longer square end on the throttle rod made all the difference from half to full throttle . it is like paying full price to get half the job done ..
  15. thanks i have both . waiting for the flies from you and will be at again . the wild child uv fly been doing a grate job , boy does it light up once in the water nice job making that one thank agian Brian
  16. yes i did talk to mark he sent a me kit out right away . it called for cutting the factory throttle rod and i didn't want to that . that is why i ordered the master pro kit witch came with the bigger throttle rod . the 2 pic is the kit with factory rod the pic 3 is the factory rod the square end is short and the servo .couldn't open the throttle wide open and the rod the pro master comes with the square end is longer . pic 1 is the rod from pro master..
  17. that hard top looks different from what i am use to seeing , did you make it , if so looks like a nice job .
  18. be a nice walleye boat too.
  19. what spiny or pro troll do like to run with this fly just put an order in
  20. i think the itroll would be a top notch unit to have but didn't like you had to pay more cash to get the code to unlock the different programming it comes with witch put it over 500 bucks to get ( to much for me ) . the controllking hardware kit it comes with was incomplete to make my tohatsu open full throttle . i ended up buying a master pro kit to make thing run right . if had to do it again i go with master pro and get all parts to do the job the first time .
  21. i had the same thing happen to me . i put a new impeller kit in a alpha 1 . it ran and pump water on the muffs . when in the lake the thermostat gauge climbed pass where i knew something wasn't right ,back to trailer it went before overheat . when i took the water pump apart again found i used a wrong gasket witch closed off half a two part water port . once the right gasket was installed all was fine . the impeller kit came with multiply gaskets for different applications
  22. you are right , been on better dirt roads in the back woods ...
  23. the fish we caught yesterday are big and all have big full bellies . i wouldn't be surprised if we start see more lake trout in double digit range . nice report and congrats on the big laker...
  24. cayuga 6/10 rolling with bunches went to Deans cove to do some fun fishing after fishing seneca lake derby . we launch at 5:30 am and ran about 1 mile south and set up with what wind there was to the stern . when i put the kicker down i noticed the mounting pad to the kicker bracket was about broke in two .. i tied up a safe rope and went fishing . it started out slow and what fish were hitting wasn't staying hooked up . we turn to troll over to the east side above long point and pick a couple small LL and that was it till we hit 130 fow on the over side then it was lake trout for the rest of the day. we landed 12 lakers and lost about the same . we ended the day around 12 : 00 ,to day we used flasher flies , cowbells and spin glows and spoons . our speed was 2 . 2 and under . so we tied the hell out the kicker in the up position and hope for the best . the kicker is now off the boat and my friend is milling a new 2 inch aluminum mounting pad at is shop . maybe then i will be ready for the next bunch . also i caught a lake trout with what looks like puss sack above it eyes on both side the fish looked healthy , not sure what it was wrong with it .
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