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Everything posted by fisherdude

  1. Nice morning on the pond . Caught a few and lost none. Best spoon again was hijacks Cruisin for a Bruisin. I had it on the bottom leader on my rig rod. it was on the port side and it was the only rod firing .I Got in a conversation with my bud about the color of the spoon and being down 100 ft if fish can tell what color the spoon is . All I know I took it off the bottom leader from the port side and put it on bottom leader on the starboard side . The port side quit firing and the starboard side turned on. Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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  2. The last time I had some I got at Roy's marina. Here another way I'm sure you know Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. Probably the sentence will be same as last time ankle bracelet then be able to sit in his own bar and drink beer. Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Everyone on the lake this morning are thinking the same thing . Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. Gary D Rig Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. 29.25 lake trout wow Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Oh it went back as 10 little lampreys. [emoji106] Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Probably A Clash between marinas stivers and Seneca lake resorts. I think the derby needs Samson on board to continue in the future. Must have sucked for the people that rented cabins from them and then had to drive up to Geneva to weigh in a fish . It's to bad what a nice weigh station it would of made . Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. Over the rail and in the pail makes Stella a happy girl. 630 to 1130 fished from Dean's south half way to sheldrake cross over to just north of long pt and went north till it was time to pick up . Lost a few landed a few . I am getting concern with the lampreys seems I'm getting one attached to a fish on every trip..... [emoji848] Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. Cannot support a charter Captain /guide when he's been hauled into court not once but twice for poaching. Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. I talked to my cousin yesterday he has a 22 foot walk-around outboard he lives on stony creek said he hit bottom twice in last week and said the outboard was trim up . Also fishing sucks nothing but Lakers. Guess not his cup of tea .. Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. With prices of gas on the rise everything is going up in price. I got a letter from the lp company that supplies the house the lock-in price for next winner dollar twenty-five cents higher than this last winter. My buddies said it's going to be too expensive to go fishing. I wonder how much a charter is going to be if this doesn't stop...... our country has Shirley change from pre covid. Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. Idk looked like was done for . Would make lots of dog food . Probably end up at a fast food place lol Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. . Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. I filleted the fish out cook them off on a sheet tray chop them up added white rice and ground up carrots or peas Put into tupperware to store in refrigerator. Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. Tim sent ya a private messages .. Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. Last time I seen that dock the water was3 ft from the top today just 8 inches was from the top of it . When you own a old tub to fish from you dont get to concern when you bump the dock . But all caution must be taken when you got a beautiful Whaler Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. I got it thank you sir . Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. Fished 8 to 1130 . First time this season with my boat things didn't go as planned. When got into the boat from parking the truck I noticed the live well leaking. I worked on this issue last fall when I put the boat up for the winter. So I said the hell with it i am going fishing thinking it's not that bad . I took a ride to the east side to run the boat aways to make sure everything was good . Open the dog house up to check for any kind of leaks oil antifreeze ,water. Seen no problems . Got the kicker running and started to put a seth green with hijacks spoons out and then a dipsy with cow bells and gambler spin and glow. After Sitting at the helm for a while the bilge pump kicks on. Oh shyt, pulled the dog house had water up to the bottom of the oil pan . I was lucky the bilge pump was able to drain out the boat . the next hour I spent taking apart the live well and stopping to fight a fish . I found the drain line was off the fitting and water was pouring in through a half inch hose ,was able to put a small Phillips in the drain line and then tightening up with the hose clamp and that stop the water from coming in thank god . Pump out the boat and went back to fishing had 46 degrees water marking fish but not much in schools some but not what I expected. I trolled west to east till I box out with 5 Lakers witch was 5 for 8 . All the lakers were Hefty chunkers plan on turning into food for my dog . On the way home I came across a cow that had a harder time then me . Poor thing .... till next time Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. Thanks bud appreciate it Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. Looking to get a hold of the guy that paints the hijacks I tried a search couldn't find any information. Think he is around ovid .. Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. There is a pay box mounted to the wall of the store facing the the launch . Got me how you prove that you paid if ask or someone does a vehicle check . Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. There is an ample amount of parking available. But the marina is not free it's no longer part of the State Park $7 is the launching flee. ( I dont know if applies to the people that rented a cabin and a slip ) Which is cheaper than the Chamber of Commerce in Geneva they gets 10 and the marina at samson is way better launch . Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. . Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  25. Fished out of the Chamber of Commerce in Geneva.6:30 to 12:00 .ran down to bell Hurst and set up with 2 rig rods 1 pulling suttons and the other pulling hijack spoons . Had 41 degree water and blank screen on sonar . Started marking fish here and there around 90 to 100 down best screen was in 250 fow . 2 hours in took the first hit of the day ,landed a small laker and the skunk was out of the boat but turn out to be the only one for the day . Most of the time was spent was ball busting with friends and watching tic tock vids lol. Was first time out this year for me so was all good to be on the water with friends . Sent from my SM-A102U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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