We have land that borders up to county land which is all posted up tighter than a drum & we nor anyone can use this land! I agree we tax payers should be able to use it! What the hell is it for??
Sorry about that! lol You guys figure out the line & I'll vote for it! But it needs to include Albany & NYC. The experts claim 65% of the whole vote in the state comes out of NYC. Sorry to say but my latest NRA mag. says even if all the NRA members vote on election day it will not be enough for us to win!
I watched the debate & there was no or very little mention of the safe act. So much for good debating, I think all the questions & answers were previewed before as they all seemed to have notes to look at.
Agreed 100%. Everything east of rt.81 & south of rt.90 should be it's own state. Also saw on another site that King Andy might be pulling out of the race, but just a rumor & hear say! Would be great if it is true!!
pistol grip is not the only thing. Google "NY safe act" to see all the stupid things that make your guns illegal. Also King Andy has part 2 of the safe act ready to sign into law if he gets back in! & that is more restrictive yet! We won't be able to own a gun. Vote him out along with all the other anti gun reps.
Rumor says eyes are still being caught on Erie from Dunkirk to the PA. line. 80 - 100 fow 65 ft down. as of last wk. end. also good lake trout action a bit deeper. Check out DEC. lk. ERie fishing hotline for info.
Just cut at least 1 gill on either side & drag the fish in the water for awhile ( 5 min.) & it will bleed out. Put in the cooler, makes a big difference!
I use Super Tech TC W3 from wal-mart. $12.00a gal. I use to use all Yamaha TC w3 $48.00 a gal.(screw that) As you said reads, Looks ,smells feels & smokes the same. Been running it for a few yrs. now with NO problems. Same oil different packaging.
I use those pool noodles for spoons, stick baits, & wrap my worm harnesses around them & finish them off with a golf tee at the loop/ end. Tie them up under the gunnel, up out of the way & no worry about hooks for spoons & stick baits.
Anyone locate fish on Erie today ? 8/17/14 We plan on going out of the Catt. or Dunkirk tomorrow ? Any info. would help. Haven't been on erie for 2 months & I know the big blow the last few days most likely moved any hot spots. Thanks in advance.