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Everything posted by lineman49

  1. Change plugs every year, cap, rotor, wires every 2-3 years if no problem before that, remember you can't get out & walk home like a broken down car. jmo.
  2. Yea, I guess I need to read my own posts, lol. Also got an update from N. Y. X-bow coalition stateing that "We get to use the X-bow the last 14 days of the S.zone & the last 10 days of N.zone regular archery seasons."
  3. Doesn't really say & it also doesn't say if X-bows will be allowed in the regular archery season. I think you can find info. at "nycrossbowcoalition.com" They said more info. will be coming soon.
  4. Sure would be fun to try, but I think way to dangerous for me to get shot in the a$$ by someone .
  5. Ended up buying the Seaguar STS. Thanks
  6. FYI.; Got news this Am.; Pending approval of the 2014-15 State budget by the St. Legislature. The X-bow will be a legal hunting implement. The X-bow can be used for small game & big game seasons, any that include firearms. X-bow can also be used the last 14 days of the S.zone season & the last 10 days of the N. zone early bow season. Also the archery set back is 150' for archery equip. & 250' for the X-bow. Still no X-bow use for Suffolk & Westchester co.'s
  7. My crew didn't beleive the banana stories. I found some ,printed them out & they read them. No more bananas on the boat & fish in the box ! lol
  8. Same here, take care , the ice is melting & soon you'll be in your boat!
  9. Where are you going out of ??
  10. Was just in there 2 wks. ago buying other stuff, never thought of the fluorcarbon at the time
  11. Thanks for all the info. guys! I do know Vanish s^*ks
  12. Who makes the best ? Is there a diff. between the fishing line &/or leader material ? Thanks!
  13. Cool pics, thanks.
  14. A friend of mine used 1" styro. house insulation with the foil backing a few yrs. ago & it is still working fine.
  15. Gander prices are high on everything . I don't know why anyone shops there ? Even the things they put on sale are higher than other stores reg. prices There used gun prices are nuts too. jmho. I can't wait for the new Cabelas to open in Cheek. N.Y.
  16. I have been thinking about getting an airbrush kit & try to touch up or change colors on some old lures or wait to find the hot color for the yr. & paint some the correct color. Not sure if it would be worth it. A friend of mine bought "Livetarget lures" at $11- 15 for a 4" long lure. He lost one due to a bad knot & the second one broke in 1/2 when lifting a king out of the net. He hasn't bought any lately lol.
  17. Go to lowrance.com find "updates" , find your unit , down load to a sd. card, then into your unit. I beleive they take step by step you thru the whole process. or let your kids do it! lol
  18. Some times the GPS would work ,then it wouldn't. Same with the fish finder. Then it might be working fine & just go off by itself. I would then have to restart the whole unit from scratch.loosing all my wpts. Each unit had a diff. problem. Even Lowrance support couldn't figure them out. I rerouted the wires, isolated them, did everything Lowrance told me to do. Luckily I took out the extended warranty or I would have been holding my hand on my a$$! After the 4th. one they said "Maybe We have a problem"! & I upgraded to the HDS 7.(which has been around a while longer) as I said I have had good luck with the Hds 7 so far, knock on wood! At any rate I would advise taking the ext. warranty for at least a yr. West marine did the exchanges with no ques. asked but I did explain to them what each unit problem had/did at the time.
  19. I got a bunch of reef runners from them last yr. I think the most I paid for the big lures was $2.99 smaller lures were cheaper, they do have some good prices, like the old days! lol
  20. I had 4- Elite 7 hdi units on my boat last summer could not get a good one to work, ended up with a HDS 7 towards the end of fall fishing about 4 times useing it & had no problems with it so far , waiting to use it this spring with fingers X - ed. As of now I would not recommend the elite 7 & would take a good look at Garmins. J m $.02
  21. Lure prices are getting crazy. Spoons & stick bait we use to buy @ $2 - 4 bucks are now $5 - 8 bucks. Rapalas are higher yet! It seems like the Safe act effected the lures prices just like the ammo. prices! all is getting nuts. Almost cheaper to put gas in the trk. & boat ! lol
  22. I have a Hds 7 Gen.1& love it. I was told the gen 2 is the same other than the gen 2 has touch screen controls. Also told the electronics inside are all the same from the 4" - 12" only the screen size is diff. If you need to buy the x- ducer separate go for an Aimar p66 ='s more power & better pic.
  23. For sure, sometimes the shoreline winds up on the wrong side of the boat by the time the rigging is done!! big mess!
  24. I run all my lines (mono & braided I don't run copper) the same length behind the boat/boards. No matter which one releases I just move the others out when needed. Also I run the deepest line/lure closest to the boat. When a line releases hold the rod tip high & let it drift in behind & across the other lines until it is behind the boat & reel it in. I run 3-4 lines per board. Boards are 150-200 ft out from boat./mast. When reeling the boards in at the end of the day drive towards the board you want to bring in & reel in the tow line (ez) instead of fighting the pull of the board. Just my way of doing things. good luck.
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