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Everything posted by fishmandan

  1. Conesus area Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  2. Bought this unit 3 years ago and only used 6 times. Moved to the finger lake area and am getting out of chasing those silvers. This unit is currently attached to my alumicraft, it is 100% and comes with sun/rain cover. Asking $600 call 585-409-5550 thanks fishmandan! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  3. Awesome mount. Bill is doing a perch for me right now. Congratulations on the fish!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  4. Quick report 10 for 12. Mixed species, stick baits 10-16 fow east of creek. Water temp 44-46 scattered pockets of fish. Caught a nice brownie!! Fish please no!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  5. Sorry panfisher won't give up my spot that easy!!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  6. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  7. I don't think they have seen a lure all year. Who's knows where they've been but they sure are here now.
  8. Took my buddy out again since the fishing was so good Wednesday and the fishing was stellar! Lines set at 6:50 am. 2 dipseys, 2 riggers both stacked all with spoons except port side dipsey rod. Wasn't 10 minutes and the flurry began. Managed 6 major kings, 1 brownie, and a screamer that broke my fly off the spin doctor. Had 5 other hits we were unable to stick. Bite shut down at 10 again but we didn't mind. Everything took hits Mountain Dew crush blue dolphin out 220. Moonshine sea sick out 180. On the riggers get r done stacked low was 85. Glow frogs stacked on other rigger low was 72. Fish were in 110fow. Go get em guys have to work the weekend. Sure was nice having all those fish to our selves:)
  9. Great story great trip. I can fish right now so I'm going first light. Awesome report, love it!!!
  10. Took my buddy Justin(newbie)out for his first time on the big lake. Set up in 90 fow and headed east. Set first rigger at 70 with get r done 28 and took a brownie almost instantly. Landed a nice 6lber took some pics. After getting rods set we took another brown on same set up and a small king on sea sick mag down 85.Turned west for another pass and then it was on. 2 yr old king on white green dot spinny and fly. Reset hoping for a screamer. Sea sick fires at 85 rigger, I grab the rod and handed it off to justin and the line starts peeling. He was in awe of the power of these fish and I smiled and continued giving instructions. I turned the rpms down so he could enjoy the fight and then the 70 rigger fires with another screamer. Doubled up with big kings, gets no better than this. We landed both fish, both around 20lb mark. Worked the area east from 8- noon, 80-115 fow. Total 8 for 8. 4 kings 4 browns. Great weather, fishing, and company equaled another awesome trip on the big lake.
  11. First time out this year, new house and barn built. Darn good to be out again. Set up in 130 fow headed north with with a pretty bad screen all the way out to 350. Turned south and finally took a laker at 180 fow on sea sick 70 rigger. Reset and hit a steelie on get r done 50 rigger. Not 5 min later took a teener king on dipsey 180 back white green dots blue green dolphin fly. Worked that area for another hour without any more hits. Back at it in the morning. Another report soon to come
  12. Thanks again. Would figure it would b glass, but a north wind is always deceiving.
  13. Fished yesterday and went 11 for 12 on decent kings and steelies. 90-120 fow straight out and east a mile. Ton of fish in that range. Riggers good 25 and 55. Dipseys fired at 180 and 240. Lots of bait and lots of willing biters. Post a report to let us know how u did. Good luck, hope the winds stay down for you.
  14. Still for sale I will take it
  15. Fished from 7-11am with a lake o newbie from work today. I think he is hooked. Started out front in 120 fow (after running back in for dr balls) with two divers and two riggers. Diver rods at 240 and 220(white green dots/mt dew crush both home made flies), riggers from 70-90(mag sea sick/mag get r done). Never had to make a lure change, the bite was hot and consistent. Went 6-10 and dropped a few at the boat. Breakdown- 3 kings 2 steel 1 brown. Never made it past 160 fow. Current strong and debris/weeds/ fleas nasty but dealt with them working a great screen. The fish are hungry and I can't wait to get back out but next time in derby mode. Here r a few pics, kings in the mid teens.
  16. Nice report. Glad to hear someone's catching kings
  17. Do I know u ? R u friends with beaver, I think he was talking about you. Ttyl
  18. That's not me that's my buddy. Im in camo shirt Tried to tell him to take the slack out of the line but u know, can only tell someone so many times. If he doesn't want to listen oh well.
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