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Everything posted by cransy

  1. Mercury 9.9 HP 4 Stroke 2005. Motor has new kill switch, water pump, module, carburetor. Watkins Glen area. $ 950.
  2. I have lived on Seneca since the 70's. This year is the first time I have seen minnows in shallow water in 18 years. Why, because there has been very little rain this year. No chemical from farms and winery entering lake to kill them. This lake has other problem too and I just which the DEC could monitor the chemicals entering the lake. Seneca also gets the chemicals from Keuka farms and wineries. This lake will never recover in my lifetime. I hope I'm wrong.
  3. I have a Johnson 5.5 HP with tank for sale. It ran 5 years ago but haven't tried it since. This motor is a antique. $150.00
  4. I have a Johnson 5 1/2 hp 1954 green with tank. Was running last year. Come and get. Will sent photo if interested. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. 1954 Johnson 5 1/2 hp motor with tank. Engine runs! $150.
  6. hanging down buddy
  7. D he can't pull a bow back! too nervous
  8. NY farms around there
  9. Sure is!
  10. town of reading near Watkins glen
  11. father of 15 pointer
  12. 15 pointer
  13. I talked to the dec last week and they told me they can't get through the lock system into the Seneca. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. None in Seneca lake yet! Sent from my Nexus 5X using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. http://www.fltimes.com/news/something-s-fishy-seneca-lake-anglers-worried-about-lower-fish/article_ff95a77a-40b6-11e6-afb5-d3d339d2f86f.html Sent from my Nexus 5X using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. YesSent from my Nexus 5X using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. text your number and I will sent pictures
  18. Yes they work and are older ones.
  19. Two cannon electric downriggers for $ 200 total firm.
  20. Save Seneca Lake does not have a hand in this. I have no use for the wineries because there's a bad accident every week on one side of the lake or the other and people are being airlifted the hospitals. Because of drinking at our wineries. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. https://youtu.be/pd2un1HQtlw Sent from my Nexus 5X using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. Fact Sheet What’s in Your Wine?  People like to think of wine as “just grapes.†But there is a lot more in your wine glass than fermented grapes. For example, yeast is added to aid fermentation. Salts, sugars and acids may be added to control and direct the fermentation process. When we compare the differences between organically-certified wine, wine made with organic grapes, and conventionally-made wine, we need to look at how many chemicals are added and where they come from. Small amounts of compounds called sulfites are present in all wine, whether it is certified organic, made with organic grapes, or conventionally made. Sulfites, used as a preservative, can be added to all wines at the discretion of the winemaker, even in very small amounts to organically-certified wine. When making conventional wine, literally hundreds of chemicals can be and are used, not just added sulfites. Some conventional winemakers add sugar, oak chips and flavor agents. On the other hand, (or in the other glass) wine that is certified organic is allowed to have about 70 chemicals added to it, including organic and naturally occurring acids, salts, and enzymes. However, unlike in conventionally produced wine, any chemical used in a certified-organic wine cannot have an adverse effect on the environment or on human health as defined by the Food and Drug Administration. Source: The National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances, issued by the National Organic Program (NOP). Out in the fields where wine grapes are grown, the differences between organic and conventional wine are a lot easier to explain. Conventionally-grown wine grapes can be treated with synthetic pesticides, fungicides and insecticides. Organically-grown grapes cannot be treated with any synthetic pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, or fertilizers. According to the California Department of Pesticides Regulation, in 2010 25 million pounds of pesticides were applied to conventionally-grown wine grapes in California. That was a 19% pesticide increase from the year before. Conventionally-grown wine grapes received more pesticides than almonds, table grapes, tomatoes or strawberries. Insecticide use increased by 34% and acreage treated with sulfur, a fungicide, increased by 21%. The Pesticide Action Network (PAN) classifies about a million pounds of those chemicals dispersed on wine grapes as “bad actors,†meaning that they are known or probable causes of cancer, are neurotoxins, or groundwater contaminants. Roundup, a herbicide, is widely used on wine grapes in conventional farming. A recent studyhas linked Roundup with health dangers, including Parkinson’s, infertility, and cancers. In 2010, more than 400,000 pounds of Roundup (known as Glyphosate to the trade) were applied to wine grapes.  What Levels of Pesticides Actually End Up in Your Wine? There have been several studies that have that examined pesticide persistence in wine grapes. According to pesticide studies most often cited by scientists, fungicides, when applied in the fields, tend to dissipate in the grapes and are present in varying levels in finished wine. While pesticides such as mepanipyrim, fluazinam and chlorpyrifos were not detected in the finished wine, pesticides such as myclobutanil and tetraconazole persisted during the winemaking process. Some pesticides such as azoxystrobin, dimethoate, pyrimethanil were extremely persistent. In fact, their residual concentrations in bottled wine were similar to initial concentrations on the grapes. Is the Pesticide Dosage Harmful in Conventionally-Made Wine? Researchers try to assess pesticide exposure by means of two measurements. One is called the No Observed Effect Level (NOEL), which is the highest dose of a chemical that does not provide an adverse biological effect. The other is called the RfD or reference dose. RfD, which is derived from NOEL, is an estimate of the daily lifetime exposure of a chemical on the human population, including sensitive subgroups, which is not likely to cause harm. The EPA uses RfD as a reference point from which to gauge the potential effects of chemicals at varying doses. According to studies in 1996 and 2000, out of 12 fungicides commonly used on wine grapes, six of them may persist in the finished wine in amounts that exceed the safe reference dose. Among the nine pesticides commonly used on wine grapes, five of them exceeded the safe reference dose, and three exceeded both the safe reference dose and the NOEL. Among the eight remaining pesticides most commonly used on wine grapes, three exceeded the safe reference dose determined by researchers. A study found that European wines were also systematically contaminated with pesticide residues. Decanter magazine reported that ninety percent of French wine samples contained traces of at least one pesticide. It’s important to note that pesticide levels detected in the wines tested were “below threshold levels of toxicity,†the European researchers said. But they also pointed out that “we should not forget that it is not the consumers who are most impacted by this, but the vineyard workers who are applying the treatments.†No pesticides are ever added to certified organic wine grapes. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. What about all the chemicals from the wineries and farms going into our Lake. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. There are thousands of dead bullheads on the shores of lodi and Dresden. What is going on?
  25. Thanks guys for the help. Going to Barrett marine.
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