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Everything posted by eric_trites

  1. Give me a call if you still have 8025587861 Eric
  2. I still have digitrolls new price$300 Planer mast $50 9.9 Merc $1500 AssortedSpoons Flashers Tackle Fish Hawk Radio LMS350Afishfinder Side Planer Boards Rods Reels Willing to sellor trade8025587861 Leave # Eric
  3. Do you still have boat ?
  4. I have retired from Lake O I have most anything you would need to get started for cheap Give me a call 8025587861 Eric
  5. YES I still have digitrolls I live in Vermont I will ship at your expense Eric 8025587861
  6. pair cannon digitroll2 1 needs knob and washers other is 100%worked good they need bases $500 Plainer mast with reels needs base $150 leave message 8025587861
  7. eric_trites

    Sold / Closed 19 ft Starcraft Islander

    1995 Islander for sale Runs very well Cosmetics fair With trailer $3600 802-558-7861
  8. HI Ihave a19ft Starcraft Islander 1995 I live in Bennington Vt $3500 . If you dont want to buy perhaps you might want to take a ride to ontario Eric
  9. Hi I have a 95 Starcraft Islander Runs great cosmetics not so hot Ilivein Bennington Vt. If you would like to see or discuss ERIC
  10. I have interest Where is boatlocated to look at / Eric
  11. Is boat still for sale? Test run? Eric
  12. Hi Ihave a94 Islander for sale Iwas asking $5600 but am told too much so dropping price to $4600. This boat is a 19 ft Engine rebuilt5years ago . Runs great professionly maintained floors are solid cosmetically needs to be buffed up but fishes like achamp Never seen salt water Used in lake Ontario almost exclusivelyGive me a call 8025587861 Eric
  13. Try new plugs Filter for fuel at carb and coming out of tank I also put in a water seperator filter You can adjust idle screw on carb . Use 89+octane fuel and Merc fuel treatment Mine idels all day at1.6mphsmoothley Eric
  14. DO you still have this for sale? Send phone number Eric
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