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Tony G

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Everything posted by Tony G

  1. I heard they are considering the Goby color for the longs for next season...
  2. Just emailed Bay Rat about getting me some Goby Rats...
  3. I have some Convector 30DS that I spooled with wire to use on dipsy rods and I may know your problem as I see an issue with mine as well. With the retrieve so fast the instant you get a little slack and the line unwinds a bit it is pretty far from the levelwind guide and the jerky feeling is the line catching up to the guide. If you reel in or let out evenly, it will start fine, at least as it applies to mine that is the case, I am thinking the 6.2 to1 is a bit much, we will see once we get to Wilson.
  4. Just got way more pumped for our Wilson trip in a couple weeks.
  5. Thats what I see as well.
  6. You guys are depressing me, looking at Modis looks like the ice is broken up and losing ground fast, we are having warm temps everyday but they seem to not be doing as much damage to the ice as myself and many others had hoped. Looking at the camera there in Buffalo it shows not much ice there, and yesterday there was much more. I never paid much attention to this Erie thing before. I am anxious for a good trip to Wilson for the LOC.
  7. Modis cloudy but late yesterday seemed to be mostly slush, we have got to be getting down there in ice coverage.
  8. Soon it won't matter when they remove the boom, she is going to be ice free by mid-week!!!
  9. I see the big O is warming up a little with good weather ahead. Anybody know offhand what the temps where in '12@'13 for the spring LOC??
  10. So my team lives in Rochester, but we usually fish the Wilson area in the spring LOC, we missed last year and could not get out for the LOC, I always check the results and it does appear the West end produces the winners pretty regularly, even back when the derby was earlier and only 4 days the West was always dominate. Now with the recent weather some are wondering if we should save some money and sleep in our own beds and fish this year from the Genny?? for the record we have always done better in the west end, we tried Rochester for years, but never caught a money fish till we went West.
  11. 1/0 will work fine, get the Gamakatsu 2X strong and never lose another fish.
  12. Salmon are sight predators, sight predators need light to see.
  13. My team has caught several Lakers near the Bar during the spring derby that where near or at 20lbs, we weighed them to try for fish of the day, they where still alive so we said "what the hey, lets release it" which we did and they swam away. This has happened with more than one fish over the years, I guess its possible in a few years someone may catch one and it could be winning size, but they already have gill plate punches, what then??????
  14. I have had awesome results with P-line Fluoroclear , we spool it onto our reels but we do use the heavier versions, the 25lb clear. Never had any trouble at all with this co-polymer line. Strange that you guys are not liking it.
  15. Well my team and I fished out of Wilson for the last 3 days, usually starting around 6:30am and quitting about 12pm-1pm. We had a good time and for once our strategy worked. On Friday we went 11 for 10 with 3 Kings 18lbs-20lbs. Saturday we had a first timer on board, the 11 year old son of one of the team, we let him land a 12lb King, he was excited but when he saw us catching the bigger ones he wanted no part of that,LOL!! anyhow we threw him into the lions den and handed him a rod that was attached to a 19lber, he worked his butt off and had a little help but he landed it, to bad it was a few ounces short of entering it in the youth division. Today we got 2 over 20lbs but there where many more boats in our target area slowing the bite down. Green Double Crush Spinnies with Glo-Green flies where the hot set-up. I urge you guys to give the Gamakatsu trebles a try, I re-tied all our flies with 2X strong 1/0 size Gamakatsu's, let me tell you when a fish is hooked with those it is hooked for good. All in all we caught about 25 Kings, 2 Cohos, and a 10 pound Steelhead in 3 mornings with 15 of the Kings being between 18lbs - 23lbs, every single fish released to fight another day.
  16. It is most certainly the Torpedo diver that I was looking to research, Thanks.
  17. It was tubular shaped and I thought the line went threw the middle of it.
  18. Last spring after the Pro-Am I was reading about some new type of diver that the winning boat was using, As I only fish the spring LOC because of a busy schedule with my other passion, racecars, I have forgotten the name of the product. Any help with helping me find this item would be appreciated.
  19. Well Greg it is nice to hear you will be getting out as well. We rarely are on the radio on our boat, you have my # text me so I can get yours and we can keep tabs what is happenning. It only takes one fish...
  20. Ok so it has been wetter than normal, maybe the water temp is a few degrees cooler than last season. Am I crazy for wanting to start my LOC derby fishing in the red can area?? board fish have always come from this area. Last season 15 minutes after setting up in about 160' of water caught a 15lber, then a 19lber 10 minutes later. I saw the eventual derby winning boat troll right by me and wave hello minutes before he hooked up. My boat is starting out in that area.
  21. Ok I see a new website, but no leaderboard area. Anyone know when the derby is running if we will be able to get up to date info on the boards?? it was very cool the last few years to access the leaderboard and see what was going on. Also helped with deciding on wether to release a fish or weigh it in.
  22. Fisherman's friend has some nice stuff as well.
  23. Just got of the phone with my last remaining team member, going to be like old times, just him and I are going to make a go of it. We did it like this for years as young adults till we got a bigger boat. Its going to limit the rods in the water, and make landing a good fish in traffic challenging, but we are up to it. See you guys out there between Olcott and the Bar. We will be on the "Fiasco".
  24. Well we have a pretty good tournament team, 4 guys been together awhile, two older guys, two young guys. Everybody has a job and does it well, we have been successful and had alot of fun. One of the older guys is having a tough time with a recent shoulder surgery and cannot get out this spring. The other senior member is in poor health and has to pass as well. I recruited a guy for this spring but he had to cancel last minute. Looks like our boat may miss the spring LOC, I am bummed about this. Last year we boated the 5th place Salmon, in years past we won the Laker division, and got a 3rd in the Steelhead as well. I really hope this is not the end of it. Once you break the cycle it is never the same.
  25. With the size of fish being taken this spring, and the amount of forage out there for them to keep packing on the pounds, I am thinking that a 50lb king may be taken this season. Anyone else think this is a possibility???
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