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Everything posted by TrstNadie

  1. Please send all emails and calls to the number below, as I am posting this for my father who is older and not very internet savy. 19ft Bayliner Trophy w/ binimi top (grey), 120hp merc motor, you mix the oil/gas yourself, center console Trailer is a 97 escort LRKELC@Aol.com or call Les 315-593-2612 Boat is currently located in Volney and was only put in the lake once this year (ran fine), and a couple times last year.
  2. I am trying to save up to upgrade our downstairs wood floors for my wife for Christmas. We're having a baby in 4 weeks and the bills are piling up! Anyway this is a craigslist link to what I am selling: http://syracuse.craigslist.org/spo/4189067721.html Recap 2x shoe sz12 chest waders 2x 7 ft long Ugly Stick Rods 2x Reels 1x blue Bass Pro Shops USCG approved vest email me at fed_kelso@yahoo.com as I check here less frequently.
  3. Have you dropped shiners/minnows around 40-50-fow outside oswego w/ any luck? I have been catching a few 12"+ in the river on worms while walleye fishing, but I have never heard of any reports of big perch being caught out of Oswego. Just wondering before I go out and buy a couple dozen minnows.
  4. I saw a guy bring up a stringer of perch from the kiddie pool in Oswego (behind the Ritz restaurant/Larrys Bait shop) about 2 months ago. Its going to be almost 50 degrees saturday and I would like my girlfriend to catch some fish this time! My boat is in storage so we have to shore fish. Does anyone know if Perch are still found in the river or at least in Wrights Marina so we can fish from shore?
  5. Asking $40 Worn Once, perfect condition. Text or leave msg 315-402-8811 I can deliver if within reason. I am in Oswego and travelto Syracuse for work.
  6. My depth finder stopped working so I don't really want to travel the lake much. I'm taking boss fishing for bass and want him to have a good time. I'm not familiar with this lake but I'm launching at Oneida shores tomorrow. Anyone know the lake well enough to know if there's bass in the area, if we drift minnows? I can't get to the east end unfortunately [ Post made via iPhone ]
  7. Silly question but are you fishing at night? [ Post made via iPhone ]
  8. I want to fish the river in Fulton for perch and/or pike in the morning. few years ago someone pulled 13lb pike out of Ox creek. Does anyone know how I can get back there with a boat? I have a 20' bayliner so I would need a launch.
  9. Are there Northerns in the Oswego area? I've trolled the weedbed inside wrights landing....and along shorelines with no luck.
  10. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): 5/23 Time on Water: 0730 Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: 1-2 foot Surface Temp: Location: oswego harbor LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 1 Total Boated: 1 Species Breakdown: 1 brown 13lbs Hot Lure: Rapala black/silver size F15ish Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: 20feet Lure Depth: 5-9feet ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== For the life of me I cannot remember the name of the Lure, but I got it at Dicks and it looks like a Shad. The lure is about 7-8 inches long and was black/silver/white. I was just outside the light house when the brown hit. weighed in at 13 lbs. I dont have down riggers so I have to flat line or add sinkers when required. This lure dives to 8 or 9 feet. I fished until about 1000, then back out around 5pm until dark. No more hits. I was going to ask if the browns are still up in the shallows. Perhaps this was an oddball fish.
  11. I landed a 10.6 lb Wally on west, yes west, side of river by the Colemans restaurant just walking the wall w shad raps. Lots of smallies too. Missed two wallies there too. Weekends have lots of boats trolling the river but I heard they were having luck shoreline trolling as well [ Post made via iPhone ]
  12. Caught about 25 smallies between my buddies and I for about 1.5 hours on the water. I landed a 4lb, beautiful fish. We caught a couple 2- lbers and the rest were decent 1-2lbers We're using live minnows and shad raps (silver/black) fishing 5-8 foot of water. Time of day was about 1pm. We fished 40 FoW in the morning with hours of NO action. Moved in to try the last of our minnows along the shallows where there is structure/rocks. Best fishing all year long. Not sure how helpful this report will be though as the bass will probably disappear like they did last year when the Salmon start coming in to the harbor.
  13. Has anyone ever fished the weedbeds inside the Oswego Harbor area for Pike? It is loaded with perch and I have fished the area for bass but never see any pike. I have seen pictures on here from areas like Fari Haven with some real gators. I have the equipment, where are the fish!
  14. Can I use pike shiners (large minnows) or is there a law against it? Since I am without downriggers at the moment I was thinking about dropping a sinker about 10 ft above a large minnow and dropping down in the 40-80 zone for browns or the 150ish zone for salmon and just drifting....
  15. I took some time to show off my artistic ability in this diagram below. What happens is when I make a left in to my spot I end up at the spot to the right where the other boat is noted. That spot used to be empty but now there is a boat there so I am worried about hitting him. I used to have an old Invader with no top, and it turned on a dime. I haven't had a chance to get out there yet and take off the binimi top on my bayliner trophy, to see if it makes a difference. In the meantime thanks for the tips, I will def check out youtube!
  16. I have caught two smallies so far out of oswego area. Havent been out too much but the bite doesnt seem as hot as previous years. I think they are stuffed on golbies.
  17. Open of course. I have to make a left turn in to where my slip is...and now there is a boat on my right. Usually I end coming in to far to the right so I am worried of hitting the other boat. It seems even in 5mph wind this happens. I tried finding instructional HOW TO videos for parking a boat in a slip to see if I was doing something incorrectly but I am thinking now the open binimi top is making twice as hard for me
  18. Do these tops make the boat harder to control, or is it just that I am THAT bad? There is always some wind on Lake Ontario, and I have a lot of trouble parking my boat at my slip.
  19. That fog was around for two days and was disgusting. Glad to hear no one got hurt! [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  20. Thurman - In the river you kind of need to be on the east side behind the hotels. I was down there a few nights within the past few weeks and wallies were being caught there. When the water is lower I sometimes walk a shad rap up and down the west side wall...I landed a 10.2 lber there last June around 4am. Bass and GIANT rock bass will also hit rapalas and shad raps there. With the water level and retarded highs right now I'm not sure how well that walking the wall tactic will work.
  21. What about the trolling motors at walmart priced around 198.99.....I was a little timid using those on the big O.
  22. Catching up on some trolling jargon...When I see ppl speaking about leads they mean running a 10-20' line from lure to a swivel as your lead, then your main line connects to other end of swivel?
  23. I'm new to this type of fishing. I would assume you hang trolling bags on each side of your boat, maybe a foot under water but not so much line that it'll get around your prop? You wouldn't suspend wit fishing line I wouldn't think so could i use a thin dock line attached to the railing on each side of my boat?
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